Kabuterimon's electro shocker

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The kids were now walking in a open valley with some trees behind them they were exhausted after a long walk "we've passed this place before"said sora who noticed the area "you mean we walked all the way around the planet?!"said joe "this just can't be"said Mimi as she fell to her knees hands on the ground because of course she did since she was the one who complained all the time "I can't walk that far can I?"she asked "I'm so tired"she wasn't the only one palmon was beside her looking down exhausted gomamon tried to walk but he breathed heavily tongue out behind him t.k was also tired looking down mouth open he painted then he fell on his bottom hands on the ground eyes closed patamon saw this and flew to him "unh! My feet are hot!"said t.k.
Tai,Matt,sora,and joe all saw them on the ground so they needed to take a break for a while luckily they were under a tree so there's some shade "looks like we're taking a break"said matt although it was obvious "well it's not like we have some place to be"said sora tai then turned to them "I guess you're right there's no reason to hurry"he said.
Izzy took out his laptop and opened it "check it out i bet he's trying to e-mail the aliens"joked matt izzy typed some buttons on it to see if he could turn on his laptop "maybe he's asking to them to beam him up"joked tai as well izzy sighed "still crashed and the warranty's expired"he said then tai came to him took his laptop "hey Izzy I know how to get it to boot up you just gotta give it a couple of subtle adjustments"he said as he slapped the laptop multiple times izzy did not like that very much swinging his arms around "hey quit it! Are your brain cells malfunctioning?"he yelled as he grabbed his laptop tai just looked at him "gosh you're acting like I'm hurtin' the dumb thing"he said sora just stared at tai eyebrow raised "too bad your brain isn't as big as your hair"she said "maybe Izzy doesn't want grimy fingerprints and dents all over his computer"
"Huh? Humph!"said tai as he crossed his arms then tai noticed something "whaa hey look do you guys see that smoke over there?"he asked and sure enough there was gray smoke ahead of them mimi and t.k were still tired along with palmon Matt and joe looked at each other while gabumon and gomamon looked at their respective partners "I'll go check it out"said tai he then ran toward "hey tai wait for me"said agumon as he ran after tai "the attention span of a gnat"said joe looking at tai and agumon running to the smoke "oh whatever"said Matt Izzy was still typing the buttons until ding "ahhh"he said amazed in the laptop there was a white screen in the white screen there was onion like things it appeared to be a loading screen "we got graphics we got sound"said Izzy "beautiful up and running"he smiled at the sight because he is always on his computer after all then he noticed something on the right side of the screen it was his battery with an electric spark in the middle and his battery was almost dead "but it indicates the battery needs recharging"he said as it flashed repeatedly "uhh, that's odd" "hey everybody get over here quick!"tai called to the others "huh?"izzy said and just like that the group were now going to where tai was in the smoke "we're coming tai"called sora as they ran after tai.
Tai and agumon were standing on the ledge of a cliff where it looked like it would be a long fall but what did tai called them for that was the main question.
Once they got to where tai was the group was speechless they gasped under the cliff was and old factory with water behind it "it looks like some kind of factory"said joe "let's hope they can manufacture a for us to get home"matt said.
the group continued to stare at the factory in awe then they went down the edge and at the entrance of the factory"hmm I wonder what they make in there"said joe "I don't know but wouldn't it be great if there's a manufacturer's outlet store they always have killer deals"commented mimi the group then went inside the factory "don't ask me how but there doesn't seem to be anybody here"said matt the group was walking deeper into the factory on the side of them were gears normal gears not the flying ones that was in meramon at the yokomon village "there's got to be someone running the equipment"said sora "we'll I don't know it appears to be doing quite well all by itself"said Izzy tai then stared at the gears in the factory.
Then Matt and t.k stared at a metal part as it slid over then it stopped then robotic arms stared putting different parts on the piece of metal t.k turned to his brother "matt what are the machines making?"he asked as the metal part slid away matt turned to t.k "you got me maybe parts for robots or spaceships"he said as another metal part slid to the part where the metal arms added parts "somebody's gotta be movin' those belts"said joe as he stared up at the ceiling then he turned to the others "and people gotta eat so is there a cafeteria in this place cause we can really use a good meal"although that didn't attract anything but it could have attracted another aggressive Digimon.
The children and digimon decided to split up so tai,agumon,sora,biyomon,joe,and gomamon walked on way deeper into the metal factory walking on a floor with holes in it like you would see in a playground they were on a metal bridge walking "hello! Is anybody here?"he called but there was no answer "wait a minute don't go any further in this direction"biyomon said they stopped "what's wrong with this direction?"asked joe "it's just as good as any other direction isn't it?" "No way!"said Biyomon again.
The group then turned to biyomon "why is that Biyomon?"asked sora "I'm not sure I heard something"said biyomon the gasped and looked around "yeah?"asked joe what did Biyomon hear then there was a rumbling sound "aah!"they all said "doesn't sound good to me"said tai it must've been another aggressive Digimon.
Meanwhile on another side of the factory matt,gabumon,t.k,patamon,Izzy,tentomon,and mimi and palmon were in the front of a brown door with a sign that said power supply "I say we go inside and have a look around"t.k said Matt opened the door and gasped at the sight izzy and tentomon ran in first "aah!"said Izzy with awe "whoa digits a battery like that could run my computer forever"said Izzy as he looked at the giant battery "I wonder if there's  a way to access its power"he said again.
Back with tai,sora,joe,agumon,biyomon,and gomamon were running down a metal hallway to the source of the noise then agumon stopped and then pointed at another hallway at the side of the one they were running in "hey!"he called the group then went back to agumon and looked at the hallway "huh?"they said on the other side of the hallway was a robot with a giant metal part on him "what do you suppose happen to him?"asked tai "who knows? But let's see if we can help"said sora the group "it's just a busted robot"said tai "it's not a robot it's andromon"said gomamon "what?! This big klunk is a Digimon?"asked tai andromon was a mechanical Digimon with a humanoid body structure roughly 3/4 of its body is covered in chrome armor his right leg has little to no armor at all leaving his pink wiring exposed he wears a skull-like helmet that conceals his brain "yes and very much advanced"said agumon as the metal thing that was on andromon it was a bunch of gears "poor thing I guess he got caught in the gears and that's how he got mangled"said biyomon "maybe if we work together, we can pull him out of there"said sora although it could be a bad idea andromon could be a good or bad Digimon "'my mom really doesn't want me moving any heavy objects I got bad knees"said joe sora turned to joe "relax we'll do it"she said as joe and tai turned to her tai nodded "right"he said then he and sora went to andromon "hey!"said joe but tai and sora were already trying to help andromon.
Meanwhile with the second group izzy was already touching the huge battery with his hands and he was trying to find a way to plug it to his laptop the group just stared at him "what are you doing Izzy?"asked Matt Izzy then turned to him "I'm trying to tap into this power source"he said "if I could get this baby to fire up then we can use my computer to get some help"he then to the battery.
Meanwhile with the first group they each grabbed on of andromon's arms tai and agumon grabbing one arm while sora,joe,biyomon,and gomamon grabbed his other arm the pulled with all their might "I think it's moving"said tai even though andromon was not moving tai pulled again as hard as he can but then he slipped and he fell on a lever.
Then the gears were moving "hey s-something's happening"said joe "he's coming lose"he said but while they didn't notice another black gear went into his leg the group continued to pull andromon out and the successfully got andromon out of the gears "yay!"they all cheered.
Andromon grumbled his eyes were closed they all stared at andromon "i think he's slowly coming to"said agumon "he needs a couple of whacks for a jumpstart"said tai as he raised his fist about to hit him "no!"shouted sora as she and joe grabbed tai's fist to restrained him from hitting andromon then agumon whacked andromon's heads with his claw the others just stared at agumon then andromon woke up "I am andromon"he said in a metallic voice while sora looked at andromon joe was talking to tai "there's a movie where a robot came to life and ate everyone"joe said little did they know andromon was scanning the children the scanner landed on sora first "he looks friendly enough and I'm sure if we're nice to him, he'll be nice to us"said sora the suddenly andromon grabbed sora's leg she gasped andromon stood up with sora upside down due to him grabbing her leg "forget what I said about him being friendly!"she called "I shall punish alien intruders"said andromon "andromon is one of the most powerful Digimon of all his body is a tireless machine capable of almost anything"said gomamon tai saw this so he took matters into his own hands "let's give him all we got"he shouted biyomon flew up "spiral twister!"shouted biyomon as she did her attack of spiral green flames andromon turned to biyomon the attack landed on his back due to him being made out of metal it had no effect he then threw sora at tai and agumon she yelled before tai and agumon caught her "unh!".
Andromon walked to them joe and gomamon just watched him "too bad we didn't catch him on a good day watch out!"Joe shouted "maybe it is a good day"said gomamon joe looked at gomamon and pointed at andromon "this is not good"he said.
Andromon continued to walk to tai,sora,agumon,and Biyomon "well tai what do we do now?"agumon asked hurriedly tai looked at the ceiling and got an idea then he looked at agumon "agumon how about trying to blast the roof?"he said "mm-hmm"said agumon he looked up at the there at the ceiling we purple metal plates once andromon was under the metal plate agumon shot out a fire ball the attack landed on the rope it then burned off andromon looked up "huh?"the metal plates then landed on andromon temporarily containing him "unh!"he then groaned as he tried to get back up joe went to tai and sora's side "boy he's gonna have one ugly headache"said tai "no doubt"said sora "now let's get out of here"said joe as they all ran to the hallway they came from.
Meanwhile with the other group watched as the factory built more metal things with metal arms "this place would be a lot more interesting if there was a tour guide to explain it"said Mimi "maybe with a little plaid outfit and a bullhorn"as the more metal things were being built.
At at the power battery Izzy was still trying to find a way to charge his laptop "aha! I've located an access panel to the interior operations"he said he then opened a panel he then took a peak inside then he fully went in he was amazed at what he saw"hey! Let me see Izzy"said tentomon as he barged in it was a strange room with weird symbols everywhere on the walls izzy and tentomon walked to the center "what exactly do you think this is?"asked tentomon "these markings are binary annotations of some sort"said Izzy "a computer program"
Izzy and tentomon went to the wall to the symbols izzy just stared at them "a very complicated program indeed"he said izzy then placed his hand on a strange symbols and it was like a white board marker it just went off.
Meanwhile with the others due to Izzy wiping off that strange symbol the power went off causing the building of the metal things to stop working.
Meanwhile sora,tai,joe,agumon,biyomon,gomamon were still running away from andromon painting then the power went off they stopped running "hey who turned out the lights?!"asked tai "I break out in hives in the dark"said joe behind them a deep low growl was heard they turned around "what was that?"asked joe worriedly in the darkness were 2 glowing eyes "I hope it isn't andromon"said sora "it might be a good plan to keep moving so we don't have to find out"said tai "well I'm for that"said joe because he was afraid of everything "or we could just stay here frozen till the monster gets us"said tai again andromon then walked slowly to them althoughhe didn't know they were there"let's sneak away"said sora then andromon's eye glowed they turned around to sneak away "can anyone explain we are tiptoeing instead of running for our lives?"asked joe although they are gonna have to because andromon scanned the area and spotted the kids "intruders sighted and andromon doesn't like intruders lighting blade!"said andromon as he fired a blade of energy from his arm module.
The kids tuned around huh?"and they saw the attack going for them they yelled then they went to the left side of the hallway then they fell to the ground as the attack hit the wall.
Meanwhile back at the battery Izzy sat down his laptop opened "that was a smooth move izzy scratch that theory"he said to himself tentomon was at the panel of the battery "could I possibly deleted the wrong program?"asked Izzy tentomon then turned to him "I think that is a distinct possibility izzy"he said as he raised a talon "why don't you try to in delete it?"izzy was looking at his laptop then he turned to tentomon "capital idea!"said Izzy he then took out a black marker "a stroke of metallic paint right here"said Izzy he then filled back the piece that he wiped off once he did the power came back on "voila!"he said.
And pack at the place where the metal things were built the power went back on and the building continued "maybe they didn't pay their power bill is that it?"asked mimi "you know you have no imagination"matt said.
And in the battery Izzy looked up at the strange symbols "that's rather mysterious"said Izzy "and just what is so mysterious about it?"asked tentomon "well you see batteries are driven by an acidic chemical reaction which generates a current this one produces its own current produces its own current independently"said izzy "and what does that mean plain English for those of us who didn't major in engineering?"asked tentomon again "give me a nano here"said Izzy then started typing in his laptop "I'll even give you 3"said tentomon izzy continued typing "if I can decode this particular program then I can trace its base functions and figure a way out of here"said Izzy again.
Meanwhile the first group was still running away from andromon and they ran back the the metal bridge "let's get out of here!"shouted sora "he's getting closer said tai as andromon stepped into the light biyomon screamed as they all run as fast as they can to get away from andromon "oh this is not good I don't like this at all"said joe "come on you guys!"shouted agumon andromon's eyes scanned the kids and they were target locked "lighting blade! And fire!"shouted andromon as he fired another blade of energy from his arm module the kids screamed as the attack went for them they jumped off and grabbed the side of the rails while the attack missed them "intruders andromon will exact his vengeance"said andromon as he slowly walked towards them tai saw this "hey come on unh aah!"said tai then he looked at agumon then looked under the bridge "vengeance we're the ones who jumped started you! remember?"asked tai trying to reason with andromon.
And back at the battery Izzy was typing stuff in his laptop "I admire the way you keep working while your friends are out having fun"complimented tentomon but he also wanted to know something "don't you ever feel sort of...left out?"he asked "not at all"answered izzy "so you would rather spend your time with puzzles than with people?"asked tentomon again izzy turned to him "precisely what could be more fun than breaking a cryptogram that nobody else could figure out?"Asked izzy "I could think of a lot of thinks like relaxing on a nice warm beach and not worrying about being trapped in a small room with no exit but that's just me"answered tentomon "I'm just trying to determine how we all got to this place and I'd like to learn more about you digimon perhaps prove some of my theories"said Izzy "what are you theorizing about?"asked tentomon "what's the big mystery? I am who I am I'm not hiding anything" "really?"asked Izzy "I simply can't understand this preoccupation with who you are"said tentomon again "is there some kind of deep dark secret in your origins"asked tentomon again izzy just looked at tentomon then he looked at his laptop "oh well.."he said but he couldn't explain it all happened on that night he wouldn't dare talk about it with anyone even with his close friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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