The birth of greymon

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The kids all screamed as they fell off into the lake on the ledge that kuwagamon cut off "hey! Whoa!"yelled tai.
They all screamed again as they fell "sora!"yelled biyomon flying as she reached for sora "Izzy!"yelled tentomon flying too "t.k!"yelled patamon was was also flying.
Sora grabbed on to biyomon's feet Izzy grabbed onto one of tentomon's legs while patamon grabbed t.k's hand with t.k holding on.
They all tried to fly up and get their partners to safety but they weren't strong enough so they fell and screamed.
Palmon grabbed onto Mimi with one arm and used the other arm to use her poison ivy attack and tried to grab on the cliff side her vines digged into the side palmon and Mimi swinged around for a bit before they fell again as the side of the cliff that palmon was holding onto was a bolder.
"Aaa-aaah!" Yelled joe and gomamon the ledge that kuwagamon cut fell into the water first creating a massive splash.
Joe and gomamon fell first into the water screaming gomamon Rose out of the water "fish net!"he screamed then red,blue,yellow,green,and pink fish surrounded gomamon the fish became bigger and bigger in numbers it was now a giant fire fighter net of fishes.
A blue fish threw joe onto the fish net Matt and gabumon fell onto the fish net with Matt sitting down with his arms behind his back while gabumon fell on his back.
The other children screamed as they fell onto the fish net tai was on agumon's tai looking shocked "wow this is some ride"he said.
The fish took them forward where the lake was going as the children rested and tried to catch their breath Matt turned to the direction of the ledge they fell off and he heard a familiar roar "what ? Hey look out!"Matt yelled as the other ledges that kuwagamon was standing began to cripple and cracked then he fell.
The children and digimon watched as kuwagamon fell towards them and other large boulders the children all screamed as loud as they could t.k was holding patamon as they all looked up as kuwagamon roared again "no!" Shouted gomamon the fish swam faster and faster away from the falling kuwagamon.
Kuwagamon let out another loud roar falling with 4 large boulders and 14 smaller boulders they and he fell into the water with a massive splash.
Tai and the others just watched "uh?"said tai while Mimi gasped "oh!"she said as little droplets of water landed on their faces and bodies but kuwagamon and the boulders splash created a bunch of crazy waves shaking them around everyone held onto the fish hoping not to slip and fall into the water "AAAAAAH!!"everyone yelled.
They were on a giant wave as they were going toward small and big rocks were behind them.
They washed to shore on a small cliff by the lake with the strange forest behind them.
they all groaned "I knew we'd be ok, I wasn't worried"said Matt but some people were worried "what was that, a floating fish market?"asked joe he was on his knees and his glasses were almost off "lucky for us,those fish were having a school reunion"gomamon said then he laughed "ha ha!" "Huh?"joe said confused gomamon smiled at joe "I,m kidding those fish are good friends of mine and I just asked them for a lift"he said joe then fixed his glasses into the right position and smiled "a-and all these years I thought I was allergic to seafood thank you uh" he said he then stared to think pointing at him"I guess it's not bukamon?" He smiled "gomamon now"answered gomamon "gomamon hmm"said joe.
T.k stared at patamon bending a little bit "and I guess that your not tokomon are you?"he asked "mm-mmm now I'm patamon"said patamon.
"It's all because we digivolved"agumon said tai just looked at agumon "i don't think that works in my dictionary"he said Izzy looked at tai explaining "so digivolving is what happens when they advance to the next level and become more powerful than before" "right all of us digivolve I went from motimon to tentomon"said tentomon sora stared down at biyomon pointing her right wing at herself "I digivolve from yokomon to biyomon"she said.
Gabumon looked at Matt and he was looking down beside him "first I was tsunomon then gabumon"gabumon said with Mimi she was sitting down with her hands under her chin with palmon then she put her right hand on her chest "and I changed from tanemon to palmon"she said the last was agumon who he pointed at himself with a white claw "and me I was koromon I digivolved into agumon"tai then  had his arms behind his head "mm-hmm when you digivolve you certainly got way bigger does this mean you're something different now or are you still digimon?"tai asked agumon answered "digimon but I needed your help tai"said agumon smiling tai was confused how had he helped agumon digivolve "me? For what?"he asked he wanted to know that "you see digivolving is a very difficult process" tai blinked as he looked down at agumon same with sora and Matt "in order to be successful I had to share your energy"agumon explained to tai he raised an eyebrow "really?"tai asked confused again sora bent down to look at biyomon her hand on her knees "I guess you guys don't run on batteries"sora said biyomon looked at sora she closed her eyes and smiled "sure don't"biyomon said.
Of course Izzy being the smart one he needed answers he turned to tentomon one eyebrow raised "but how do you access my energy?"izzy asked "even we don't know everything"tentomon answered.
Palmon has happy as she span around on one leg "thanks for my magical powers"said palmon stopped then looked at mimi.
Mimi closed her eyes one arm behind her back while the other was still on her chin "the whole thing makes my head spiny"mimi said.
T.k smiled as he walked behind patamon arms behind his back while patamon looked at him with his pupils "so I helped you change that is cool"said t.k "yep sure is"patamon said flaring his wings.
Joe turned away from gomamon closed his eyes and frowned then he crossed his arms "my folks warned me about strangers"joe said as gomamon got a hurt look "I'm not a stranger joe I'm your friend for life"gomamon said "mmm"said joe.
Matt turned his head towards the right at the dense forest ahead "ok come on what are we gonna do?"he asked how should they know "if only there was a pay phone nearby"said joe the group looked at him like he had gone crazy "we could call the police or fire department or my mother" "but we don't even know where we are"said tai that was mostly true even if they called someone they wouldn't believe anything they were saying group then looked up at a big mountain "but we know where we started—up there on that mountain"sora said Matt didn't like that idea " I say we forget about going back and explore around here"he said he was kinda right if they were trapped on an island like this it is best to know it if they wanted to figure out on where they are.
I,m not exploring anywhere"joe said of course he was afraid of everything "I say we stay right where we are" Matt just looked at him annoyed "yeah let's wait for that giant bug to come get us"said Matt "we need to find a road leading someplace to get away from here" Izzy looked at the group before he turned to the forest ahead of them "hmm Matt's right but without a compass we don't even know which way is north"Izzy said  "wait I do"tentomon said all of a sudden Izzy turned to tentomon hopefully "well which way is it?"izzy asked immediately "it's the opposite of south "uh"Izzy then said looking down disappointed.
"I should't were these pants"joe said angrily "they ride up when i do a lot of walking" the group were thinking until sora brought up something "you know if we could get back to where we were before"sora said "'we might at least find some clues as to why we're here in this place" "wait! Are there more monsters around like that big flying beetle?"asked Mimi of course they didn't think that but they should at least know that there would be more monsters "yes indeedy although there are worse monsters than kuwagamon like the bazelgeuse it gives me the shivers when I hear it's name"palmon said as she shivered "ick!"yelled mimi "those monsters don't scare me"said Matt "or the bazel thingy you said about palmon" Matt then turned to tai as he asked "are there humans?"who was he kidding there would be no other humans around here well no surprise when agumon answered his question "humans? Others like you?"agumon asked confused tai nodded as he said "mm-hmmm" "your the first ever there's never been anything but digimon"
"So ok you are all digimon"tai said he then turned his head to the right side "but what about these monsters they're all digimon too?"tai asked "it's creepy and dangerous and what happens when it gets dark?"sora asked she blinked she was right tai didn't want to think about this place when it gets dark "who says it ever gets dark here?"asked Matt.
Izzy crossed his arms "that phenomenon would be unnatural"said Izzy while joe was worried behind him "and you call this Natural?"he asked.
"Well we're not gonna find out anything by sitting around here"said tai he smiled then walked to the right "where do you think your going?"Matt asked tai turned back to him "up on that cliff that's where I saw the ocean"tai answered the others looked at him curiously "the ocean?"Matt asked "yep there might be a boat or something"said tai he turned around then and walked to where he was going Matt looked at sora "let's water-ski home"he said sora looked at him "ah funny"sora said joe raised up a fist and said "at a time like this I think we'd be far better off just to find a cave and hide we keep our eyes open and when a camp consular comes..."before he could even finish his sentence gomamon interrupted "hey joe! Everyone's leaving us"he said he was right the group was leaving to where tai went joe panicked "wait for me"joe yelled as he ran after the group.
They followed tai to where ever he was going while everyone was on the land gomamon swam in the river the walked and gomamon swam for a while as they were walking sora commented "these trees are beautiful" "yeah they're really different and I just thought they were subtropical"Izzy said as they both glanced at the trees joe looked at the trees "whatever they are they're aggravating my head fever"commented joe holding on to his bag "hey joe is there anything you don't complain about?"matt asked annoyed gabumon chuckled.
As they walked Izzy wanted to know something "digital monsters exactly who came up with that name anyway?"he asked tentomon "just call us digimon we like that"he said "I only ask because your composition isn't at all machine-like" "oh really?"tentmon asked as he bent down and his buzzing wings started to obtain electricity and was about to do his super shocker attack Izzy covered put an arm over his face "hey watch it!"he yelled.
"So patamon can you really fly"t.k asked while patamon smiled "of course"patamon said as he lifted off the ground flapping his wings with all his strength t.k smiled "wow that's cool"he said "but your going the wrong way" he said as patamon was flying backwards and slowly went back to the ground.
Biyomon smiled as she got up and flapped her wings and started flying "I'm faster than that watch" but then she was going backwards too startled "wouldn't it be faster to walk huh?"asked sora.
While walking Mimi stared at palmon's flower "palmon I've been meaning to ask who does your hair?"she asked "it's natural I wake up in the morning like this"palmon answered back mimi smiled and put her hands together "wow maybe you can let me work with it" palmon blushed for a moment before saying "do you think you put too much emphasis on appearance?"palmon asked "well honestly I've never really thought about it" palmon shrugged then looked forward "honestly I kind of like my hair the way it is"she said.
As they were walking tai thought of something "once i get back this is gonna make one great story yep"he said out loud "but of course not a single soul will ever believe me" Izzy walked with tentomon he was flying perfectly unlike biyomon and patamon probably because he was a bug "that kuwagamon back there he was huge"izzy said "and he's not the same only one"said tnetomon.
Gabumon sniffed the air "ahh nothing like the ocean"said gabumon meanwhile in the water gomamon was filled with joy "ha ha everybody in the water"gomamon said.
The river seemed to be turning to the right "hey let's build a giant sand castle"t.k said excitedly "oh I forgot my bathing suit"said Mimi.
Before they could go to it there was a noise the group immediately turned to the trees the a dinosaur like creature appeared it was huge it was around 7-8 feet in height it was a cow-like creature with leathery gray skin it had black stripes along it's back and a head reminiscent of a hadrosaur it had a large, 2-pronged crest protruding from its head and a flat spiked tail it then let out a bellow as it walked to the lake then it started to drink.
The group was shocked "w-what is that thing?"izzy asked "don't worry that is an aptanoth they are very docile and harmless and they run away when frightened"tentomon explained tai was shocked jaw dropping it was like a dinosaur "is that a digimon?"he asked then agumon answered "nope" "what?"izzy asked "so there is non-digimon?" "Yes indeed although we don't know how they got into digiworld"said tentomon.
The aptanoth drank for a while then he got up then turned around then walked to the direction of where it came from like a deer walking back to its home then it vanished in the trees.
Tai and the group only watched as he disappeared izzy was amazed and shocked "you were right these guys are not dangerous at all"sora said looking to where the aptanoth went all the 6 kids then tried to go the the beach and...wait 6 kids "wait guys where's t.k?"matt asked in a panic the others looked around in a panic Matt was right t.k was missing and no sigh of him.
Joe was having in a panic mode "I told you we never should have explored!"he yelled gomamon patted him on the back "there there joe he has to be around here somewhere"he said "T.K!! T.K!!!"yelled Matt "maybe he ran away"tai said although that didn't work "sure he ran away in a unfamiliar forest with dangerous monsters"said sora angrily "yeah uh I don't think that was the right thing to say tai"said agumon "T.K!! T.K!!!" Yelled mimi calling out his name like Matt did "hey guys come here you got to see this it's really amazing!!"yelled t.k deeper in the forest "t.k"yelled Matt then he and gabumon dashed into the forest the others not that far behind joe was spectacle then he joined the group along with gomamon.
They ran into the forest jumping over logs or dodging tree branches.
They made out of the forest they saw t.k and patamon staring at something Matt charged towards t.k gabumon following Matt grabbed t.k's shoulders and stared at him in the eyes "listen t.k don't you ever run off like that you nearly gave me a hard attack!"yelled Matt seriously " I'm sorry I just wanted to follow the aptanoth but Matt I found something cool"said t.k but Matt didn't want to hear it "you have no idea what could have happened to you do you understand!"he yelled again "yes I do"t.k said looking down in a sad position "uh I hate to interrupt but"Izzy stared to say he then pointed to the direction t.k all the group gasped but the digimon didn't since they probably been here already matt then saw what t.k said he saw and his jaw dropped it was a land next to a stream,the land was mostly dirt but dotted with palm trees and other types of trees one of which had a giant  limb,with weird plants and bushes,there,on the left side was a small water fall coming out of four holes,there was 14 aptanoth 9 were adults and 5 were juveniles it was a herd most of them were eating plants or drinking the water from the stream there was another kind of creature the group didn't recognize.
These creatures looked like the pachycephalosaurus there was a family of them the 2 parents and the 3 children,2 were bright orange in color and had a large head crest tai guessed they were used to heatbutt rivals so they were male.
The 3 other ones were probably female they were  bronze in color though lack the head crest found in the males.
The group gasped it was like looking at a scene where it was like dinosaurs living today "wow!"mimi said out loud "what are those things?"izzy asked referring to to pachycephalosaurus like creatures "those are kestodon like the aptanoth they are mostly harmless unlike the aptanoth they defend themselves usually the males use their heads to hit attackers with"tentomon said "well at least we are on this cliff where those guys cannot get us here"sora commented "unless they fly"biyomon said.
Then there was a rustling in the bushes next to them again the group and digimon prepared on what was going to come out while the digimon and some of the kids like tai,Matt,and sora were in a position to defend themselves mimi,Izzy,t.k,and definitely joe all took cover.
The rustling in the bushes stooped when...another creature emerged smaller than the aptanoth and kestodon.
It was a small,moss-covered pig about half the size of the kids there was at least 3 of them they had a gray,spiky head plate.
Tai,sora,and Matt looked surprised as well as the digimon "really he got scared by pigs!?"said Matt "those are mosswine"agumon said "you see they are known to have a great appetite for mushrooms"
One of the mosswines went up to mimi sniffed her purse then looked at her with its brown eyes mimi thought it looked kinda cute she smiled then petted it terrified it ran to the others while Mimi looked confused.
Then Matt heard a noise "wait a minute listen what's that?"said Matt they all listened it was a ringing sound tai looked to the direction of the ocean "a phone"he said sora looked to the right raising an eyebrow "either that or we're all hearing things"said sora.
The ringing continued they all ran out of the mosswine area t.k took one last look at the mosswine before he ran after the group.
In the beach the ringing continued there was at least 5 phone booths in the beach they ringed again.
The group saw this and sprinted after them "I told you all we needed was a phone we're saved!"yelled joe each of the children ran to the phones.
Tai opened the glass door to the first phone opened the door then the ringing stopped tai was confused "why'd it stopped ringing tai?"asked agumon "wrong number?"he guessed the group was near the phone booth that tai was in "well that's bizarre"said sora "my theory is aliens they've set these phone booths out as a trap"said Izzy "if we could find a place that delivers let's order pizza"said Matt "whatever you get no anchovies for me"said Mimi "the question is what are these doing here on the beach?"asked sora "so people can call their parents for a ride home"said joe the others looked at him like he had gone crazy "parents?"asked gomamon "what exactly is parents?"of course the digimon knew nothing of the human world since they lived in this digital world joe,Mimi,and Izzy looked at them "that's it I'm outta here"joe said.
Tai looked out the others and Offered a hand "does anyone have any loose change?"tai asked "why?"asked Izzy "obviously I'm gonna make a phone call to get some help"tai answered "ah use my phone card the aliens can bill me here"said Izzy as he picked through his pocket and gave him the card.
T.k and Mimi stared at the phones "maybe there's a quarter in one of the slots"said t.k the he ran to the phone booths"I'm calling daddy"said Mimi as she ran too.
"I'm hooking up to the internet"said Izzy "I'm calling collect"said Matt "dibs on booth 4"said sora they all went to each of the phone booths while tai was dilating his mother's number "hey guys wait for me come on!"said joe the phone rang as tai but it next to his ear "hello? Hey mom it's me"tai said until "at the tone the time will be exactly 45 miles per hour"said the operator tai was confused "and 90 seconds" tai took the phone out of his ear then looked at it "something's wrong or mom's phone flipped"
Meanwhile with Mimi the same thing was happening here "tomorrow's forecast calls for clear skies with occasional ice cream" said the second operator "what do you wear for that?"asked Mimi.
And the same for Matt "this number only exists in your imagination please hang up and don't call back"said the third operator "what planet did I dial?"asked Matt as he looked at it funny while t.k and gabumon watched.
"I'm telling you it's a twisted alien joke"said Izzy as he stared at the phone while raising an eyebrow tentomon got up and flew towards sora's phone booth and he pointed his long claw at it "why don't you try that one over there?"He asked biyomon looked at him "I don't think it's any better"she said as with sora she looked confused with one hand on her hip and the other holding the phone "telephones aren't working in your service area"said the fourth operator hang up and have a nice day" and sora hung up like the operator said she crossed her arms angrily "humph!"she said tai walked over to her "any luck?"he asked "no"sora answered "weird"said tai "I got a strange feeling about this"he raised an eyebrow as the sun shone on the beach and phone booths.
The group sat near the cliff by the beach while joe was still on the phone booths trying To get a number joe had the phone next to his ear while he tried to put a different number "maybe this one will"said joe "to leave a message press 1 now to leave a finger print press 2 now $15 for the next 3 minutes"said the operator joe was disappointed then he tried to put another number "ok next one"he said.
The others just looked at him tai sat down izzy and Matt stand t.k sat with patamon "very curious does joe always behave like this?"asked Izzy "every signal day"answered tai "no matter what number or how many times he dials those phones aren't gonna work"said matt "well I'm gonna look for a boat or something"said tai he stand up "hey wait a minute"said Matt "even though we can't call out of here there's always a chance someone else might be able to call into us" tai raised eyebrow "it's a waste of time doing nothing but sitting here"he said Matt glared at him "I'm going to stay here for a little while and see if anyone calls besides everyone could use a little rest"he said tai turned to the others t.k and Mimi were sitting down while patamon was laying on his belly palmon was sitting down they all groaned.
They all just stared at theme "and I'm getting hungry too"said Izzy as he stared at tai he also stared at Izzy "you know why? Because we hadn't eaten anything all day"he said sora sat down alongside biyomon she blinked a few times "ok break time everybody"yelled tai sora smiled then sighed "does everyone else have any food?"she asked "I think the only thing I have is...huh?"she check the left side of her jeans and on her pink belt was the strange device she took it off and showed it to tai "it's that gadget that fell out of the sky at camp"sora said "I forgot all about those weird gizmos"said tai as he pulled his out of the right side of his paints.
While t.k and Matt looked at tai mimi looked at hers at the back of her purse "if anybody's got a pink one I'll trade"she said although they were light grey and not a signal pink on them "what are they anyway?"asked t.k "we wouldn't have them if they weren't important"said Matt.
Izzy took his Device off one of his arms of his backpack and he stared at it "if I could take mine apart"he stared to say until his stomach grumbled he grabbed it then looked at tai with a sly smile "um that is after I get something to eat I'm really famished"
Sora searched on the right side of jeans and one the right side "well the only thing I've got is my emergency supplies"sora said as she took out her said emergency supplies "it's got a first-aid kit,some badges,and some medicine but that's about all I've got"
Izzy took off his backpack unzipped it then took out his laptop and a camera "I have my trusty laptop computer and digital camera oh and I've got a small cell phone too"izzy said tai was standing low to look at his stuff then looked at Izzy "of course not one of them's worked since we got here"izzy said "I can't believe you dragged all that computer stuff at summer camp"tai said Izzy turned to tai "and what do you have?" Tai but his thumb on his chin then searched his right pocket "uh let's see there's my mini-telescope"he said as he pulled it out.
"Sorry but I don't have anything to eat either"said Matt t.k smile "hey look at what I got"he said matt looked at him he took off his backpack he took off the tuck also on the right side was the strange device"check it out"said t.k the backpack had a bunch of snacks in it "wow look at all those goodies!"said Mimi she smiled then she looked at t.k "why don't you be a good little boy and share those treats with dear sweet mimi?" T.k smiled "awe you don't have to be so nice mimi I'm happy to share your the best isn't she cute?"he asked he turned to Matt and gabumon "forget it"matt said.
Sora looked at tai and Izzy "I'm so hungry right now I could eat a horse"said tai "I'd settle for a small cow"Izzy said sora smiled as she turned to Mimi "Mimi what do you have in that big bag some hairbrushes and makeup?"she joked mimi blinked "uh well let's take a look"mimi said she opened her purse "here's a compass,cooking fuel,flashlight,one of those knives with all the things and some other stuff"she said as she pulled out said stuff.
They all gasped why hasn't Mimi said anything like that some of it could have been useful and especially the compass "why didn't you tell us you had a compass back when we needed one?"asked Matt Mimi smiled "I thought it might be kind of fun to see how far we could get without one besides it's broken"she said the others just stared at her "well so much for finding our way out of here" Matt though before saying "although we could use the cooking fuel to make a signal fire" sora was thinking "that's true or I guess we can barbecue some telephones"sora said tai knew that joe wasn't gonna like that idea "oh boy check out the genius"he said tai then looked at the phone booths and joe was still there "see he's trying to call the telephone repair man because the telephone's don't work problem is—look!"in the phone booth joe was calling with gomamon behind him tai noticed his bag on the handle was the strange device but they wanted the bag itself it was massive in front of it was a tuck and 2 buttons to open there was a medical sign on it along with Japanese writing "joe's got the emergency food"said tai Izzy got up and was shocked so was sora "no way!"said Izzy.
"Joe! Hey joe look you've got all the food"shouted tai joe then turned to tai and the others "hey don't you know it's rude to interrupt someone when they're on the telephone?"joe responded but they probably knew the phones were broken "but that bag"said Izzy "this? I just brought it to give to Mimi"he said "today was her day to carry the bag"
Palmon stared at Mimi "think he likes you"she said teasing her "no way"Mimi said she blinked a few times joe sighed the bag was kinda heavy "mimi you have got to stop thinking of yourself and do something to help somebody else for once take a little responsibility"joe angrily said "but that bag's too heavy for me"mimi complained joe glared "listen you never hear me complaining"tai ran to the booth of them "guys guys listen the most important thing now"he smiled awkwardly "is that we've got some food to eat so let's sit down and have some lunch" sora smiled too "uh-huh"she said.
Meanwhile gomamon was chilling and humming his eyes closed then back at the group the all sat down in a circle and they discussed at what they will eat and do of course when you are in a Unfamiliar place with strange creatures and digimon you have to know about it "ok let's figure this out"said joe "there's 7 people in the group times 3 days times 3 meals that comes to..." "63 meals"said Izzy interrupting joe on what he was gonna say "uh right so evenly between us we have uh..." "enough food for 3 days"izzy interrupted again "right oh uh exactly I guess you knew that"joe said "but you guys when you add in the digimon we really only have enough for about half an hour"sora said she was not wrong so this was a short time eating "oh that's right"said joe "not a problem at all"said gabumon while Matt looked at him "we digimon hunt and forage for ourselves" the kids looked at gabumon "huh?"one of them said "you do?"sora said "huh?"the others said "you don't need to include us in your calculations"said tentomon as Izzy and joe looked at him the sora looked at biyomon "you sure biyomon?"she asked she looked at sora "oh absolutely we can do all right for ourselves"said biyomon.
Joe smiled "ok now that that's taken care of let's go ahead and divide this between the 7 people here"said joe then tai took out brown crackers out of a snack bag and some to agumon who was chewing the cracker with both his hands tai smiled "this is great I could eat a dozen of these"he said agumon swallowed joe got angry "just what do you think you're doing?"he demanded tai looked at him back raising an eyebrow "I'm glad we never hear you complaining"tai said "mmm you people make me crazy"joe said.
Gomamon was still relaxing in the water it felt comfy and peaceful and he continued to hum that is until he heard a growling noise gomamon opened his eyes then got out of the relaxing position now his neck and head were visible he raised an eyebrow "uh-oh"he said in the water of the ocean something was coming and growling it did not seem friendly the group was still disgussing on what they'll do and eating that is until biyomon stood up and glared at left side "hmm"she said sora then turned to her "now what's the matter?"asked sora "trouble"biyomon responded sora and joe immediately looked to the left side "oh"said sora then suddenly a giant water blast shot out of the ground joe and Matt gasped then they stood up.
The water blast then moved to the phone booths sending each one of them flying the group ran away leaving the bags to the cliff side as the water blasted more phones away then after all the phones were done the water vanished back underground.
The kids ran to the cliff side then looked back "what's that?"asked tai as the phone booths all fell to the ground breaking the glass and destroying them then something emerged from the sand it was a giant shell with a drill like spinning thing on the top of it the shell was covered in spikes "shellmon"said tentomon while Izzy was terrified "what's a shellmon?!?"asked Izzy "something that gets mad for no reason"tentomon answered.
The thing called shellmon's shelll was still drilling on the top caring sand it then stopped then a large pink creature came out with only 2 arms and roared.
Shellmon was a turtle-like mollusk digimon with a turban shell it was pink with blue spots on the skin that wasn't the shell and it had yellow anemone tendrils on the top of it's head and sucker-like finger tips on it's hands it had blue eyes and it's mouth consists of interlocking lips "attack by 2 digital monsters in the same day and doesn't shellmon know I am allergic to shellfish?"said joe.
Shellmon started to stomp his way to the kids "everybody up here!"shouted joe he then tried to climb up the cliff side it was almost a small cliff so he could make it.
Shellmon then lowered his head then at the center of the yellow anemone tendrils shot out the same water blast at blasted the phones away it aimed at the top of the cliff joe was climbing and joe was almost there until he got hit by the water blast he then fell "aah!"yelled joe was he fell to the beach again.
Meanwhile with gomamon "joe!"he yelled as he then got hit by the water blast submerging him completely in water.
Shellmon then turned his attention towards the kids the digimon glared at shellmon ready to fight "digimon attack!"yelled agumon "right"said both gabumon and biyomon they all charged or flew at shellmon as he growled tai was watching them "agumon you show him!"said tai firming a fist behind him joe was on his back with his legs up still on the cliff side sora and Matt were trying to help him.
"Pepper breath"yelled agumon as the fired a fire ball out of his mouth the fire ball hit shellmon in the face he grumbled in pain "blue blaster!"yelled gabumon but only a few little particles shot out of his mouth and not his attack gabumon grabbed his jaw in confusion with his mouth closed "spiral twister!"yelled biyomon as she tried to summon her spiral of green flames but like gabumon the green flames just disappeared with biyomon tired "super shocker!"yelled tentomon as he tried to shot Electric attack out of his wings but just like the rest only a small particle came out.
Izzy was shocked "what's happening to them?"He asked Matt and sora were watching too sora with a raised eyebrow "they look like they lost their powers"said Matt.
Then shellmon shot the water blast out of his head again hitting biyomon "aaaah!"yelled biyomon then shellmon turned his blast to agumon and gabumon blasting them away "whaaah!" Yelled both agumon and gabumon then shellmon turns his water blast to tentomon "aaah!"he yelled as he was blasted away.
Agumon was on his back gabumon was side ways while biyomon was on her chest all were on the ground and eyes closed"agumon!"yelled tai agumon opened his eyes and got up while the other digimon were still on the ground.
"Boom bubble"patamon said as he sucked up all the air the spew it out but inside of an attack a little piece of air that wasn't strong enough to be fatal patamon yelled as he was swatted away by shellmon's anemone tendrils and he screamed with palmon she was under shellmon's chest while shellmon was focused on patamon's direction "poison ivy!"yelled palmon but her fingers didn't turn into vines then she just looked at her fingers in confusion "huh?"she said then shellmon hit her with its head causing her to go flying agumon stepped towards shellmon the he took a deep breath and fired another fire ball at shellmon at it hit it in the face again and it grumbled in pain it then looked down tai tuned his 2 hands into fists "go get him agumon"he said behind him izzy was with tentomon with 1 knee on the ground and he was watching why was just agumon attacking and not the rest it didn't take long for Izzy to ask "why is it only agumon?" "We're just too hungry"tentomon answered Izzy then turned to him "what?".
Matt had one hand on gabumon's back and chest "gabumon"he said "i don't have any strength"gabumon said really weak sora picked up biyomon who was knocked out "that's it agumon is the only one who had anything to eat"said sora remembering that tai feed agumon the brown crackers "now I see"said Izzy "then the other digimon don't have enough strength left to fight"said Matt.
Tai saw this then turned to agumon "agumon looks like it's just you and me now"he said agumon looked at tai "then give me a diversion"agumon said tai ran to the right side of shellmon "hey shellmon ugly over here!"he yelled while it looked at him while he ran.
Sora was pure terror "no don't!"she shouted agumon then shot another fire ball at shellmon hitting its cheek and it closed it's eyes again in pain tai rushed in bent down and grabbed a piece of long metal left form the broken phone booths "this'll work"he said as he turned it to the sharp part at the end tai ran to shellmon's she'll part and started stabbing it with the sharp part "how do you like that!"tai yelled but the sharp part didn't do anything thanks to Shellmon's rock hard shell then one of shellmon's anemone tendrils grabbed tai and lifted him up agumon saw this with terror "hold on tai!"he yelled shellmon roared with tai in its tendrils it then turned to agumon and it lifted one of its arms "whoa whoa whoa!"agumon said while trying to run away but it's huge arm landed on him trapping him.
Shellmon turned his attention to the rest of the kids the blasted water at them they all screamed as the blast hit each and every one of them meanwhile tai was wrapped up in shellmon's tendril while looking at agumon with one eye closed "watch out!"tai called "he's gonna get everyone and there's nothing I can do!"tai then screamed as he was lifted and shellmon's tendril squeezed tighter with agumon he was helpless he could only watch "tai no!"agumon shouted.
Tai yelled again and then grunted as shellmon squeezed tighter but once again on tai's right side of his paints the strange device was there agumon closed his eyes "digivolve!"he yelled the strange Device so did agumon glowing orange as energy transferred to agumon confused shellmon then looked at his left hand to see this strange light tai also saw it too "what's going on?"he said the group was also shocked by this light so they all gasped.
"Agumon digivolve to...Greymon!"yelled agumon as he transformed into a bipedal reptilian digimon whose look carries elements of the ceratosaurus and the classic monster Gomora he had orange scales with blue stripes covering his body he has 3 clawed fingers on his hands and 3 toes on his feet with claws protruding from his heels he also wears a rhinoceros-beetle like skull on his head he also resembled a t-rex.
Shellmon was knocked off and falling backwards tai screamed as he was released and the tendril made one last chance to grabb him again but it failed tai rolled to the ground and he landed on his chest he was on all fours.
Greymon laughed at shellmon menacingly tai was shocked "whoa he did it again now he's Greymon"he said.
Greymon laughed again while glaring at shellmon it then got up and lowered its head the 2 giant digimon stared at each other for a moment shellmon growled then he roared as he charged right into Greymon's chest head first with the 2 giants locked in combat tai watched this and he turned his 2 hands into fists "now you're getting him go Greymon!"tai shouted Greymon and shellmon were still locked in combat with Greymon pushing shellmon back shellmon then shot out his water blast at Greymon only for Greymon to move out of the way and shot out fire from his mouth.
The 2 attacks collided with each other with smoke coming from shellmon's water blast due to the heat shellmon took a step back then it's water blast ran out Greymon then put his horn under shellmon and lifted it into the air shellmon was sent flying in the air "diginova blast!"Greymon said as he shot out a massive fireball from his mouth.
The fireball hit shellmon's pink chest he grumbled with immense pain before it exploded and he was blown away tai gasped as he saw shellmon land in the ocean far away with an enormous splash.
Greymon roared before he glowed yellow and he transformed into agumon again "what? Agumon!"shouted tai he ran towards him agumon was on his chest eye closed "oh are you alright? You poor little guy agumon"tai said "tai? Tai!"Said agumon he opened his eyes "do you have anything to eat?"he asked in a weak voice tai smiled then laughed.
Meanwhile gomamon was still in the water watching joe "hello? Come on I know your there""joe said he still had the pice on what was left of the phone booths "operator operator!"he shouted meanwhile tai and the group were on the right side of the beach "there's really no reason to stay here now"said tai "who wants to break the bad news to joe?"asked Matt with sora,t.k,and Mimi all watched as all the Digimon wat the same brown crackers tai fed to agumon sora smiled "who wants more? Just say so"she said with tai,Izzy,and Matt "shellmon wasn't destroyed he was just temporarily removed we should pack up and leave before he wants to come back for round 2"izzy said "good idea"said Matt they all looked at joe as he said "in that case we should go right back to the forest because if anybody's looking for us that's the place they'll go" the others just looked at him like it was a bad idea "joe I said this before we fell if a cliff and floated down a river to get here and getting back there is a really big job"sora said Mimi then looked at joe "and we could run into kuwagamon or the bazelguse thingy palmon said about"said Mimi Izzy was thinking "now listen logically speaking if there are telephones here then there must be people to use them so I think it makes good sense to try and find those people"Izzy said "that makes sense?"Asked joe "it certainly does"sora said "then let's get all get going"tai said.
Agumon smiled "anywhere you want to go I'll go with you tai you just pick the direction"he said "tai smiled "then let's get out of this place"he said "and let the monsters beware"matt said "mm-hmm"joe nodded although it was clear that he didn't like the idea "well my plan is to avoid all monsters yep that's my plan"joe said.
Tai took a step to the left direction "ok here we go!"he said then they all said digimon and they cheered and proceeded to go where they planned.

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