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The Soweto remix featuring Rema filled Mmachi's ears through her earpods the moment she rounded a corner. She hummed to it, her steps falling in tune with the beats as she walked through the empty hallway.

She got lost in the song, almost colliding with Chikaima who was practically running towards her direction. She stopped just in time to prevent the collision, raising a brow at Chikaima who was panting.

She paused her song, plucking out one of her earpods.

"Sorry," Chikaima muttered, not waiting for her reply, before running off again.

Her action left Mmachi befuddled and she stood wondering what the hell just happened. The usual Chikaima was more chatty than this and ever since Mmachi saved her from that ditch, she had been under the impression that they were suddenly best friends and tried to talk to her every single opportunity she got.

This reaction was therefore unexpected. Why was she even running?

Mmachi shrugged it off. She hadn't wanted unnecessary interaction so Chikaima's weird behavior worked in her favor.

She was about to plug back her earpods but paused on seeing Chidiogo at the door of the classroom less than ten feet away from her.

She held a small piece of paper in her hands, her eyes glued to it. She looked paler than usual, her hair pulled back in a high ponytail similar to Mmachi's.

Mmachi was curious for a moment but decided to shrug it off. She started walking away but Chidiogo's voice pinned her to a spot. Her voice dripped with venom.


Mmachi turned to her, her brows jerking up. Chidiogo stared at her with stone cold eyes which had the intensity to incinerate and she wondered what she had done this time that warranted her reaction.

"What's the meaning of this?"

Chidiogo raised the paper and Mmachi's eyes darted between the paper and Chidiogo's face.

"What's that?"

"That's what I'm asking you. Quit pretending already!"

Mmachi lifted a brow, a line appearing on her forehead. Her lips rose a bit, her teeth on display. She stared at Chidiogo for a minute before bursting into laughter.

Her action caused Chidiogo's facial muscles to pull together, her frown deepening.

"Is this the part where I become worried about your sanity?" Mmachi asked, in between fits of laughter. "Because, what the heck? Do I look like a clairvoyant?"

Chidiogo's lips twisted as she glared at Mmachi. Her hands balled into fists, crumpling the paper in the process.

"I'm honestly done with these childish games."

She stormed out afterwards, tossing the paper on Mmachi's face. Mmachi rolled her eyes, not in the least bothered by her behaviour. Her eyes fell on the paper and she considered checking it out.

Just then, she caught sight of Justin inside the class Chidiogo just stepped out from. Her brows knitted and she threw a glance at Chidiogo's retreating figure before fixing her gaze on Justin.

He seemed lost in thoughts and she was almost certain he didn't notice her presence. His eyes were hard as he stared at an object she couldn't see and for a moment she couldn't tell whether he was okay or not.

His jaw clenched and unclenched and she could pick up sniffling sounds but he was too far for her to make out his face. She considered going in to check what was wrong but decided against it.

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