Chapter 1:The Meeting

Start from the beginning

"You like killing to!?" The white skin boy said excited for blood.

"はい、あなたもそうですか!?" the blonde girl said even more excited. She seems to understand him but can't reply in the same language.

"She said. Yes you do too!?"

"Heck yeah!" He said.

I just watched the whole thing unfold.

For some reason I felt a big cold hand on my head petting me.

"YOUR SO CUTE!" The red head said with a playful tone. She is heavy.

It's been awhile since someone called me cute or pet me. No one back home other than Merupo calls me cute.

"Can you talk or something bunny boy?" The white skin male said. Did he just notice me?

"Yes I can. And I have a name you know." I said. I was frustrated at the name he gave me.

"可愛いですよね!でも出血した方が可愛く見えると思います!(Aww are you so cute! But I think you'll look cuter bleeding!)" The blonde girl said. Is she mentally ok?

"Can I just have your names. I'm sick of hearing mask man over here call you weird names." The black haired male said.

"Excuse you!" The man in question said before saying "Fine I'm Jeff." The black hair male with with white skin said.

"わたしは 渡ト我ガ被ヒ身ミ子コ (I'm Toga Himiko)." The blonde girl said. The black hair male translating.

"I'm Circus Baby. Baby for short" The red head robot said.

"My name's Ayato Aishi or Yan Kun." The second black hair male said.

"Shadow Neon. . . Neon for short, pronouns he/him." I said.

"I'm Demonika, Nika or Demo for short." The little girl said.

Circus Baby's POV 🍦

"Now how do we get out of here?" I asked.

"Oh right there's a way to make a teleporter so you can go back home and come back here or with a portal but it's a one way trip." Nika said.

"Which is the easier route teleporter or portal?" Neon said.

"It depends on what's easier for you. Fighting 7 people with enough power to wipe out the world or Exploring a crystal cave filled with traps like land mines, man-eating spiders, demons and more." Nika said.

"I'll pick the teleporter. . ." Neon said.

"Fighting for sure!" Jeff said.

"血!(blood!)" Himiko said.

"I'd rather fight than blow up. . ." Ayato said.

"Fight Fight Fight!" I said.

"Now what are we waiting for? Let's make that thing!" Jeff said in an exciting tone. Is he excited to get home or to fight.

"Will each piece of the teleporter are guarded with an insanely strong protector. Not many people who came here survived getting the teleporter parts. Like I said world ending power." Nika said reminding Jeff.

1 Year ago🎥

(Gacha club story mode spoilers sorry if you haven't played)

Neon's POV 🐰

Me and my sister overheard boss Phantom Lith saying something.

"Merupo and Neon have failed me. . . it's up to you two now" Vinyl said in a growling voice.

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