Mini Chapter: Elizabot Afton And Gigantic Cake

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Elizabeth's pov🍦

"When was this here?" I said currently in my ghost form.

Right now I'm standing in front of what seems to be a room connected to the scoping room.

"What's in here?" I said opening the door.

"Is that me!?" I exclaimed while looking at what seems to be me but not since I'm right here.

"A journal?"

"Umm. . . Boring. . . Not interested. . . Nah. . . Nope. . ." I said, flipping through pages of the journal.

"Oh~ now this is interesting." I said looking at one of the pages.

"My daughter I'm sorry I should have been with you on that faithful day but what's done is done. You've always been annoying"

"Wow what a good dad, I'm annoying but not that annoying!"

"Currently I'm making an animatronic version of her that's less annoying and more intelligent than the original. I've been planning this for awhile now but never had a reason to do so, since Elizabeth is now gone I think it's time to put that plan into action"

"He was gonna replace me!?" I exclaimed, I don't care how loud I am at that moment nobody could hear me anyway.

It makes me angry but I keep reading,I need to know why, how did he discover remnant, why isn't there an animatronic version of ⬛⬛⬛⬛ Why is the animatronic version of me locked up near the scooping room.

"I'll regret reading this later." I said turning the page.

"Something happened Circus Baby's eyes are green not just that it's the exact shade as Elizabeth's!?"

"At least he's observant."

"She's talking and it isn't any of the programmed in voice lines, she's telling the same story that my wife told our children."

"Mommy. . ."

"This can't be a coincidence. I need to look into this."

"Is this how he discovered remnant?" I asked myself.

"It's true Elizabeth my baby girl. She's inside Circus Baby!"

"When did he start calling me baby girl?"

"That hunk of metal is my child! Why am I surprised this happened to Charlie before!"

"Charlie as in Charlotte Emily!?"

"Maybe it's the metal."

"Umm. . ." I looked at the animatronic me trying to process what I just learned.

"I need to know more. . ." I said flipping the page.

"I did it! It really is the metal but I don't think putting 4 animatronics in one batch is working."

"4!? Why 4!? What happened" I asked myself.

Walking to a cabinet I looked inside.

"Experiment logs?" I said looking at the audio clips and files.

"This is gonna take a while to go through. . ."

Time skip brought to you by Neon writing about the Shadows weakness.

"All this time. . . Us Funtimes have been his experiment!? This whole time!? Me, Mike and more children!?" I yelled letting out my frustration with tears in my eyes.

"Nika was right daddy- no! Father- no not that too Williams did something terrible!"

"I need to get out of here. . ." I mumbled.

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