Chapter 2

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Two Months Later
New Orleans
The Compound

Kol and Elena walked in. Elena was feeling nervous. Even though Kol told that they wanted her there. But Elena couldn't help it. This wasn't something that she ever thought she would do ever. Be near any Mikaelson again. But being with Kol just as friends has been wonderful. Kol could see that Elena was nervous. He loved being with Elena. Even as friends though he wished it was something more. Klaus was the first to walk into the kitchen. "Welcome home Kol. - Elena it's lovely to see you again." Klaus greeted them. "It's nice to see you too Klaus." Elena smiles. Rebekah came in. She scowled at Elena. But gave Kol a hug. "Rebekah. - Elena is our guest." Klaus scolded Rebekah. "Sorry. - I've seemed to have lost my manners. - Elena it's nice to see you." Rebekah spoke. "No need to apologize. - I was mean towards you. - I do apologize for my behaviour. - I deserved it. - it's nice to see you too Rebekah." Elena said.

Mystic Falls
The boarding house

Katherine walked in smiling. " Where is the lovely Elena?" Katherine asks. " We don't know. - she left a few months ago and hasn't come back." Stefan spoke. "So she finally left your controlling guys? - didn't think she had it in her." Katherine said. "What do you want Katherine?" Damon asks. " Oh. - I don't know. - to tease you." Katherine smiled then swished out. "We really need to find Elena." Caroline spoke. "We can't find her. - I can't track her. - I've used every spell that I can think of. - no good." Bonnie said. " Damn. - she found a witch." Stefan spoke.

New Orleans
The Compound

Klaus has just gotten off the phone with Katherine. "I've got a phone call. - from Katherine the scooby gang are desperately trying to find you Elena. - she knows you are here. - and she is on her way here. - to help us." Klaus spoke. " Ok. - but the witch I found in Paris put a cloaking spell on me." Elena said. "That's why they can't find you. - Katherine eardropped on their conversation. - Caroline is going to ring me." Klaus said. "Of course she is." Elena rolled her eyes. "Don't worry. - we'll figure something out." Kol put his arm around Elena's shoulder. Elena leaned into him.

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