Chapter 14

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Y/n's pov

We arrived above Naboo and saw a fleet, Grievous's personal fleet, and they have a dreadnought "oh no," I muttered, recognising the powerful ship, "what's wrong Sir?" Nemo asked "that dreadnought is a fleet killer," I replied and ran out the room.

I got in my starfighter and took off. I flew straight at the dreadnought, and began to fire at the shield generators. But the moment it the shields were destroyed vulture droids showed up, "dank Farrik," I muttered and began shooting them instead. I saw some clone pilots were starting to help out, but they weren't able to do much. "Blue Squadron on me," I ordered and four fighters got in a V formation behind me "General, what are our orders?" Red Squadron's leader asked "destroy that dreadnought, Yellow Squadron target the turbo lasers, Red Squadron target the engines," I replied "Green Squadron help Blue Squadron and I distract these vultures," "yes Sir," the squadron leaders replied and the battle truly began. "This is where the fun begins," I commented as the dreadnought began to blow up. However I spotted a starfighter, which I recognised as Grievous's, fleeing, "Admiral, target all your fire on the flag ship, I'm going after Grievous," I ordered. 

I got behind the starfighter and sensed it was truly him. "I gotcha," I muttered and began to fire, as his ship was hit he began to try dodging. However due to being one of, or likely the best, pilots in the order I kept up with relative ease. I knew he was getting frustrated as his ship caught fire, I then saw him flying straight towards Naboo. "Admiral, get the ship to Zygerria, I'll handle things here," I said "General Organa, that is not a good plan," he argued "those togruta need you, I'll catch up," I replied "I'm also too close to getting rid of Grievous, doing that will speed up an end to this war," "if you feel it is best then I shall trust your judgement," he sighed and I saw the clones returning to the acclimator. 

I followed Grievous all the way to lake Paonga, as I continued to fire at his ship I got in contact with the Naboo capital. "General Organa, what do I owe the pleasure?" the queen asked "I need some help, I'm currently following General Grievous," I replied "I'll dispatch some fighters," she said "here are my coordinates, you should be able to track me, I'm in a black Naboo fighter," I stated and ended the transmission. After a few minutes five starfighters arrived, "General Organa, we'll follow your command," the squadron leader said over the comms "thank you Captain," I said as we all fired at Grievous and although we weren't hitting much, due to him weaving a lot, he was going down. When his fighter finally crashed I flew over, "Captain, thank you for your assistance, but this is my fight alone," I announced and they returned to the capital. 

I looked through the wreckage of the starfighter and found no body. "Hello there," I turned to look at the cyborg general "General Grievous," I snarled "do you really think you can take me? when so many have fallen by my hands?" he taunted "I do, I've dealt with worse than a coughing droid anyway," I replied and he removed his cloak. "I have been trained in your jedi arts by Count Dooku, you stand no chance," he said extending his four arms, each with lightsabers of fallen jedi, "not even your cybernetics can keep up with the force Grievous," I argued as he activated the laser swords. He charged and I activate my own lightsaber and blocked his first swing, I quickly parried and we got into a fierce duel. After several swings on his part, and blocks, dodges and parries on mine, I suddenly jumped over his head and tried to slice down as I landed but he reacted quick enough to spin his lightsabers. Not in the regular vertical way usually seen but horizontally, which he did when facing five jedi masters at once. Two of which being council members. I backed up as to not get cut in half. Using a mix form 3 (which I mastered whilst in the force world) and 4 I managed to remain relatively unharmed. Only a flesh wound to the abdomen. I applied pressure to the wound, as to somewhat stop the bleeding, and continued fighting. "You have spirit jedi, I will give you that," Grievous growled "shut it, you piece of scrap," I snarled and began to jump around like Master Yoda. I swung at every opening he had, which was few but nonetheless effective. After a few minutes of this I was beginning to tire, which was going to soon slow me down and eventually killed. Moments after we got into a saber lock, "you're starting to annoy me," he said with a few coughs and went to stab me with his two extra lightsabers. But using the force I managed to quickly block them. I jumped away and caught my breath for a moment, although I knew Grievous would soon come after me again. This prediction was soon proven right as he jumped at me, 'perfect,' I thought and when he was about to land on me I sliced off all his limbs. He fell to the ground as I moved out the way, "NO!" he screeched. I ripped open his chest and began throwing random things out, mostly metal bones (A/n: imagine the deleted scene of Revenge of The Sith when Obi-wan kills Grievous). His screams of pain were likely heard for miles. When I found his heart and brain I raised my blade and plunged it into the heart. I watched as the life left his eyes. 

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