Chapter 3

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Y/n's pov

It's been about a week since Ahsoka and I went on a date and ever since we've spent most of our free time together.

I knocked on Ahsoka's door and when it opened I saw she wasn't well, at all. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked as I closed the door "just really tired, and a bit sick," she replied "nothing major, why are you here?" "can I not spend time with you?" I chuckled "you can, I don't know why though," she said as she sat on her bed. "Okay I'm stalling. We have a mission together but you're not going on it," I said gently pushing her down "and why not?" Ahsoka asked with a frown "you're tired and I know you haven't been getting enough sleep recently, and not to mention you're sick," I replied, being able to smell her vomit from the restroom, "I'm fine, what's the mission?" She asked "they think Kamino is going to be attacked, we're meant to be defending it in case it does. But you're not because you need to rest," I explained. I pulled the covers over her and sat by her legs, "don't worry, seriously, I'm fine," she complained trying to sit up "I'm going to speak with the council and ask them to assign someone else if they really think it's necessary, and I know Anakin will understand," I said pushing her back down "but I have to! This isn't your decision!" Ahsoka yelled "you aren't going and that's final. You need rest so that is what you're going to do," I ordered "you can't order me around!" She yelled pushing me off the bed "goddammit Ahsoka! Is it seriously too much for you to realise that you need to stay here! You're not well you said it yourself! I'm saying all this because I care about you!" I yelled, and she was clearly surprised, "please, stay and rest. For me?" I looked at her practically begging her to stay "fine! I'll stay! But you owe me!" She exclaimed and laid back down. I walked back over and kissed her forehead, "thank you," I said and left.

I entered the council chamber and found they were discussing something. "Padawan, I hope you have a reason for barging in like this," Master Windu said sitting back in his chair, which pretty much means I'm going to have a scolding, "actually I do, it's Ahsoka, she's not able to go on the mission," I explained "and why not? And if this is true then why are you telling us not her?" Master Mundi asked "because she's currently in bed-" "she is going on that mission, we've made our decision," Master Windu interrupted "how blind are you?!" I snapped "excuse me?" he asked "I said, how blind are you?! Are you somehow forgetting that she is a teenager fighting in a war?! Like with most of us padawans! We're on the battlefield more than most masters on this council combined!" I yelled "Ahsoka is sick, and she is exhausted. She isn't well enough to go to Kamino of all planets," I growled "Padawan! That is enough. Padawan Tano is going on that mission, she is well enough and this is our decision," Master Mundi stated "now please leave," he ordered "heartless Prick," I muttered as I walked out.

As Anakin, Master Tiin, Ahsoka and I arrived above Kamino I saw Ahsoka was about to fall asleep standing up. "Hey, when we land go to bed," I said to her "no, she has to be ready for battle," Anakin argued "I agree," Admiral Tularen added. I sighed and left the room.

We flew down to the surface and when we got to the city we saw Master Ti waiting. "Welcome to Kamino," she said with a soft smile, we nodded and the other three went off on their own "hey Master," I said and hugged her "hello Y/n, how have you been?" She asked hugging back "alright... the council are being blind," I replied as we separated "blind in what way?" She asked, despite being on the council, "Ahsoka isn't well enough to fight, she told me that she's tired and feeling unwell. I could see she was about to fall asleep standing up on the venator. Not to mention they refuse to realise we're still just kids," I explained, she nodded and in silence walked off.

After an hour of looking out into the rain I sensed someone. "Ventress," I scowled and stood up from where I was on the landing platform. "Y/n! Separatists are attacking!" Anakin yelled over the comms "really? I had no idea!" I replied seeing the several Separatist ships above the planet. I turned to see Rex running out with other clones, one being Fives, "Rex, can you and some pilots do your best to hold them off?" I asked "I can Sir," he replied and a few ran off with him "Y/n, any ideas?" Fives asked "get the youngest cadets and hide with them in their living space. Protect them the best you can," I ordered, he nodded and they all ran off as I saw debris flying down onto the planet. "Y/n, come on," Master Tiin ordered "and do what?" I asked "help me defeat the Vulture droids before they get a chance to get into orbit," he replied as I sensed something wasn't right with all of this. "Master... something seems off," I said getting his attention "what is it my padawan?" He asked "I don't know... they're just seems to be something off about this attack. I'll join you in the air in a bit, I just have to check something first," I replied, trusting my instincts and the force he nodded and ran off. I looked out to where he debris is falling and jumped into the water.

I swam over, using the force to allow me to breathe for longer and to let me swim much faster than normal, and found aqua droids. Luckily they hadn't spotted me. I latched onto one and began slicing it my lightsaber. When I got one done I moved to the next, but I'd gotten to the surface at that point. The droids drilled into the bottom of the city and B1s filed in as I caught my breath, "Master Ti, droids are coming up from the sea," I said into my comm "how?" She asked in surprise "in the debris, tell Skywalker and Master Tiin to only disable the ships," I explained "alright," she replied and hung. I jumped up into the hole and started deflecting blaster bolts from all sides, thanks to my robes being lined with beskar the bolts have a difficult time doing significant damage to it and me. I deflected the bolts at each droid with force enhanced movements, considering I have to if I want to survive. As the fight, if you could even call it that, went on more and more droids came. For every one I destroy another ten replace it. "Y/n! Are you alright?!" Ashoka yelled through the comms "define alright!" I yelled back "Y/n, use my power," a dark voice said "who said that?!" I exclaimed "I am Malgus, use my power and you will have strength like you have never known," "oh great, a crazy guy is for some reason in my head, perfect," I commented "take it," "how do I take it exactly?" I asked "here," he growled and I felt a surge of the force go through me. I then used force lightning, when I stopped I continued deflecting blaster fire. I then used force lightning again but didn't release it, the lightning built up inside me until I let it out and most of the droids disintegrated.

I looked around exhausted and saw Ventress, "hello again," she purred "I'm sorry my dear but I'm into someone else now," I replied "well in that case... let me win back that love," she sneered dropping her robe and activating her blades. She charged at me and we began duelling, like most of the other times we've met. Most considering we dated at one point. "Please don't tell me you're still mad about me breaking up with you?" I asked "oh no I'm over you, just mad you abandoned our child," she replied "what?" I muttered, distracting me for long enough to slice off my hand and making me drop my lightsaber. I screamed in pain as she force pushed me into a wall, "oh what did I ever see in you?" she asked "I don't know, you asked me out," I replied and force pulled my lightsaber to my hand before jumping up and continuing to fight "you're a resilient one aren't you?" she purred "I guess that's what you saw in me," I replied as I swung again but was quickly blocked. "I could really use some help here!" I exclaimed into my comm "why what's wrong? can't handle a few droids?" Ahsoka asked "no, I can handle droids. BUT I'M FIGHTING VENTRESS WITH ONE FUCKING HAND!" I yelled "where's the other one?" she asked as I heard her running "oh on the ground over there," I replied. When she arrived Ventress knew she wouldn't be able to take both of us so she ran away. "You alright?" Ahsoka asked putting a hand on my wrist "could be worse," I replied with a soft smile and seeing we're alone we kissed.

When the battle was won, if you could even say that, I was brought to a medical room. "It should suffice for now, you can modify it if you'd like," Nala Se said as she finished attaching it "thank you," I replied. I walked out into the hallway to find my master, Master Ti, Ahsoka and Fives waiting "nice hand," Fives commented "thanks," I said as Master Ti hugged me "thank the force you're alright," she muttered "of course I am, takes more than my crazy ex to kill me," I chuckled "crazy ex?" Ahsoka asked "Ventress and I dated when I was undercover once, turns out I might be a father," I explained and got a glare from Master Tiin "she could be lying Y/n," Fives stated "I know I know, I mean she did cut my hand off moments after but that doesn't mean she was lying," I replied.

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