Chapter 9

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Y/n's pov

I woke to find my head on Ahsoka's chest, I smiled a little as I felt her run her fingers through my hair "you have to get up," she said "why?" I mumbled "the assault is today," that got me up "why didn't you wake me up?!" I exclaimed as I got dressed "it's not for another three hours, but I just wanted to scare you," Ahsoka replied with a wink "you're evil," I commented "no I'm not, if I were evil I would have killed you by now," she argued "you couldn't kill me, you'd want to kiss me more," I said and kissed her cheek "I gotta go," "see you when you get back to the ship," she said, I nodded and walked towards the door "love you," I said and left.

I got to the hangar and found the shuttles being prepared, "General, did you get enough rest?" I turned and saw Thrawn "not really, but I'll manage," I said giving a thumbs up as I scratched my head. I was given a briefing and soon enough it was time.

"You'll be working with Skywalker and the 501st, meanwhile the 69th will support all battalions," he explained "we may be the smallest but we're the best," I nodded and looked at the equipment we're bringing in "Admiral... might I suggest sending in a few AT-TEs at some point," I said "why not instantly?" he asked "we need stealth for reconnaissance at first, I'll order a carpet bombing and that's when they'll be brought in," I explained "this is a textbook suicide mission," "agreed, we will suffer heavy losses today," Thrawn replied, a tiny hint of sadness in his tone, "and not due just to the umbarans," I mumbled "why else General?" he asked "Krell, he's... not exactly the best general in the world, I had him as my master at first, he's ruthless to even his troops, whilst good at times he has the highest casualty rate of any general. He's incompetent, not learning from the failure that was The First Battle of Geonosis," I explained "the records say it was a victory," Thrawn argued "a victory? a victory is where we win the battle and don't lose thousands troops, we lost too many soldiers for it to be called a victory. We were forced to lead the clones across an open stretch, no cover at all, I was one of three padawans to survive the whole thing," I replied "and it sparked the beginning of the war, not exactly a victory is it Admiral?" "I suppose not, you make a strong case," he said and I walked to the transports. 

Once the 501st Clone Battalion, 212th Attack Battalion, and the 21st Nova Corps had arrived the invasion truly began. 

I went down with Skywalker's unit and many transports were being destroyed as we were landing. I quickly saw that there were only several left, so I jumped just above the cockpit and began deflecting, blocking or absorbing each blast with my lightsaber or the force. 

Once we got close enough to the ground I jumped off and we began charging. Skywalker was commanding his troops, as was I, and saying it was a bloodbath is an understatement. At one point myself, Skywalker and Captain Rex were forced into a ditch, "any bright ideas?" Skywalker asked "one," I replied and contacted Thrawn "Admiral, carpet bomb these coordinates, and bring the AT-TEs in at these," I ordered "yes General," he replied and ended the transmission "we should get up on that ridge, we'll have better cover that way in case they overshoot," Rex suggested, we nodded and ordered our troops behind the cover. Soon enough the bombs were dropped and we continued attacking. 

We'd soon gotten to a military base, which we'd taken during the second stage of the operation, and we contacted the others. 

"Well we appear to be in bit of a situation at the moment," Master Kenobi said "let me guess, is a big explosion involved?" I asked "indeed," he replied. "We have arrived at the military base, we lost many troops," Master Mundi said "do you know when General Krell is going to arrive?" I asked looking at Thrawn's hologram "he is about fifteen minutes away, and he's coming with the rest of our battalion General, although it's only a few hundred troops," he explained "good, Anakin, the chancellor has requested you back to Coruscant. General Krell will take over operations," Master Kenobi said "why?" Skywalker asked "we weren't told, but it's best you do what he asks," he replied, Skywalker nodded and that transmission ended "Sirs! it appears our communications are being interfered with!" a clone exclaimed as Thrawn and Master Mundi cut off "try to discover what's doing it," Skywalker ordered "Anakin, you better get going," I said "but-" "the chancellor wants you, go talk to him," he sighed "fine," he mumbled.

We went outside to find a shuttle arriving. "General Krell, meet Captain Rex and General Organa. Two of the best soldiers I've ever met, you won't find a more capable or loyal clone or jedi knight anywhere," Skywalker introduced "I will be the judge of that General Skywalker," he replied, Skywalker nodded and went to the shuttle that Krell and some of my clones arrived in. Once it took off Krell changed instantly, "CT-7567, Jedi knight Organa, report," he ordered shocking me "you can call me Y/n Sir, and his name is-" "I will call you WHAT I WANT JEDI KNIGHT ORGANA," he snapped "of course... there is an airbase not far from here, I thinking we should capture it, would give us an edge as it will give us a chance to learn more about-" "I will make the plan, I am the leader of this operation after all," he interrupted "it was a suggestion, and might I mention that I'm the one who commanded the first stage of this operation? you wouldn't be able to command if my admiral and I hadn't won the orbital-" "I am well aware Jedi knight Organa, and I congratulate you on your success, but this is now my operation. You will follow my orders, understood?" he growled "yes Sir," I said and he walked off. "You seem to hate the guy," Rex commented "I do, there's a reason I asked for a different master," I replied and walked away to go meditate. 

When I was called to command room I went but when I got there I found Krell with his lightsaber to Fives' neck. "You get away from him," I growled "and why should I?" he asked turning to me with a smirk "because I'm telling you to," I replied "you cannot defeat me in lightsaber combat," he snarled "I never said I can, but I can defeat you with the force," I argued "fair play Jedi knight Organa. You will march along the main road straight to the capital," he ordered "but Sir-" "that is the plan, you will do as I have ordered," Krell interrupted and left.

Now doing as ordered we were walking along the main road, me at the front with Rex whilst Krell was at the back. "This is a bad idea," Rex grumbled "agreed," I mumbled. We were then attacked by umbarans, they fired at clones and disintegrated them. I deflected each shot and sliced up several. Then suddenly a bunch of umbaran tanks came up out the ground, "fire rockets at the head of the tanks!" I ordered and it was done and the tanks came crashing down. "You will be overrun, use my power," Malgus said "oh, was wondering where you went," I mumbled "use it," he continued "fine," I groaned and the same thing as last time happened, I felt the force flow through me at an unnatural rate and I began going quicker than even trained force sensitives can see with the force. When I stopped I looked around and saw we'd lost a lot of clones, and that a lot of umbarans had also been killed in the battle- no, this wasn't a battle... it was a slaughter.

I was about to order the troops to return to the military base but Krell stopped it, "keep charging," he ordered "Sir, we need to find a better route, they're expecting us on this road," I argued "you will do as ordered!" Krell exclaimed "Sir, if we continue then we won't have many, if any, troops left by the time we arrive and the operation will fail," I replied "it will succeed! Just follow my orders!" he yelled. "Men! Come with me!" I ordered and we ran off.

Soon enough we had arrived at the nearby airbase, "why are we here?" Rex whispered "because we need an outpost, we have too many wounded to continue the assault," I explained "you plan on taking this place? But it will result in more casualties," he replied "no it won't," I said "and how do you know?" he asked "because I'm going to lower their defences and try to take out as much weaponry as possible, then you and those able to fight will storm it," I explained, he nodded and I force jumped over the fence.

I stealthily made my way through he base knocking the guards unconscious. When I had done that I made my way to the command tower and killed the one in charge, I then signalled for the clones to come in.

Soon enough Krell arrived. "Why didn't you follow my orders?!" he yelled "because in case you haven't noticed we have too many soldiers unable to fight, my admiral is currently requesting more but until we get reinforcements we only have around twenty! Including us!" I replied "we leave the moment they arrive," he snarled "General Krell, I don't just have a duty to win the battles, but also to protect these men, it's what a general is meant to do. Clearly you've forgotten that," I said, he then activated his lightsaber and put it to my neck "you're making a mistake my padawan," Krell growled "I'm not your padawan," I replied "not anymore no, but you will follow my orders," he said and walked off "dick," I mumbled. 

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