Some info

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Name - Y/n Organa
Age - 15 (Ahsoka is 14)
Parents - Bail Organa (father), Mon Mothma (mother)
Best friend - Fives

Likes - piloting, parents, Saesee Tiin, Obi-wan, Padme, Yoda, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, Aayla Secura, lightsaber combat, mercy missions

Dislikes - most council members, politics, Dooku, Ki-Adi Mundi, Palpatine, Grievous, jedi code, war, blasters

Height - 6'1
Weight - 140KG (300 lbs)
Eyes - right looks like swirling water, left looks like swirling fire (cuz why not)
Hair - Black, (Ep 2 Anakin)

Master - Saesee Tiin

Special force powers - Shatterpoint, battle meditation

Lightsaber form - Ataru/form 4 (Mastered), Juyo/form 7 (learning)
Lightsaber colour - Green with a black core

Lightsaber form - Ataru/form 4 (Mastered), Juyo/form 7 (learning)Lightsaber colour - Green with a black coreLightsaber: 

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Robes (to much dismay from the council):

Robes (to much dismay from the council):

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