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lorelei's car pulled into the driveway not too shortly after us talking about random things.
she waved me off and left the building, i decided to go back upstairs since i didn't have any other friends to talk to.

that had me thinking, i should talk to nick; it's been a while since i've texted him. nick was my high school buddy, he sadly moved to texas back where his girlfriend lived.
we would always skip class and cause tons of trouble, looking back on it; best memories i had.

i twisted the doorknob to my office door and entered it, making sure to shut it behind me. i saw a figure in my office chair, my first guess was that it were clay.

"clay, leave my fucking office; i'm done with your shit" i said tiredly.

the figure got out of the chair and it was, alex.

i smiled in relief.

"thank god, i thought you were clay; he's been on my last nerve lately" i chuckled.

"he's jerking off in the bathroom, i was gonna take a fat shit but he was praising to no one" alex shrugged.

i didn't know much about alex, we had done one video together which was almost a year ago. 

"so why are you in here?" i shook my head confused.

"sorry man, i thought this was lorelei's office; i saw her come in here before" alex shrugged.

"really?" i questioned.

"yeah, she had flowers or something" alex shrugged.

i looked around my room to try finding said flowers, they weren't in plain sight.

"oh okay" i shrugged.

"i'm bored, wanna go swimming?" alex stood up very hyper all this sudden.

"it's coldddd" i whined.

"cmon mother fucker!" alex jumped then pulling me by his side.

"in the hot tub?" i asked.

"sure!" alex smiled.

"ok" i sighed thankfully.

we stopped in front of the front door.

"let's get our shit and meet up here again" alex said.

"that works" i smiled.

he nodded with satisfaction then waddling out of the building, i laughed at him quietly.

i sped walked to my condo and unlocking it with my keycard. i walked into the hot house and jogged to my room. i rummaged through my drawers to find my favorite swimwear. i finally found it, light blue swim trunks with a blue flower at the corner of the left pant leg.

i quickly stripped off my clothing and put the swim trunks on, i grabbed a walmart bag and stuffed my clothing into it so i could change when i was done in the hot tub.

i sped walked to the workplace since it were cold outside, i also get colder than the normal person would thanks to iron deficiency.

i quickly walked into the building as more wind blew around, i sighed after shutting the door; finally where it was warm. i ran my hands threw my now messy hair and looked around to see alex wasn't there yet, guess i would just have to wait. but now i felt like everyone was staring at me even though i knew they were minding their own businesses. alex rushed inside, immediately crashing into me.
i felt myself start to slip, i quickly grabbed onto alex as a high pitched scream displayed through the building. my grasp was lost off of alex and i closed my eyes awaiting to hit on the ground harshly. that soon became reality and alex laughed at me while i sat on the ground pouting.

"get up you big baby, let's go swim!" alex said happily.

i shook my head with a smile then getting up and off the ground after my tumble. i looked around to see the girls that always hung around clay. i took my attention off of them and followed alex to the backyard sliding door. i sat my clothing outside the door then closing it. i immediately looked at the direction of the hot tub since i was hit by a cold gust of wind.

clay was in the hot tub, what the actual fuck...

"ooo your little boyfriend is waiting for you" alex nudged with a smirk.

"i'm going back inside-" i said as alex yanked my arm.

"no" he said then pushing me towards the hot tub.

"i'll be in the pool when you get done getting warm!" alex said then diving into the pool but severely failing.

i shook my head then walking up the latter and into the hot tub, i made sure to fully ignore clay to not give him any attention he'd want.

"whore" clay muttered at my direction.

i made eye contact with him, "surprised your girlfriends not on your dick right now, especially since you're in a pool" i crossed my arms.

"i snuck out, there's a reason why i didn't invite them" clay shrugged.

"what are you getting at?" i asked as he stared into my eyes in a begging way.

"maybe i overheard you and slut boy talking, and maybe i just so happened wanted to swim with you" he smirked.

"you're a pain" i stated then laughing annoyed.

"i might be a pain but you still wanna fuck me" he winked.

"do not" i shook my head.

"wanna see?" he smirked.

"clay, i don't like you" i stated.

"well i guess we'll get to see" he shrugged.

"what do you mean by that?" i looked at him disgustedly.

"after our video you'll be begging for more" clay scooted closer to me.

"what do you think you're doing?-" i said confused and nervously.

"getting more comfortable" he smirked.

"GEORGE!! IMA HEAD INSIDE IM COLD" alex yelled from across the backyard.

"OKAY! I THINK I MIGHT BE DOING THE SAME" i responded as an escape from clay.

clay lightly put his hand on my thigh and shook his head.

"i need to discuss something, stay for a little longer" he whispered.

"uh- o-okay?" i said confused then taking his hand off of my thigh.

"I THINK IMA STAY A LITTLE LONGER" i yelled to alex.

"that's all good" he said.

"sorry, didn't know you were that close" i laughed.

"it's all cool man, have fun" he winked.

i shook my head disgustedly then facing towards clay who was mouthing something to alex. alex's eyes widened and he quickly rushed inside the building.

"what did you say to him?" i asked.

"doesn't matter, what does matter is this..." clay started to state.

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