Description, A/N, and Preview

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Luz, a teenage human girl, part of the Emperor's Coven for 7 years now and trying to uphold her end of a deal with the Emperor. When she finally gets her chance, she has to go undercover and get the portal to the Human Realm from the most wanted criminal, Eda the Owl Lady.

However, things prove difficult when Luz discovers that there's a key as well.

All Luz wants to do is go home, but being out of the Human Realm for 7 years and a curse on her shoulders, is there really a home for her to go back too? And as she lives with these criminals, she starts to doubt if the Emperor will really heal her curse and send her back to the Human Realm.

And maybe she doesn't want to leave the Owl House.


Hello! I've been working on this little AU idea for about a month or two now and I'm excited to share it with you! The AU is called the Amber Guard Luz AU. And as of writing this A/N I am currently working on Chapter 9, so Chapter 1 should be published soon after this little preview page? Idk, maybe after a day.

Anyways, the first few Chapters are... eh, cause it sticks close to the cannon first few episodes of the series. However I have tried changing this up to stray further from how the episode would normally go. So far the chapters that are the most different from the episodes right now are, Chapters 4 and 5 being based off of episode 2, and Chapter 6 for episode 3, and Chapter 9 being original and not based off of any episode. Of course the other chapters have there own original things sprinkled in and changed- but I'm giving too much away and should just shut up now lol.

Also every chapter so far is over 2,000 words except Chapters 3, and 5, 5 being the shortest with only 718 words.

Anyways, here's a mini Preview! And I would like to hear any theories you might have!


Luz gasped at the castle before them, she hadn't seen anything like this except the Emperor's Castle. The large castle had golden banners illuminated by the sunlight. The doorbell was also made of gold, and towering wooden doors opened after Luz pressed a hand against it. The door creaked open and Luz felt a sense of something dangerous and dark.

"I could show you around!" Hooty exclaimed excitedly, Luz grimaced "no thanks Hooty, I'm pretty much done anyways." She put the book back on the shelf she found it on. "How long have you and Eda known each other?" She asked, perhaps the owl tube could give her direct information.

She reached for the solid object and her hand met cold air. She grabbed onto the ledge and pulled, kicking her legs harder and grabbing with her other hand. She finally broke the surface, but she still couldn't get enough air into her lungs as she pulled herself out of the not-water and onto the cold stone ground.

Eda waved her off, "I'll teach you some potions tomorrow." Luz rolled her eyes "that's not going to help me right now though. I have to live until then." Eda snorted "don't worry I gotta plan."

She yawned, the week and lack of sleep was catching up to her. She closed her eyes, maybe she could take a nap, Eda was probably too busy with that card game to notice the time anyway.

And that's all! I'll see you in the first chapter tomorrow!

Two Sides of the Same Coin: An Owl and a WolfWhere stories live. Discover now