That only sent her into a stronger fit of giggles. By the end of that training session, Razaria felt as though she'd had the best abdominal workout she'd gotten that entire time.

"Also Ivy is making us the starring characters in the novel in her head."

"What do you mean by that?" Dante asked dumbfounded.

"The way she's watching us, you know she's naming the children," Razaria laughed.

Dante just looked at Razaria and then shot Ivy a look of warning after which made Ivy's eyes widen and she looked away quickly like she was just caught doing something wrong.

When the training session had concluded and they were in a fresh change of clothes, Dante led the girls to an area of the pristine base that Razaria had never been in yet. Ivy, however, seemed to be bouncing as she walked in giddy anticipation.

"Uh, where are we going?"

"Since you've been doing so well, I thought you'd like to do something fun," he replied with a shrug. "Some low grav time."

"Low whaty-what time?" She asked him.

"You'll see," Dante simply said with a smile.

It didn't take long until they were at a more decorated type door. From what she could see there was a flowy, scripted language around the door. It flowed in intricate circles but there was some sort of broken patterning around it. Almost like it was some sort of warning sign written over and over again. Even though she wasn't able to read it or understand what language it was from, Razaria felt apprehensive about whatever was on the other side of that door.

What she saw when the door opened was not what she'd been expecting. At all. Outside the door, which Dante and the girls corralled her through quickly, there was something even more shocking than the architecture of The Organization. They were surrounded on three sides by the outer walls of the Organization but beyond that there was nothing. The ground was barren and the surface was a mixture of white and tan and looked similar to sandstone. There were little holes littering the whole thing and she was pretty sure she could see leftover footprints scattered all over it. The only thing lighting up the area were attached to the three walls forming the cove that the four of them were currently sheltered in.

Over the horizon was a shimmer silver mist that seemed to clear up the longer she looked at it. When she finally saw what was through the weird optical illusion, Razaria lost her breath. Renaris. She was looking down at her planet.

"Where are we?"

"Laris," Mari said shortly before running out from behind her.

Razaria watched in wonder as the redhead took a leap. Instead of moving maybe six feet over the ground, Mari hung in the air far longer than it should have been possible. Her descent was slow and much farther away than physics would have ever dictated with the gravity of Renaris. Ivy did the exact same thing. When she caught up with Mari the two of them bounded back towards her.

"You've got to be kidding me," Razaria breathed out in wonder.

"Come on Razy, come join us!" Ivy called out as she jumped straight up.

"What? How? How are we breathing? What's going on? I have so many questions!"

"We're on Laris, one of our moons," Dante said from right behind her. "There's a shield around the city that keeps in an atmosphere and blocks out radiation. The gravity is lower outside of the walls though; it's still there because we're still close enough to the buildings, but it's reduced out here."

"We're in space, I am in actual space..." Razaria repeated as she stared out at the girls having fun. "Why did no one tell me we're on a moon‽"

"You never asked," Dante snarked as he chuckled.

Razaria spun around to face him with a child-like awe on her face. "Laris. Lunarians were real? Like, really real? Not just a group of people that told everyone they came from the moons?"

"Who do you think built all this? Bernard?" 

"Razy!" Ivy called out, exaggerating the nickname. Razaria turned just her head to look back at Ivy keeping her body facing Dante and waved to her. Ivy waved back and happily called out to Razaria as she did a somersault in the air, "Come on, come play with me!"

With her attention away from Dante, Razaria was unprepared for what happened next. He picked her up like one might a child and tossed her into the air. Razaria instinctively braced for a fall that never came. She found herself floating as though she was suspended in a pool of water; just without the pressure. Slowly she fell back down to the rocky surface. Even as she lost her footing, the fall to her butt was softened in the low gravity.

"Oh look, you took her first time Dante," Mari called out with a dry, teasing tone. "Shame on you, didn't even ask."

"Whatever she liked it."

"Says you," Mari laughed as she used one of the walls to bounce off of. "Why don't you ask her? Or is your little ego just too fragile for the truth?"

"I dunno Mari, I think Razy likes it whenever Donny touches her," Ivy added with a wink.

"Thank you," Dante called out and then realized what was being said.

 He offered Razaria his hand to help her up and she grinned taking it in a second. As he pulled her up she moved faster then she was expecting to, another side effect from the low gravity. For Dante, after the conversation that he'd had with Razaria moments ago, the thought of what Ivy just said twisted in ways he didn't want them to. His resulting shiver was probably the funniest thing that either girl had seen all day.


"Face it Dante, even without actually having sex Ivy knows more than you do!" Razaria laughed as he still held her hand, almost like he was refusing to let go.

He shook his head at her comment. They ganged up on him often and he wasn't a fan of that. It was bad enough when Mari and Ivy used to do it. Now that Razaria was in the mix everything had gotten so much worse. He regretted letting the girls meet each other. He made a mental note to never let that happen again. Unfortunately right now the sad truth was that he couldn't have them un-meet. They were past the turning point. 

Crystal Legacies: RebirthWhere stories live. Discover now