Only a few hours away from your destination you noticed that Thor fell asleep next to you so you asked Sam to lower the volume of the music and to maybe play some slower songs so that he doesn't wake up Thor. Sam decided to play some oldies that Cap and Buck instantly recognized from their time in the military.

They began telling you stories about what they experienced back then. "And then this girl came in and Bucky really liked her so he came up with the brilliant idea to show her how strong he is by lifting this heavy wine barrel. But his hand slipped and the barrel fell in front of the girl and broke spilling wine all over her and totally ruining her white dress", Cap said almost dying of laughter. "What? No way she must have been pissed", you said giggling. "Yeah, she was, she just stormed off and never talked to me again. I felt really bad.", Bucky answered with a smile. "Well it was her loss anyways.", you said looking at Bucky. "Really (Y/n) is that what you think? Now we didn't hear much about your dating experience so tell me, I bet that every second guy that looks at you asks you to be his girlfriend", Sam said tilting his head back to look at you.

"Yeah, that totally happens", you sarcastically replied. "But believe it or not I have never been in a relationship before so no stories from me" "Shut up I don't believe you", Steve said frowning. "Yeah it's true I swear. But now that I think of it there was this one guy that had a crush on me and he wrote me a letter in the middle of class.", you said chuckling at the memory of him. "Quick tell us, I wanna know what happened.", Sam said leaning his head on his hands making you laugh. "Well there is not much to tell but I basically received this paper during class and when I opened it he wrote that he loved me and he even drew like a heart around my name and his. I didn't want to be mean, but since I really didn't see him as more than just a friend I wrote: "I like you too" and he quickly figured out that he got friend zoned." "Ouch (Y/n) you really gave him the cold shoulder there", Sam said jokingly. "That's just how I am, cold-hearted and full of charm", you said trying to sound as seductive as possible, making the three of them laugh.

You were getting a little tired since you haven't really slept much lately so you figured you could just close your eyes for a second but as soon as you did you fell asleep. The feeling of somebody twirling your hair and pulling it gently made you wake up from your dreams. You opened your eyes slowly looking at what seemed to be a car seat but it was strangely enough somehow right in front of your face. Then your brain started to process what was going on and you realized your head was resting on Bucky's lap and that he was the one playing with your hair. You promptly stood up and brushed your hair back to make it look somewhat presentable, before turning to Bucky and apologizing for falling asleep on him. "It's alright doll.", he said not being able to look you in the eyes since he began to blush, turning his head in embarrassment. And so did you when he called you doll. Then you noticed that you woke up at the perfect moment because Steve was just about to park the car in front of the residence.


When you stepped out of the car you were welcomed by a cool breeze of wind and the smell of saltwater and citrus. You couldn't wait another second so you quickly grabbed your suitcase and stormed inside the house. It was a beautiful Mediterranean-styled house filled with old stone walls and plants that made it look cozy and comfortable. You left your suitcase and started to explore the living room and the kitchen, running around like a little kid in a toy store. But the best thing was the giant pool you found as you walked outside. It had even a small dining area with a grill and a few sun loungers. You went inside again meeting the whole team already looking around. "Well at least I know that someone fancies this place", Tony said while looking at you. "Are you kidding? This place is amazing! Let's go see our rooms.", you suggested ready to storm upstairs.

Everyone had a little room for themselves since Tony figured that after a long mission it might be best if everyone had some privacy and a chance to be alone in a room. After unpacking your clothes you heard a knock on your door and shouted for the person to come in. It was Natasha poking her head in and then fully entering your room. "Quick you have to change into your bikini, we are going to test out the pool downstairs.", she said opening the closet and taking out a bikini you previously bought together with her, that she convinced you to buy because "you would look hot in it", as she said. You changed and looked at yourself in the mirror. Damn you weren't the type that loved revealing much skin but you had to admit that you really did look good. Natasha just knows what suits you.

So the two of you walked downstairs, where everyone was already doing something be it tanning or just talking. You just had to make a great entrance so you ran straight towards the pool and jumped right in next to Bucky, Sam, and Steve talking, splashing them with water. "What's the matter? Is the holy trinity scared of a little water?", you asked grinning mischievously. "Your little grin is not gonna last long (Y/n) if I come in and join you.", Steve said pointing his finger warningly at you. Just as he was walking closer to the edge of the pool Bucky pushed him which made him fall in. You gracefully came out of the water capturing the attention of Bucky, giving Sam the perfect opportunity to push him into the pool too. You and Sam laughed at the sight of them swimming in the water still wearing their clothes. But because you are you, you had to throw Sam in there too since he also had to suffer for what he had done. "Traitor!", he shouted laughing while making a fake mad face that made you laugh even more.

You left the three of them to their fun in the water and joined Natasha, who was watching the whole thing laying on her stomach with sunglasses and a cold drink in one hand close to the pool. "They still behave like children", you said chuckling with amusement. You sat down next to her on this big sofa-like furniture crossing your legs. She placed her head in her hand and looked at you with a little smile. "I know that look too well. What do you want.", you asked being ready to hear what she was thinking. "Nothing, I just saw the way Bucky looked at you that's all.", she replied with the sweetest smile dangling her legs. "Bucky? No way, are you sure?" "Totally (Y/n). He got so distracted because he was staring at you, that he was pushed in the pool.", she said looking at you with her eyebrows raised. You layed on your stomach next to her, holding your upper body up with your elbows.

"I'm telling you babe he definitely likes you.", she said looking at the three of them exiting the pool with a grin. "You think so?", you asked looking at them now too watching them take off their wet clothes under which they were wearing swim shorts. "I mean I can say one thing. He does look good without a shirt.", you said while watching Bucky take off his wet shirt over his head. Natasha slid down her sunglasses agreeing with a "mhm".

The first who spotted the two of you observing them was Steve who rolled his eyes, smiled, and pointed at you with a nod of his head, making the other two turn around too. You and Natasha just waved slightly, both watching them with amusement. You saw Bucky scratching his head in embarrassment when he noticed your gaze on him. The three of them were now walking towards you making you and Natasha chuckle a little. "Are the ladies enjoying the view?", Cap asked while standing in front of you. "Yes we are", Natasha replied, resting her sunglasses on her nose and placing her head on her arms. "Now I see why you're called America's ass and you America's thighs." you chuckled pointing at Steve and then at Bucky.
The two of them looked at each other, then they started smiling and after a small nod, they approached you. "Hey what are you doing? I'm warning you...", you said confused while they grabbed your arms and legs carrying you to the pool. "No!", you shouted laughing. But it was already too late and you ended up being thrown into the pool. "Lady (Y/n)!", Thor shouted as he saw what just happened. "I will revenge you.", he said while pushing Bucky and Cap into the water, who were definitely caught off guard by his action.

You were just about to climb out when two hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you into the water not letting go. "Where do you think you're going?" Bucky said from behind you, his strong arms hugging you tightly. "I'm not done with you yet, doll.", he whispered in your ear, his breath tingling your skin and making you shiver. "No! Let me go Buck!", you laughed trying to get out of his death grip. You started pocking his side which made him laugh. As soon as he loosened his grip you swam away climbing out of the pool. "How did you know my weakness?", he asked still laughing. "Well your best friend is not so good at keeping secrets from me", you said raising your eyebrows and looking at Cap who gave you the "did you have to tell him" look. You returned to Natasha and grabbed your towel. "I told you.", she said smiling at herself. "Shut up.", you said embarrassed drying your face off while also hiding the fact that you're probably blushing like an idiot.

"Your Majesty" | Bucky x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن