Chapter 1

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Before zuko was banish

Iluka is doing her normal chores as a maid when suddenly two guards come to her "you come with us" one of the guard said "what is happening" iluka try to ask but to no avail the guards drag her to the throne room where the fire lord ozai was

When they enter iluka quickly kneel before him "so you iluka" the fire lord ask "yes your majesty" iluka said ozai smile "I want you to become personal maid for my daughter azula" ozai said "very well your majesty" iluka said "good the guards will bring you to her she's right is playing with her brother and my wife at the garden" the fire lord said "yes thank you your majesty" iluka said then the guards bring her to the bridge where she azula shoot fire from her fist to the apple on top of the girl head making it burn but then she see the prince push the girl to the fountain making the other girls laugh

The guards arrive and bow to azula "princess your father order a maid just for you to help you in your chores" one of the guard said azula roll her eye because she's has ton of maids who can do her chores and why she want some peasant to become her personal maid the the guards reveal to azula a beautiful girl with long midnight blue hair and magenta eye colour making the princess stun at her beauty "we'll take our leave now" the guards bow and walk away

Soon the girl surround by ty lee amaze at her appearance "wow your hair and eye look so beautiful" ty lee said "thank you" iluka said then the princess walk in front of her "your hair and eye look are unique" the princess said still can't believe her eye that such a beauty exist "yes I follow after my mother our family has been like this for generations now" iluka said then zuko and mai get up and dry themselves

"so who's the new girl" mai ask still upset of what happen earlier "this iluka she is azula personal maid" ty lee said "what why did you get a personal maid and i don't" zuko said angrily "well maybe father award me because of achievement at mastering my form zuzu" azula said still not break her sight from the beauty iluka notice this quickly low her head with blush on her face "hey let's play another game this time" ty lee said azula nod and look at her friends but still peek to see the maid her father give to her

That night azula is in her room getting ready to have dinner with her family while iluka is helping her "so iluka are you a firebender" azula said looking at her "unfortunately no princess but my brother is" iluka said "you have a brother" azula ask curios about iluka past "yes he just a year younger than me" iluka said "does he also have your beautiful hair and eye" azula smirk making the girl blush "n-no apparently only the females of my family has this kind of features" iluka said still the blush intact on her face "I see" azula admiring iluka beauty "it's done princess" azula get up and put her hand under iluka chin "you beautiful you know that" azula said teasingly making iluka blush

She walk to the door waiting for iluka to open up for her "are you gonna stand there or" iluka quickly open the door for her and they walk the hallway to the royal dinner room soon they arrive in front of the dinner door "I will wait here princess" iluka said "you gonna come with me" azula said "but it's only for the royal family only" iluka said "well you my personal maid so I order you to follow me" azula said coldly iluka bow "yes princess" iluka open the door and walk inside with azula

Azula sit in front of her brother "good evening father mother zuko I apologise for my arrival" azula said "it's okay azula" ozai said then the foods come and they eat together then azula said that her firebending teacher scold her for doing the wrong form but ozai just said that they will find her new firebending teacher then zuko said if she follow the right move maybe the teacher will not scold her but then the fire lord shout at zuko saying how many form as he master and he compliment azula as she has master all forms of firebending iluka just listen to their arguments

Then azula is back in her room and change into her robe "well that was fun" azula said she look at iluka who is getting the bed ready for the princess "your bed is ready princess" iluka said "thank you iluka" azula said she grab iluka waist making her face the princess face "you know you even look more beautiful at night" azula look at iluka eye and then her soft plump lips azula try her best not to kiss iluka right away "t-thank y-you princess" iluka look away and try to get out of the princess grip but her grip is strong making it harder for her "princess it's time for you to sleep" iluka said azula let go if her grip and lay on the bed with blanket over her "goodnight iluka" azula smile at her "goodnight princess" iluka bow and get out from the room 'why she do that' iluka try to forget what just happen earlier then she make her way to her room

possessive azulaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें