Didn't help that everyone couldn't stop the staring and whispering. Geez, rumours about why she wasn't in school already spread.

She even heard one that said she had gotten herself stabbed after being high on drugs. Sheesh, what was wrong with these people and their gossip? Still, that one hit a little close to home, so she was relieved to find out that Dex had started that one, with his genius reverse psychology that the best lies were mixed with truths.

The only plus side to being in Advanced Math was that Keefe was her table mate.

As annoying and distracting he was. Not exactly in a bad way.

However, the overprotectiveness wasn't that much appreciated. He kept asking her every fifteen minutes if she needed anything.

Do you need to puke?
Geez, Keefe, I got stabbed. Not a concussion.

Do you need a jacket?
Again, emphasis on the fact that I got stabbed. I don't have a fever.

Do you need me to kill Fitz because he's irritatingly irritating with his constant need to answer questions?
Oh. My. God. Yes, but no. Killing is my job, not yours, now shut up and pay attention.

Even as she answered questions correctly in class, Edaline kept glancing in her direction every few minutes. It made her squirm.

Her fingers were crossed so damn tightly at the end of the lesson that Edaline wouldn't say what she wanted to say, but-

"Sophie? See me after class."


She quickly gathered her books and shoved them into her bag, wanting the talk to be over.

"Wait for you at study hall?" Keefe murmured when their gazes connected.

She nodded briefly and he leaned over to squeeze her hand.

"Yeah?" She asked with forced cheerfulness upon reaching the teacher's table.

"Are you okay, Sophie?" Edaline asked. "3 weeks of not being in school is... odd. Especially seeing as this is your first year here."

She laughed awkwardly to cover it up. "I'm fine. Just got stomach flu. And it was, uhm... Bad. Yeah. Almost died. Then my brothers forced me on a week of bed rest after that, but I'm fine now."

Again, a lie mixed with a truth. Thanks, Dex.

Edaline eyed her. It was blatantly clear that she didn't believe her. "Okay fine. But I didn't fail to notice, you missed our talk on friday."

Double shit.

"Yeaaahhhh," she bit her lip. "Can we reschedule?"

"I'm afraid not. Since study hall is after this, you'll be missing that and talking to me instead. That okay?"

No. I like you for a teacher, but I don't want to talk. "Sure," she said breezily.

And so, The Talk™ started.


Edaline was almost as annoying as Keefe.

Almost. No one could beat his annoyingness. Or his adorableness, for that matter.

For the entire hour, she went through her life story again, choking up slightly at the details, but...

Edaline was understanding. Patient. Patting her shoulder whenever she got too choked up. She didn't offer much advice, nor did she try to convince her to report her father to the police, but... Edaline just had a calming and supportive presence to her that just telling her what had happened was a relief.

Can't Say I Don't Love You (A Sokeefe AU)Where stories live. Discover now