47|| Accidents and Confrontations

Start from the beginning

Both replied with a groan.

The longer Sophia watched them the more curious she got. She leaned forward with great interest, unable to hold herself back from belting out a long string of questions. "How? How long ago? How'd it even happen? How was it? Kayla don't hold out on me now-!"

"It was an accident, I swear," Seong moaned dispiritedly.

"I can vouch-" Kayla added, "We maybe... might've...somehow had a little bit too much to drink...that night..."

Sophia sat up straight, "Nuh uh! Don't lie now, that had to be a whole lot-!"

Kayla covered her face again, "Let me live please."

"Was it a second bottle of Tequila? The first? A strong mixture? Nightclub bar?" Sophia covered her mouth with her hand to hide her smile. There were very few opportunities to tease Kayla like this.

"Shut up its not my fault, I get really horny when I drink and he just happened to be there you know-! All night-"

"All night-?" Sophia repeated with a gasp.

"Hey!" Seong looked up with quickness, lifting his head off the table, "-I thought you said you couldn't remember anything!"

"Ah shit," Kayla immediately got up, pushing her chair back with a loud screech, "leave me alone-!"

Sophia watched the two while barely holding her own laughter. Their awkwardness from before was slowly dissipating and she could bet they didn't even realize. Both started arguing back and forth like they normally would but this time Sophia could most definitely feel that it was filled with unacknowledged tension.

She went to drink her tea only to sigh after realizing it was done.

Her eyes immediately spotted one of the two cold drinks infront of her and Sophia smiled. "Yo, I need a drink-" She ignored the stiffness in her muscles and reached forward only to pause as she heard the sounds of hurried footsteps. In seconds someone immediately grabbed her hand.

Sophia nearly jumped out of her skin then calmed afterwards after seeing that it was only Garcia. She then tensed up all over again because she couldn't for the life of her recall how the lady got this close so quickly.

Garcia shook her head and placed another cup off her tray after taking Sophia's empty tea cup. "Oh honey...you don't want that, soda is very unhealthy-"

Garcia winked and left, leaving Sophia in mild confusion.

The drink she got now was equally cool but tasted like a blend of fruits after she drank it. Sophia was seconds into questioning it but pushed the topic to the back of her mind when Kayla angrily made her way back, followed by a flustered Seong.

"Let's handle this like adults Kayla!" He continued as she heavily sat down.

"Handle what? I have no clue what you're talking about-"

Seong made a disgruntled sound and his gaze went straight to Sophia, "It's been like this for two whole days Sophia-!"

Sophia only felt pity. He looked frustrated if anything. Kayla was stubbornly sitting, now taking huge gulps of her drink.

"I...I hope both of you used protection at least?" Sophia offered in the smallest voice, hiding her smile.

"Oh come on, please don't laugh-!"

Sophia gasped loudly, "I swear I'm not! It's the light-" her shoulders shook as she kept her eyes down.

"Stop disturbing the peace Seong," Kayla coughed out, "it was only a bit of fun."

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