dad needs to know

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Daya POV

I feel so dirty , and I feel horrible for this baby

I cried and cried as I can't really do anything and my door open

" Babe , you need to eat your mom said you haven't eaten anything ", Bosco said

" Im fine baby , I just don't feel like it ", I said

" Babe you need to eat ", Bosco said as Jasmine enter my room

" Daya , you left your phone , here", she said as she handed me my phone back

" Thanks ", I said

" Mom said you need to eat ", Jasmine said

" Okey ", I said as I follow them downstairs

" Oh my Daya are you okay hun ", dad said

" Let's eat ", mom said as she finished

" Daya can I talk to you later ", mom said

" Sure ", I said as I eat

We finished our meal and as mom said we both talk and she's with dad

" Daya are you okey if we tell dad he needs to know", mom said

" Yeah , but I don't know if I want to keep it or not I'm still no sure", I said as we sit in the patio

" Are you okay hun I'm getting concerned about you " dad said

" Mmm dad , I want to tell you something , please don't be mad ", I said and my eyes blurred

" What is it hun , don't worry I won't ", dad said

" I'm pregnant ", I said as I cried again , dad was speechless

" Are you going to keep it ?", He ask

" I don't know ", I said as I saw Jasmine open the door

" Mom is Daya okay ", she ask in a concerned voice as I grip in moms hand to not say the truth

" She's fine hun she is going in L A soon and she is just wondered about you" mom lied to Jasmine

" I will be fine , Daya don't worry , I'm worried about you , your going to be alone there", Jasmine said as I hug her

" Love you Daya ", Jasmine said

" Love you too baby girl", I said to her

hey! I don't like your girlfriend ( Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now