I want to break up with him

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I've done my night routine then I got in my phone and scroll to Daya's Instagram , she haven't really post any then Brian called me

" Hi , min", he said

" Hi bri, what's up ", I said

" I want to ask you to join me in the club maybe this weekend "", he ask

" Sure , baby but I can't go if mom wouldn't let me , Daya is coming back soon so , yeah maybe okey see you" I said as I hung up, Brian really changed alot , he used to be a really good person but now he's turning into some cool gang that always beat up students , and then I went to sleep

Next morning

Jasmine POV

"Good morning, Jasmine time to get ready hun , and breakfast is ready", mom said as she woke me up

" Okay mom , I need to go shower so I wake up more", I said as I yawn

I got up and hop to the shower , eat and I see it's early so I think I can get a coffee before heading to school

In the mall

Bosco POV

I usually always have a morning shift before heading to school so today is one of that day
and suddenly I saw ' Jasmine'

" Hi welcome to Starbucks what can I get you ?", I said trying to be professional

" Oh Bosco , I didn't know you're here , we have school today right ?", Jasmine said

" Yeah we have are having the regular order ?", I ask and she nood

" Well to answer your question , I have to pay for my rent and my self expenses so I do early morning shifts but only in Monday and Friday ", I said as I made her her pink drink

" Here  you go", I said as I hand her her order and I started to remove my apron

" You want a ride to school , I have a car ", she offered

" Oh thank you, just a sec.  ", I said as I went to the back and ask phytia to go back to the front and I take my bag

" Okey , let's go ", Jasmine said

We both got out and find her car

" Wow nice car , it's very you", I commented

" Well thank you , it's Daya's gift for me before she left ", she said

" Oh well let's go miss perfect , don't you want to be late ?",I teasingly ask her

"Yeah let's go ", we both get in the car and let's just say Jasmine's driving skills are questionable

As we got to school
"Thanks for the ride ", I said as I got out and head to my class and I see her go to her boyfriend

Jasmine POV

" Hi babe , I said as I see Brian

" Oh hi , you got a drink , did you get that in Starbucks where the 'dyke' work ", Brian said and it broke my heart he's homophobic , he doesn't know I'm bi so , I can't really say anything

" Oh ,I need to go back to class now , bye ", I said we got different schedule

Fast forward ⏩ to lunch

I still go to lunch with Daya's friends

" Hi Maddy ,Hi Lyssa", I said to both of them as I sit across them

" Any updates about Daya ?", Maddy ask
"Yeah , I miss her", Alyssa said after Maddy

" Well mom said she will be back soon ", I said as I see there face glow

" Omg I can't wait ", they both said
And then my boyfriend came

" Hi ladies , I need Jasmine for a minute please",he said as he grabbed me to go with him outside

" What , I'm eating ", I said as we are outside

" Go , to the club with me this weekend ok , I got a surprise for you ", he said

" Okey , can I go back to them I don't want to be here ", I said as I walked inside

" Hi again , sorry about that , can I ask you guys something?", I said

" What is it dear ?", Maddy said

" I really need an advice , how to break up with that ass hole ", I said

"I thought you'd never ask", Alyssa said

" You know , you should just talk to him " , Maddy said

" And tell us what , he does to you I know he is a handful , he always wants to fight ", Alyssa said

" Remember Maddy when Daya beat the hell out if you're ex , your sister is a good boxing player ", Alyssa added

" Oh I didn't know that ", I said

" Yeah , Daya did that , so don't hesitate to call us both ok ", Maddy said

Bell ring ........

hey! I don't like your girlfriend ( Unedited) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora