Jasmine's confession

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Daya POV

Mom is making me in charge again cause dad has a business trip for the month and she needs to be with dad so me and Jasmine have to be in the house for a while without them

It's the middle of the night I can't sleep then I got a text

Baby Jas ❤️ : Daya I need you rn

Big sis 🤘: go to my room , if you need me

Baby Jas ❤️: ok wait , on my way

Why Jasmine is texting me in the middle of the night ?
Why is she awake right now?then I heard a knock on my door

I opened it and I see Jasmine crying, it made my heart break to see her like this even I hate her sometimes she still my sister and I love her

"Come in love what's wrong?", I said

" D-dd-daya I think I like girls and guys at the same time i confused daya i think im Bisexual ", she said and it made me happy finally she didn't hide her feelings

" It's ok baby , I am too , I'm proud of you ", that's all I said and I can feel her getting sleepy

" I'm sleepy Daya can I sleep here", she ask me

" Yeah sure , and if you want to talk about sexuality and stuff you can ask me anything ok I got experience with all that don't worry I won't tell anyone if you want , and I want you to say it your self if you really feel that way", I said to her cause I don't want what happened to me happened to her

"Want to snuggle with me ?", I ask

"Sure , and mmm I know this is stupid but can I kiss you Daya , it's ok if you think it's crazy cause I'm your sister and stuff -"

I cut off her of as I pressed my lips on her lips and kiss her slowly and then pull away and smile

" It's fine , don't worry I won't tell , even if you want to fuck me", I said as a joke but I actually don't mind at all

" You would do that , thank you , and umm Daya your kinda my first kiss ever ", she said shyly

" Well good to know what to explore more , just ask me " , I said as she pressed her lips to mine and I give her a passionate kiss

"You really want this I don't want to pressure you? ", I ask

" Yes please ", She said

"Ok , I will make out with you but please don't tell anyone ok , I can get in jail ", I said

" I promise I won't , jas said

Jasmine POV

Daya is a good kisser she is really gentle I didn't even know that she can be this sweet , she started to look at me as I'm about to remove my robe

"No Jas , don't I don't want to take advantage of you ", Daya said

" Oh ok , thank you again daya , Love You ", I said to her

" I love you too baby Jas, come here snuggle with me ," she said

" Can I remove my robe , I sleep with my panties and a shirt so , please don't think it's weird", I said

" Oh don't worry , I do the same but sometimes I sleep naked , let's sleep ", she said

Next morning

Daya POV
Today is the start of me being in charge I woke up early and realized that Jasmine is in my chest holding on my waist and I decided to wake her up
Mom shouted

" Daya wake up , and wake Jas we are heading out now "

"Yes mom coming ", I shouted back and woke Jasmine

" Jas , jassie wake up ?" I said

" Daya it's so early ,I need more cuddle", she said

" Mom and dad wants you to see them before they go wake up ", I said

" Oh that's today ok ", she said and we both head out of my room and see mom and dad

Dad looked at me confused " mmm Daya your not wearing any pants again " dad said as he closed he's eyes I feel so embarrassed

" Woops ! Sorry", I said and head back to my room and get some shorts

" Oh we need to go girls , Daya please take care of yourself and jassie don't let her cook for her self and jassie go with Daya all the time if you are heading out ok Daya do the same don't let one of you out of each other's eye and Daya if you don't mind you have a big bed sleep with jassie so she won't feel alone ok bye girls , mom said

"Bye , both me and Jasmine said

hey! I don't like your girlfriend ( Unedited) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon