Daya's leaving?

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Jasmine POV

Daya is a good singer and at first I didn't believe that she have a band called get dusted but now I believe her

" Hi everyone", Daya said to Alyssa and Maddy

" Alyssa, Maddy this is my little sister , Jasmine, Jasmine this is Alyssa and Maddy", she introduce as from one another

" Hi", I simply said cause I don't want to give bad impression

" Don't be shy Jasmine , by the way,  there's the chairs make yourself at home ", Maddy said the one with a blonde mullet

" And Daya I'm thinking about getting a mullet too would you join I'm getting mine done in the mall today ", Alyssa said

" Yeah come on Daya , so we our the three blonde mullet girls " maddy said

" I'll think about it guys , Jasmine are you ok hun you look confused ?" Daya ask me she really is my sisters she is always right about how I feel.

" I just confused why a mullet?, Is it like a band thing ?", I ask

" Well yeah and I like the idea I think I'm in but Jasmine needs to agree ", Daya said

" Jas can Daya have a haircut ?", Maddy said

" It's ok for me , if she's happy with it" I said

"Ok now let's start !" , Daya said

They finally finished the rehearsal and now we are going to the mall

Daya POV

I can't believe I'm doing this but here we go
Alyssa and I got our hair done And I love it so much

" Can we go to Starbucks please?", Jasmine said

" Sure baby ", I said

" I'll treat you what do you want ?" , Jasmine ask me

" Oh that's new ok , black coffee ", I answered

" We will order ours , it's fine", Alyssa and Maddy said

" Ok , see you in line " Jasmine said

Jasmine POV

I got to the counter and see the black haired girl again

" Hi welcome to Starbucks what can I get for you?" She said

" Oh , pink drink and black coffee please", I said

" 2 coffees today , interesting who's the other one for your boyfriend?", She ask me

" Well thats for my sister ", I said

" Well ok, name for the order please?",

" Jasmine , how about you what's your name ?"

" Bosco" the girl simply said

I got my order and sit next to Daya

Maddy POV

Jasmine is getting flirted without getting it is she straight ?

Alyssa and I got our coffee and we did across Daya and Jasmine

" Daya , your little sister over here is getting flirted by the barista ",I said

" Oh " Jasmine said

" Well she needs to go through me first ", Daya said

"If you don't mind me asking Jasmine , are you straight?" I ask her

Her and Daya give looks

" Well do you want to them , they won't mind ?" Daya ask her

"Well ... I'm bi , and I kinda came out to Daya last night", she said

hey! I don't like your girlfriend ( Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now