Chapter 10

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“So, how does this work?” Asked Irina felling nervous about was going to happen.

“Well, this machine is called the “Hell's Core”, although it was mainly because in the other universe the beings it created were called “demons”, but this machine will fuse you with the potential magic in the air and the dragon scales, so it will reborn you as a hybrid and it will plant the “dragon seed” in your bodies, so in a few months you will be complete dragons” Explained Mavis while preparing three tubes of the Hell's Core.

“And what benefits come with this “rebirth”?” Asked Xenovia seeing how Larcade was opening one vial.

“In the fist stage, it will amplify the amount of magical energy you can stand inside your body and your raw power, also it will enhance all your phisical abilities and senses, beside that, it will allow you to reach the “dragon force”, a state where some of your scales will be visible and your wings will be released, in this state you'll have more stamina, the power of your attacks will be greater and your defense will rise so high that normal attacks won't do anything to you, also, it grants the ability to restore energy by consuming a certain element” Explained Mavis.

“And in the second stage?” Now Xenovia was more interested.

“You will have the ability to turn into dragons, all your enhanced abilities will enhance more making you divine beings” Interjected Larcade approaching the girls with the seven vials.

“Also, I can grant you different types of magic, back home they were called “Curses” a stronger form of magic strongly connected to the user, again, the name was given because of the beings that possesed them” While explaining that, Mavis summoned sixteen books “I'd let you choose the curse but where's the fun in that?”

“Now, what do you think mom?” Asked Larcade handing the vials to Mavis, she took them, then looked the girls, then back the vials and hand four back to Larcade.

“This three will make the trick” Commented Mavis puting each vial on the base of one tube “Now, one last time, are you sure about doing this?” The three girls just nodded “Good, Asia in this one, Xenovia in this one and Irina in that one” Ordered Mavis pointing to each tube, when the girls got into the tubes they close instantly and filled with some kind of green liquid “And now” She summoned six books, in the cover there was the name of the curse, with her magic she sent the books to the top part of the tubes.

“Wait!” Interrupted Larcade just as the books were about to fuse in the tubes “Remove one from Xenovia, I have a surprise for her” Mavis just nod and did as told “How long it's going to take?”

“A day at least, then they'll have to be in observation”

“Which scales you give who?” Asked Larcade interested, in response Mavis just close one eye, put her index down the other and showed her tongue meaning she wouldn't tell, she didn't want to spoil the surprise.

Larcade decided to go to the house and take a nap, it had been long and exhausting hours. A few hours later he woke up, didn't knowing what to do he decided to take a walk around the academy, he didn't want to be far away from Cube if something happened. Wondering around with no destiny was one of his favorite activities, being able to walk with no worries, just enjoying the way your senses were filled with so much beautiful information, it's simply magical.

And then, there's sometimes were you walk pass something that smelled horrible, it may be garbage, someone's waste are simply the odor of someone you can't tolerate, well, in this case, a deception to the race.

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