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Chapter 1 Author: Emi Quintana

It's lunch and you're wandering through the halls of your new school. Mostly everyone is in the cafeteria, but not you. You don't like being around a ton of people, especially people you don't know who, you believe, have all written you off as "the weird kid". 

 As you wander through the empty halls, hood up, headphones in, the end of the song you were listening to transitioning into a new song reveals someone singing. Your stride lengthens as you wind through the corridors, attempting to find the source. You're walking briskly past a row of lockers when you realize the sound is coming from an empty classroom, which hasn't been used all year. 

 Cautiously peering in through the small window on the door, you see five boys, about your age, two sitting, three standing on the abandoned tables. As you're listening with your ear to the door, your hand slips down onto the door handle, sending you stumbling into the classroom.

 You're mortified. Mind blanking on what to say, you manage to splutter a few haphazard words, "I'm--I'm sorry, I just heard--I just heard you singing and--" "Don't even worry about it! We're working on a song, you wanna hear it?" The lead singer, you're assuming, asks you enthusiastically. 

 You agree, and listen as the lyrics, not even relating to anything going on in your life, move you, in some strange way, to a feeling of finally being understood. 

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