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The other shinning star companied stares at her with a look of saddeness. It was hard to leave everyone that she loves behind, because she too have experienced the same situtation.

Leaving little Homura(not so little anymore) made her heart shattered into a million pieces and god how Valkyrie misses her so damn much that it hurts.

To think that she sees her as her daughter and have a deep regret of not telling her the she truly felt towards the now young women in front of her. God how much she wish she was alive and tell the girl herself.

But she knew it was far too late and her regrets were already sunk through her.

"Witch I know your sad and I know I am too"Valkyrie tells the green haired android who was wiping her tears "But crying all the time wont let you heal, but im here now for you" she smiles slightly staring at her.

"Valkyrie!!!" Witch hugs her "I know I did it with a great cost and died a hero. MY daughter is suffering because of my actions! I wish I had thought about it slower but I was in a haste and now I regret it deeply" she cries "What kind of mother am I?!"

"The best one" She tells her firmly "No matter what has happen to you, your daughter will be loved by the rest of the crew and will tell her how great you are and how you are a hero" she squeezed her tightly "She will understand when she gets older"

She then hugs the broken android.

Valkyrie wishes that Witch was back with the crew as well.

She deserves better than this.

Witch RegretTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang