Its hard for the remaining stars

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"Why her Hermit? Why Witch?" Sister ask Hermit hiding her tears "She didnt deserve to died the way that she did" she sniffed gruntly. Hermit gave her a sad look, avoiding sister's face. 

Half of the shinning stars died, only remaining the last two.

No wonder they felt so devestated when Witch died. Now both sister and Hermit only have each other to relied on when it comes to being an andriod. Sure they have a crew to have support, but they dont know what its like to be an andriod. 

An andriod who acts like a human being.

Hermit broke into tears as she leaned into Sister's chest, who has tears dripping down her face. She gently hold the youngest andriod as a gesture of comfort. Witch was really good at comforting people/andriod when they were at their moment of darkness.

Damn Witch. If only she didnt died and they could have lived together peacefully, including her daughter Yue. If only Witch told them about her secret daughter whom Sister felt hurt. Hurt that she kept her away from them.

Witch never keep secrets from them. She knew her better than anyone else.

"I miss Witch" Hermit sobs as Sister felt her heart broke into a million pieces.

"Me too Hermit" Sister mumbles softly, smoothing Hermits's hair "Me too"

It was hard on the remaining stars.

Witch RegretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora