8. Quidditch and worrying

Start from the beginning

Y- JJ!

I ran over to him and He turned his head to look at me, instantly smiled

Y- hey Theo

T- hello D'ore you look beautiful as always

I smiled and nodded as Justin punched his arm before turning back to me

J- I didn't think you were coming?

Y- and miss seeing us lose? what do you take me for?

I punched his arm and he laughed

J-and to think I thought you secretly liked quidditch

Y- pshhhhh as if, I just wanted to say good luck, and don't fucking lose I don't wanna hear Malfoy bitch for the next week that we lost and it's you and mikes fault

D- Princess if you love me so much just talk to me not about me

He wrapped his arm around me and I jerked away

Y- stop touching me fucking hell.

J- language

Y- JJ don't-

D- yeah "JJ" don't

Y- piss off. You make my ears bleed god

J- oh be nice. Both of you.

D- you're not my father

Y- and you're not mine either Malfoy but you seem to think you can tell me what to do

D- D'ore. I swear to god. shut the hell Up

Y- or what? you won't do shit.

I turned and faced him looking up at his blue eyes making me feel a bit weak, but like always I chose to ignore that feeling and kept my ground

J- you two are so annoying. The game starts in five. Quit fighting

M- just go fuck it out that always works with me and Macy so-


M- like she hasn't had sex

J- Oh you little-

Mike took off running and Justin ran after him leaving me alone with Draco yet again

D- I swear to fucking god. Quit bringing up the fact that I told you that you can't flirt with anyone anymore

Y- and why would I listen to you?

D- oh darling, I have so much dirt on you... so very much

He, once again, brushed the hair from my face to behind my ear making me shiver at his cold touch

D- now why don't you go sit your pretty little self down and watch me win the game hm?

I didn't know what to say so I just walked away, and sat up beside the other Slytherin of course earning a comment from pug face

P- Merlin is there one guy you don't flirt with

Y- piss of Parkinson.

P- or what? You're not my boss.

Y- remember what I said at the start of the year? Keep fucking with me and I swear I'll snap my goddamn fingers and have your dear old daddy fired. Leaving you and your poor pug face family without money.

I stood up and was now in her face and I felt a brush of wind stop in front of me making me turn over And see Draco

D- oi D'ore

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