First Kiss

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Your first kiss with Dally, Ponyboy, Soda, Steve, and Johnny. 

This preference is pretty gender-neutral (all of them except Soda)


It'd happen at a party, probably at Buck's place. You'd end up dancing together. And one thing would lead to another, and you'd be in the corner pressed against the wall with him finally kissing you. 


You'd have your first kiss one quiet Sunday morning when you were bored and walking together. You'd both liked each other for ages, feelings bubbled up and you both confessed. He slowly got closer to you and you gently locked lips, it was barely 5 seconds long but it was the start of something. 


Soda had asked you out. Which led to fussing over which dress to wear in the mirror, and your mum giving you warnings about 'terrible greaser boys'. You settled on the puffy pink one and a matching cream cardigan, with subtle pink makeup. He'd invited you to the movies, which definitely led to him walking you home and asking quietly if he kiss you on the front porch. 


It'd be a joking thing. Some tension. You just casually kissed, outside the DX one time in summer, who knows why. But you and Steve couldn't get each other out of your heads. Eventually, you just started being a couple, holding hands, cuddling, and deciding you were exclusive. 


He'd ask you on 2 dates first! Somewhere like the diner, for afternoon tea. And if it was all going well he'd ask to kiss you. Just quickly on the lips, but it started the whole relationship. He wanted to save kissing until you were ready and comfortable. 


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