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I stood there looking at how happy she was when she saw him, the dude he had his arms on her waist, I saw the way he spun her around. Wait, why am I getting sad? This was all a dare anyways, I just did it for money and I have to keep doing it. She got off him and he hugged Destiny. She seemed really, really Excited. Was he her boyfriend? No no no Damn, Y/n beauty was distracting me her curves. She has such an amazing body and I never noticed it until now. They both locked hands and walked to the office? Was he joining our school? Destiny left them both alone, so I walked up to her to find out who he was and why was he all up on my girl.

"why do you want to know?"
She crossed her arms
I was desperate, I can't afford to lose Y/n and this bet
"Wow, is the Alex Guzman jealous?"
She laughed a bit
"Never that" I said while I rolled my eyes
"Okay, then why do you want to know"
She raised her brow
"I don't want him getting all jealous when he sees's me all up on her"  I snickered
"That won't be a problem for him" she smiled

"what do you mean?"
I was confused were they actually a thing?
"That's Her child hood best friends
"What?" Confusion ran though my face
"His name is Vincent. Vinnie for short they've been friends since Y/n lived in Seattle, but then she had to move to Reno leaving him behind in Seattle now that he's here, all you'll see from Y/n is happiness and it's all because of Vinnie, I think they even had a thing going on"

A thing?

"What thing" I always already getting mad my blood was boiling and I felt anger rush down my whole body
"A promise they made for each other when they were
little and that promise was if they both weren't taken by the age of 20, they both would date each other and get married"

MARRIED?! Fuck, no who does this Vinnie guy think he is? I'm not letting him date my girl, especially even marry her. I laid my eyes on her and I am determined to officially make her mine

"and how old is vinnie?" My hand formed into a fist
"That shouldn't concern you"

I stood quiet, Destiny walked away leaving me there looking all stupid

"Ayo, are you coming with us?"
It was Carlos walking up to me
"nah not tonight i'm going home"
"Gosh, you've been so boring lately" Carlos rolled his eyes he was clearly annoyed
"Not even"
"yes you have"

Maybe he was right.

"Okay, then party at who's house?"
"At mine since my parents are home"

Carlos took out his phone and started texting people to come over to his house since he was throwing a party

"I'll be there at 6PM"

I told him to invite hella people that way the party would be lame
"I'm inviting Y/n so she can bring Dess"

"Vinnie is in town?"

My dad said as he turned off the Tv he was watching a soccer game.
"Yes and he's joining my school"
I smiled

"Oh, I've missed that kid"
My mom walked out of the kitchen
"Y/n, you should Invite him over", My dad said as he stood up and walked into the kitchen
"I will"
I went to my room and saw my phone was buzzing like crazy. It was dess saying if I wanted to go to a party. I said yes I have the perfect dress to wear.

The dare Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ