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Skip to prom:

That day I picked up Y/n at her place once she walked out with her dress god she looked so fine If she were my girlfriend she'd be even better I opened the door for her and she got in

"thank you"

I closed her door and got back in the car I then drove
to school since that's where prom was being hosted

Y/n and I walked in everyone's eyes were on us
We both smiled and made our way to the drink area

"You're pretty"
"thank you Mr. Guzman you aren't bad yourself"

Y/n was wearing an emerald green dress with an open slit on her thigh. She chose the color. After we got our drinks we drank and met up with the
rest of the group Carlos asked out dess to prom
and Devyn came with a special guest. The rest were just there wheeling all of us I started getting bored inside the prom room so I grabbed Y/n's waist and we walked out

Prom didn't end until 12:30AM and there was still an after party Y/n and I need some air so we went outside to the foot ball field away from everyone

"Thanks for asking me out"
"Mhm and thank you for saying yes"

We walked around until she got tired because of her heels

"Y/n honestly can I tell you some thing?"

I grabbed her hand and said

"I can't hide it anymore"
"hide what?"
"The love I have for you"

All we heard was the thumps of the music

"Look I was a player and I promise I'm changing I love you I said it I love you and I don't regret saying it I'm glad you came into my life you've made me a better person and I thank you for that I don't want to show you because you mean so much to me I wanna call you mine and I decide today at prom was the day I was going to ask you the question"

I took a deep breath

"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?"

I pulled out a little box that had a promise ring inside She covered her face and soon said


I put it on her and kissed so passionately. As we were
kissing we heard Fire works go off. I pulled her closer to me and continued kissing her..

Thank you so much for reading!!! 🤍

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