6: Suspension

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"You're suspended for 2 weeks!"

Your heart dropped as Principal Nezu gave you a cheery smile, folding his hands on the desk.

"E-excuse me?"

"Monoma has reported to me that you had threatened him, and even went as far as to destroy all the belongings in his bag." He pulled up a picture of you, leaning out the window, face contorted mid-scream. The color drained from your face and you hurriedly pulled the recording device from your pocket, nearly hyperventilating.

"Sir, M-Monoma was planning on blackmailing me...!"

You watched Nezu as he listened to the recording, his eyebrows furrowed and his ears twitching. He sighed and slid the recording device back to you, shaking his head.

"Unfortunately, there isn't enough evidence here to do more than suspend him for a week. If he had acted upon his words, then this situation would be much more serious."

You were sick to your stomach. This was unfair. He was protecting Monoma! Why were you the one who had to suffer through the punishment? He was going to be suspended for only a week? A week?

"I do hope you understand why I'm choosing to suspend you; it's for your safety as well as the safety of the other students here." Nezu patted your hand comfortingly, yet you felt as if he was just trying to brush this situation under the table.

But you just kept your mouth shut. There was nothing more that you could say, unless you wanted to get a harsher punishment.

You stood up and nodded at him, holding back tears. Nezu slid a lollipop across the desk to you, a sympathetic smile on his face. "I'll inform your guardian and let her know to pick you up. You can head back to class until you're called to the attendance office."

You left Nezu's office without a word, outraged. Resentment and frustration seemed to make you boil over, tears practically pouring down your face. God dammit, God dammit, this was fucking insane! And the fact he had the audacity to tell you it was "for your safety"? Yeah, right. He just didn't want to ruin UA's reputation with something like this, not to mention the fact that Monoma was on the fast track to becoming a hero.

You flung the lollipop in the direction of Nezu's office and skipped the rest of class by hanging out in a bathroom stall, then got picked up by Sakura. Both of you engaged in a heated discussion about the shitty UA administration and Monoma. Later, you hung out with Izuku and got ice cream, proceeding to cry on his shoulder.

What a fucking amazing day.

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It had been a couple days since your suspension, and you felt restless. Watching anime and going on your phone just didn't seem to satiate you. Not to mention how irritated you were that Bakugou kept berating you through text, telling you how fucking stupid you were. You grumbled and threw your phone down on your bed, standing up and walking out of your room.

"Sakura, I'm gonna go for a walk."

"Alright, dork, just make sure to be home in an hour. And don't go too far." Sakura called out from the kitchen, blowing you a kiss. You grinned and blew one back, opening the door and walking out of your apartment. Fresh air was just what you needed right now. And honestly, some food or something wouldn't be too bad, either.

You sat on a swing in the park, rocking back and forth as the cool breeze hit your face. You inhaled the fresh air and closed your eyes, trying your best to relax. Everything was just so overwhelming, lately. You just wanted to run away from it all, but you couldn't. It seemed as though you would never catch a break.

The breeze suddenly stopped hitting your face, and you opened your eyes to be met with a dark smog. The swings still rocked back and forth after you vanished into thin air, according to the police. No one knew what happened, and after a while, the police gave up searching.

Sakura sat at home that night, crying over an untouched plate of food as police sirens echoed across the apartment complex.

Sakura sat at home that night, crying over an untouched plate of food as police sirens echoed across the apartment complex

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