4: Revenge

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It had been quite a while since you had joined Class 1-A, and you had made friends for the first time in forever. You had grown particularly close to Midoriya, who you had now lovingly nicknamed "Izu". You two were practically "joined at the hip", as Iida called it. It was nice, having someone so close to you. Someone you could confide in.

However, this didn't mean that you weren't harassed from time to time. Staples in your lunch bag, glue on your papers, it wasn't anything new to you. The bullying was never from your own classmates, of course, but from other classes. 1-B students especially seemed to give you looks of jealousy and hatred.

Which is why you found it so surprising when a student from that same class confessed to you.

"I like you, L/N. Won't you go out with me...?" Neito Monoma stood in front of you, his cheeks red and baby blue eyes shimmering with hope. You stared blankly at him, mouth agape. Didn't he hate your class? Didn't he hate you?


"I can't take my eyes off of you, L/N. You're all I think about nowadays." Monoma moved closer to you, lifting up your chin. Your face heated up and you stammered as he leaned in closer to you. What the hell was happening?

And then the words left your mouth before you could even register what you said.

"Uh, sure, yeah, let's go out..."

Monoma stopped before his lips reached yours, and he smiled, pulling back and patting your head.

"I'm so glad! Let's get along from now on, okay, darling?"

Monoma and you had nothing in common. You had learned that after a few dates with him. Music taste, movies, even food, you could never agree on anything with him. He also would never kiss or hug you, let alone hold your hand. And when you initiated it, he would just sit there, not moving, or blatantly avoid it. Even Izuku seemed wary about your new relationship.

But, this was your first boyfriend, and you appreciated him nonetheless. You even thought that you could fall in love with him.

That is, until you overheard a conversation when you were picking him up from his classroom.

"I have L/N wrapped around my finger~"

You stopped in front of the sliding doors, blinking confusedly, then hid next to the wall beside them. That was definitely Monoma's voice. You could hear the laughter of some other boys in the classroom, each one seemingly spiteful towards you.

"You two fuck yet?"

"God, no! Just the thought of kissing them makes me want to gag. You know I'm only doing this to get back at those idiotic 1-A guys."

You felt like you had been stabbed in the gut. You knew his confession was too good to be true. It was painful to listen to, but you decided to stay for a bit, listening to the conversation progress further.

"They're not bad looking, though. I would fuck 'em if I got the chance. You're just a pussy, Monoma."

"Eeehhh? I'm anything but that! If you want to fuck them so bad, go do it!"

"Hell no. If they weren't in 1-A, then maybe. Although...could be a good chance to get back at that stupid class."

Your nose wrinkled with disgust as you listened to the vulgar comments made towards you. God, this was sickening. It was almost funny, in a pathetic way. Then, Monoma spoke confidently once again.

"Fine then. I'll fuck them then dump them. It would be the perfect revenge."

Revenge against what? Against you being part of a class you didn't even get to choose to be put into?

"Make sure to take pictures for blackmail~! Send them to me, too, I wanna see their face covered in cum after they cry."

You gagged quietly, tears spilling down your face. What a bunch of sick fucks. Any affection you held for Monoma previously had completely vanished. You had heard enough. You walked off, a pit in your stomach, and cried on call to Izuku for a good hour once you got home.

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After a while of thinking, you decided to get your own revenge. You were shy, not stupid, and you knew exactly how to break Monoma's ego.

You had invited Monoma over to your house, which he delightfully agreed to. Now, you just had to set a trap. You cleverly hid a recording device that you had bought in the corner of your room, fixing your hair to get into the acting mood. After all, what high schooler doesn't get ready to act before sex?

You had told Sakura your plan, of course, which she wholeheartedly agreed to. She was kind enough to lend you the apartment for the day while she went on a date with her girlfriend. You smiled happily when you heard a knock on the door, your plan almost ready to be set in action.

It was time for you to take your revenge.

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