5: Judas

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"This tea is delicious, Y/N! Did you brew it yourself?"

'I'll fucking brew your insides, you fuckhead.'

"Yeah! I'm glad you like it..." You shyly squirmed in your seat, pretending to blush. Monoma chuckled, setting his teacup down.

"You're too cute, darling~"

Gotcha. You looked up at him coyly, lightly brushing your hand over his thigh. He flinched, looking at you with a startled expression. You smiled at him, rubbing your thighs together and then looking away.

"Hey Monoma...I want to have sex with you...."

Monoma's jaw dropped and he turned a light shade of red, stuttering as you came closer to him. "I- um- ah-"

"Let's move to my room?"

Neither of you said a word as you made your way into your room, quietly shutting the door behind you. Monoma sat on the bed nervously, fidgeting with his tie as you straddled him. Your eyes glinted as he unbuttoned his shirt, his face starting to pale.

You had him just where you wanted him.

"Oh, Monoma, are you a...virgin?" You gasped quietly, pretending to pay close attention to all his fumbling. Monoma turned scarlet, shaking his head.

"O-of course not! Just give me a moment..."

"Monoma, I don't think this will work out after all..." You sighed with disdain, pulling yourself off of him and running a hand through your hair. He blinked at you, staring blankly. You smiled sweetly, pulling your pants back up. "To be honest, I only went out with you because I thought that you would be good at fucking me, but it turns out that it's no good after all..."

You looked down at his pants with disinterest, snorting a bit. "Look, you already came in your pants, too...I can tell that you don't have much to show off down there. Does your big ego compensate for your small dick, Neito?"

Monoma's face flushed with embarrassment, tears of frustration pricking his eyes. This wasn't how it was supposed to go at all. He was supposed to be the one making fun of you, not the other way around. You took notice of his uneasiness and cooed, standing up and giving him a cold stare.

"Awww, are you crying? How cute. I should be the one crying though, considering that you were planning on fucking me then dumping me. Oh, not to mention the blackmail you were discussing with your friends."

Monoma looked up at you sharply, his eyes widening with realization. You had overheard him, and you were on the counterattack. "You-"

"I bet it's a surprise that I'm the one doing the dumping, huh? Even if your plan did work, I doubt you could please me. Considering..." You gestured to his pants, laughing degradingly at him. You were a virgin, too, but you wouldn't let him know that. Thank God you knew how to act.

Monoma stood up abruptly, an angered expression on his face as he grabbed you by the collar. "You...! I should have messed with your head more when I had the chance, you fucking imbecile! That's right, I was going to fuck you then dump you. I never liked you, L/N, and I never will!"

You beamed sweetly at him, snickering. "Can you say that one more time for the camera?"

Monoma's face fell and he dropped you as you pulled the recording device out from the corner of your shelf, humming and playing his voice back.

'That's right, I was going to fuck you then dump you.'

The blonde's face turned sheet white, and he stumbled back, falling onto the bed. Your anger rose every second as he breathed, and god, you wished that he could just drop dead right now. Your cool facade dropped and you snapped at him, throwing his jacket at his face while yelling.

"I don't ever want to see your fucking face again, you hear me?! Unless you want me to send this to the principal, leave me the fuck alone!"

Monoma scrambled out the door, yelping as you threw a shoe at the back of his head. You were breathing heavily, your nails digging into your palms through your gloves and causing a burning sensation to course through your body.

Fuck, you felt so powerful right now. And seeing Monoma cry in front of you was the icing on the cake. You almost felt sorry for him, in a way.

Just kidding.

You hummed and deleted Monoma's contact info, making sure to block every social media account of his. You noticed that he left his backpack in your room, which pissed you off even more. You opened your window to see Monoma running out of the apartment complex, visibly shaken. You spat at him, then threw his backpack out the window harshly.


Okay, maybe you had gone a bit overboard.

But honestly, did you care? No.

atrament. (mha x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt