Start from the beginning

"Let's continue our little fight Kuahaha" Veldora exclaimed.

"Yes Lord Veldora" Ashia respond back.

They then go in a close fight just a single punch of them sent a huge shock wave they were very close and we can't find who is gaining the advantage. Then Veldora decided to become serious. He new from the moment Rimuru introduced Ashia to him that this girl is incredibly strong. Veldora is a True Dragon and judging somebody power is an easy thing for him. Also with the amount of training Rimuru gave to him, he became more and try to understand before taking an action. That's how he now that Ashia is a powerful individual.

Veldora: [Chaos King] - [Gravitational Storm]

Gravitational Storm is a newly acquired Skill by Veldora. During his free time he didn't spend it full in reading his mange like an Otaku. He also wanted to understand and use to perfection his New US. [Gravitational Storm] is a large green ray which have the proprieties to disintegrate Matter. There is no counter mesure Once you get hit by this ray you are just going to disappear. Even your soul.

We have a lot of elements before finding your Soul. We have your astral Body and the [Gravitational Storm] is going to destroy it. This dangerous Skill was developped by Veldora at first because of his sister. He thought that if they were going to punish him again he can just use it as portal of escape.

On the other hands Ashia just look at the ray approaching her. She is a brave human and she swear loyalty to his only Master who blessed her with a name and a Huge power. She also gain an US. She Thought that, if she fails today she won't be able to serve his Master. His Master even Named her as his Personal Guard if she can't win today will she be able to protect him in a critic moment. In the depth of her soul she swear to never lose again and to protect His master at any cost.

Ashia: [Lightning King] - [Electro-Nova]

Ashia [Electro-Nova] is just like Milim [Drago-Nova] but the difference is the Element of the burst. The [Electro-Nova] of Ashia is just like a lightning rain. But with a more condensed form. Just Like Veldora [Gravitational Ray]. The two rays then Collided. Thanks to Rimuru barrier otherwise the Town will be erase.

Both of Veldora and Ashia were threw away by their own power

"Kuahaha Ashia I know you were strong. But to be this strong ? I guess our training was useful to you" Veldora said happily. He feel like he was the Best teacher on the Earth because his student is now on par with him.

"Thanks to you Lord Veldora. I now feel like I can protect my master" Ashia answered shortly.

"You know, you don't have to force yourself this much. Rimuru don't look at you like a slave or whatever. He look like you like you were his friend okay so be at ease".

"Thank you for you kind words Lord Veldora".

"Kuahaha of course after All I am the Almighty Storm Dragon".

Back In Ingrassia.

C: <Warning. Detecting A Sky Dragon around.>

"Oh again ? Ah yes of course it's the best way to have Myormiles again in this timeline".

C: <Yes Master.>

"Yosh Let's go. Ranga"

"Yes Master".

It was the first time for the Kids to see Ranga. Well I scared them with my aura. That's why this time. I didn't introduce Ranga to them.

"Alright Guys this is Ranga he is going to protect you I have something to take care of. I won't be long. I will come back".

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