Chapter 3: training, the 4 friends?

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A few days passed and karsen hasn't moved from the corner. The friends got a bit suspicious and they went over to check, and soon realised that karsen got infected by a furry and ended up dying due to no food. Keawe stores karsens body in case they run out of food. Nova got hungry and didnt want baked beans for breakfast anymore. SHE ATE KARSEN. Calob then started looking for baked beans then found that karsen was missing. He talked to Nova about it and Nova said she knew nothing/she lied. Charlett came over and pointed out all of the blood on Nova. "I went to go out to kill some infected people." Nova said. Calob walked off and gave Nova a can of baked beans since she knew how to cook. Charlett went to go into the wine area and drink. Keawe was off building guns, while calob was baracading more doors. When Nova finished the baked beans, she went to give them to the friends and she continued eating karsen. She decided to save the rest for later and then went to eat baked beans. A few minutes later, the 4 friends hear a crash out in the distance. Keawe and charlett go check it out, and Nova and calob are all alone. Nova eats calob while charlett and keawe are off finding out what exploded. Nova then hides the bodies in the wine cooler and waits for charlett and keawe. Keawe comes back and says that charlett touched the exploded thing and she exploded. Keawe then says she coughed up acid and blood and then exploded and died. "Where's calob?" Keawe asked. "Furries got him while I was finding supplies" Nova says. Keawe then goes to sleep in the paper towel isle and Nova goes looking for the exploded thing.

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