Ch 2: The spread

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As the dinodoor infection got worse, the entire school soon got the dinodoor infection. Eventually, the 5 friends started moving around the school, when suddenly they see the police officers being outrunned by the dinodoor kids who got infected a while back. Keawe and calob picked up the handgun from the police officer and then they gave karsen the flashlight, and gave charlett and nova the tasers. After that the 5 friends found the entrance of the school and escaped since the military was involved. Keawe started to drive the military jeeps and since they have never driven a car before, he crashed it. But they were okay considering it was a lamp post. Soon driving throughout the town they noticed that 5 dinodoor infected children chased after them with their rashed skin and blisters due to the infection. Charlett found a Walmart nearby and decided to camp out there until they find help. While they were hiding the Jeep behind Walmart, they encountered a furry who was infected by the dinodoor disease. The furry started coughing up acid and keawe shot the furry with a rocket launcher he just so happened to have in his back pocket. He ripped out RPG from his back pack and thought that was good enough to shoot a bunch of furries. After that, people infected with the dinodoor infection started to hear it and they headed toward the Walmart. The 5 friends got inside the Walmart and barricaded the place. When the infected got there, they turned around thinking nobody was inside the Walmart. After that, they decided to expierement to see if they were immune since they were not attacked by the infected in the classroom. So what they did is keawe went outside and went to a group of the infected and just stood there while the infected did nothing, keawe screamed and they looked at him then looked away. Keawe figured out he was immune. After that the rest of them did the same and knew they were all immune. While keawe and calob were finding food to store in case of an emergency, charlett and nova were finding more food, clothes, and a place to sleep. Karsen just sat in a corner...

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