Marry me

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"Marry me?" she joked a laugh caught on her lips. But alfie rose a brow pinched a bit of dough laying on the back counter and rolled it on the counter next to her. He formed it into a loop.

"You will have to excuse me if i dont get down on one knee im afraid with my bad leg i wont be able to get up." Confusion spread on kats face as she watched him. He stood in between her legs and took her hand. "Katarina rose shelby will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Katarina sat speechless. Blinking mind racing heart fluttering.


"What?" She asked breathlessly.

"Marry me." He repeated "Ive fancied you for a while now and you seem to be in need a man of your own choosing. So choose me. What do you say?"

'You're serious?'


She gulped the saliva filling her mouth.

'I understand if you dont-' alfie began.

'I do. I want to marry you alfie.' Kat told him.

'Well,' a smile pulled at his bearded face. He took the makeshift ring out of dough and held it out to her hand but as soon as it touched her finger she pulled back.

'Something wrong love?'

'I want kids.' She blurted out

'Me too.' He replied with a grin. She stuck her hand back out but again pulled it back.

'And dont think im going to be housewife. I can cook but I'm not gonna spend my days in a kitchen and ive been working since i could read. As arthur says i need to keep busy or i cause trouble.' She warned him.

'Oh i dont doubt that love. You can help me here at the bakery.' Again she nodded. 'Anything else?'

'I do hate tommy right now but in do love him.' She added softly.

'Aye family is family' Alfie agreed.

'And finny my younger brother hes just just boy. Ive been raising him for years I cant leave him with my brothers he wont be taken care of.' Kat told him.

'You want your brother to stay with us here in camden town?' She nodded slowly. 'Alright. As long as he dont cause too much trouble like the rest of you shelbys that fine by me.' Alfie informed her

'Oh my finny is a good boy. A sweet boy.' Kat told him.

Alfie twisted the dough ring on his own finger.

'I have two cats.' She told him.

'I have a dog' he informed her

'You think they will get along. I cant leave them. They are my babies.' She told him.

'Aye cyril is a gentle giant he will be good to your kitties.' Alfie assured.

'And i sing at the garrison. I dont want to stop singing.' She told him.

'I got a pub you can sing at.' Alfie informed her.


'Yeah honey.' He waited a moment. She stuck out her hand. 'You sure honey?'

'More sure than i have been about anything else in my entire life' she said confidently. With that he kissed her. He couldnt not. He slipped a large hand around her waist pulling her to him and the other hand around the back of her neck keeping her lips on his. After what seemed like an eternity he pulled away and kat tried to catch her breath. It wasnt her first kiss but by God it was the best kiss. Her fingers moved on their own up to her numb lips. Alfie chuckled reaching out and grasping her hand and slipped the ring on her finger.

'Ill get you a real one. I promise.' She beamed at him.

'Mr solomon?' Ollie said from the door. 'Mr shelby is getting antsy.'

'Dont tell my brother.' Alfie stopped walking. Kats arms still wrapped around his. 'He will put a stop to it and make me marry some awful man if he finds out.' Alfie brought his lips down to her ear.

'I can keep a secret love.' He kissed her cheek gently before guiding her up to his office. He held to door open and she stood in the back next to oillie. She gave Ollie a small smile which he returned with a slightly confused look on his face, alfie waved it off.

'So we gonna make a deal or not?' Alfie said the moment he sat down.

The Shelby Family Legacy // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now