We met the father, and after reviewing my proposal thought it was  attractive. For the first time they didn't make me feel like all my hard work was a waste of time.

He agreed to invest in my company, and even introduce me to his friends if my company will be sited there in shanghai.

It was an interesting proposal, at least he didn't ask for a merger or that I marry his daughter. He agreed I stay closer to him so that he can groom me for the business.

Everything was going so fast, that I somehow felt uncomfortable; but who can refuse such offers, when nothing is attached.

He introduced me to his friends; hangouts with them, contacts with relevant people.

I called my in-law but he didn't pick up; he called me back afterwards and I told him everything out of excitement, and he said I should keep learning, but not to forget where I am coming from.

He asked why I wanted to own my own company; actually I didn't have the answer at that time.

All I know at that time was that I love developing softwares, and I love my babies alot.

Hanging out with the men, and wearing suit all the time was very draining, but I kept on pushing.

From the very first day I started sleeping with stella, I knew I wanted to give her the best life, and the best life cannot be gotten by working for others.

They could sack you at anytime, and take what belongs to you, and I hated that. My dad was sacked from his job 10 years ago for doing nothing bad, after all he did for the company.

I didn't have to take my loved ones back to the village for no just cause; I hated it, and will try my best to make sure I never let such happen.


Months passed and then the unexpected happened. I was too busy worrying about Damian all these years that I never took note of a slight occurrence in my child.

I never knew that my child had been sick. Each time I come back home from market she always welcomed me; slightly did it ever occur to me that she got to recognize me because I speak as soon as I get to the gate.

That day I decided to take her off guard, I decided not to speak from the gate. I came in and closed her eyes from behind and surprisingly my 5 years old daughter did not speak to me when I finally pulled my hands off her face.

I wanted to call her name but my mom gave me a sign not to. Probably they have also noticed her difficulties to recognize faces.

I waited for her to shout mummy as usual but she didn’t, rather she kept on staring at my face.

I was scared that she might have gotten hurt so I started weeping as I turn her round to check where she was hurt.

It was then that she called my name and hugged me. If I didn’t wear a perfume and I didn’t speak from the gate my child won’t be able to recognize me, I wept.

My parents and I took her to the hospital and the doctors diagnosed her with prosopagnosia.

Prosopagnosia is a facial blindness and an inability to recognize people’s faces. I was so scared that I tried so hard to call Damian.

My hope was that if he did pick up the phone, then I will tell him about Amarachi’s illness and know what he will say.

The doctor said that the illness was from her brain. Good news, he also added that there is hope for her if we can fly her outside the country.

He added that the dysfunction is currently undergoing research, and promised to refer us to a doctor friend of his in London.

Immediately I recalled that my Damian is working in London, and might be in the position to help us find out more about the doctor and how we can bring Amarachi to the country.

Unfortunately, despite all my numerous trials he still did not answer his call.  I dropped the phone for that moment and went back to my daughter.

“I am truly not a mother and I don’t deserve to be called one, I thought as I hit myself on the chest.

Mom hugged me immediately, and assured me that it want my fault that Amarachi turned out sick. She also said that it isn't my fault that Damian is not answering my calls

I thought otherwise.
I blamed them for convincing him to travel to the white man's land.

"If I hadn't listened to them then all these won't have happened, I thought. I believed I would still have been here with the love of my life.

"If he was still here, Amarachi would have still been sick, or won't she?" Mom asked

The worst that could have happened would have been that there won't be enough money to rush treat her, and maybe her case would have deterioted" she added

Your prayer now should be 'let him pick up' instead of you sitting here and playing guilty game" mom says.

She removed my hand from her clothes and left me in the pool of my tears to join her husband in his sitting place.

I cried until there was no more tears left in my eyes to shed.

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