Chapter 2 🍕

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Todoroki's pov:

"We need to head in that direction," pointing to an area of a map which was labelled Parityous Kingdom. It's home to Queen Mitsuki and King Masaru, so of course the son would be there.

"Got any idea how we should get into that place and somehow pluck that guy out of there?" Momo asked. I hadn't really thought about that part. He never really informed me on how I should get that person but I'll give it a think once we start walking there.

"Not to sure but we can come up with ideas once we set off on our journey." Of course it's going to take quite a while. My 'father' said bringing horses along would be too much of a racket and to suspicious if we do mange to penetrate the area. I just think he's being a bitch and trying to make us do harder work.

"I don't get him at all."

"Agreed." I looked at the compass at the bottom of the map, then took a look around."Um.... That direction," I exclaimed pointing to the left of me. We started a medium pace towards a small pack if trees, which will soon lead to the forest.

After a while of walking and seeing nothing but trees, grass and the occasional bird or animal, a clearing could be seen up ahead. Not too much that there were no trees but less than there were before.

"Hey, over there," I nodded in the direction of the area, hopping she would catch up on it.

"Do you want to go?"she asked, turning her head towards me. My legs need a rest and I need to eat some food. It got embarrassing when nothing was being said and out of no where a grumble came from my stomach, quite loudly. You can't really blame me, I woke up a tad bit late and  he wanted me out as soon as possible. We were moving fast to get out of there and I didn't get time to eat anything because he shooed us out before I could have any breakfast.

"Yeah, sure."

We walked closer to the clearing to notice it was a stream. Rocks lay on the edged and dotted around in the middle of it, almost creating a pathway to the other side. The colour also seemed to change, originally from a mossy and dark green to a more soothing purply pink. Somehow, nor me or Momo caught up on this when we were walking towards it earlier-we didn't even notice the sound of heavy water meandering through the rocks or the fact that it was even there. Sunlight reflected of the water, making it glisten. It also had a faint hue to it from the reflection of the surrounding scenery. We follow the stream to the right. Finding a hill which a wide waterfall cascades down. It was a large hill, almost like a mountain but trees, moss and other forms of plants still managed to infect it, having a few large hanging vines come down from the side which the waterfall did not reach. Different arrays of multi-coloured flowers grew there too, swaying when a small amount of breeze gently glides across it. The sight before us was breathtaking, if I can come here everyday it would still suprise me on how unreal it all seems.

The sudden disruption of movement behind me pulled me out my trance, I slightly turned my body around to look at Momo. She was plucking the blue, purple and white flowers. I think she was going to make a flower crown because what else was she going to do give it to someone else. She fully stood up now, a batch of flowers held gently in both her hands. I finally got a good look at her, the faint glow from the water scarcely hugged the left side of her body makeing her luminous, the colours also seemed to appear slightly in her eye. She almost seemed like an angel. However, I'll only ever think of her as my best friend. She slowly sat down, patting the space infront of her and then placing her rucksack and the flowers to the side. I knew what she meant and slowly sat down too. No words needs to be exchanged right now, for words can break the beauty of the moment. I took of my rucksack and placed it on my lap. Opening it and reaching in to find a box. I felt it and pulled it out. Placing it down neatly infront of me and Momo and moving my rucksack to the side of me. It wasn't actually a box but rather baked goods in parchment paper. Undoing the thread that held it together, the paper slowly opened to reveal itself. Momo didn't know about which food I brought with me, I heard a scoff come from her. She probably had guessed that I'd bring it, I always had when we go on adventures, it almost felt like a tradition for me to bring it. Scanning over the food, analyzing it carefully so that I can leave the best for last but starting on a medium. I picked up a brownie and took a bite out of it. Humming, satisfied from the taste. The chefs are very talented and make everything they make really good. I look up to see how Momo is doing now. She managed to complete a flower crown and it layed on top of her head. She was mid-way through the second one. I looked back down at the other pastries. I took another bite from the brownie again. And then another. I was about the raise my head to offer the remaining brownie to her but stopped when I felt a light weight be set upon my head. I look up fully, a toothy smile plastered on Momo's face. I couldn't help but smile too, I then reached up slowly and felt the flower petals brushing against my finger tips. I smile again.

"Say, ah," holding out the brownie, putting my hand underneath incase it crumbles.

"Ah," she opened her mouth wide and I fed her the rest of it. She got crumbs on her face so I got my thumb and swiped the side of her face. A giggle came from her and I dropped my hand down.

"Why, thank you good sir."

"Anything for you Madame." We both laughed. I sighed afterwards, I couldn't stop smiling, it's like it's apart of me but it still feels unusual when I do. Momo layed down onto the grass. Standing up and walking to beside her, I sat then layed down. We both had our arms crossed over our chests. Looking upwards. The sun didn't get in our eyes because of the leaves from the surrounding trees. It was calming and relaxing. Know that this is the closest thing to freedom I have from the invisible chains that lay on my wrist, which my 'father' pulls me by, no drags me by. Right now I shouldn't think of him, I would rather this be a good memory, that me and Momo will always share and remind each other of.

A good memory.


Thank you for reading the chapter. Hope you have a wonderful day/night🍕

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