Chapter 5

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I take a drag of my cigarette, leaning against my bike

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I take a drag of my cigarette, leaning against my bike. I spot Carol staring at me so I stick my middle finger up and smile, she moves to come over but Tommy stops her. I scared him, good, maybe they'll leave both me and Jonathan alone now. "You could be a little nicer you know." Nancy says appearing next to me, I jump slightly before taking another drag "why? because Steve is your boyfriend?" I tease playfully and she hits my hand away as I go to tickle her. Nancy shrugs and looks over at them "they really aren't that bad." she argues after a moment, I snort and finish my cigarette "so the whole of middle school and the first year of High school I was just imagining all of the things they did to me and Johnny?"

Nancy sighs and gives me a frustrated look "you know thats not what I meant." I tip my head back looking at the blue sky, hardly any clouds "really?" I ask "could have fooled me." Nancy calls after me as I walk away but I ignore her and continue walking.

Jonathan isn't here yet so I decide to head to the bathroom before heading to class. After I flush the toilet I come out of my stall to Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler aggressively making out by the sinks. I wrinkle my nose and push past them, making them aware of my presence. I turn on the tap and start washing my hands "you're just jealous because no one would want you." Steve says finally taking a break from eating Nancy's face off. I turn to him, my nose wrinkling again "why would I want someone trying to suck my soul out through my mouth?" I ask. Turning back to the sink I hear him say "come on Nance let's go." I can tell she is hesitating by the length of time it takes her to answer.

"Steve that wasn't nice, she's my friends. Apologise." I hear her say, then Steve laughs, I see him in the mirror run a hand through his hair "seriously?" there is a silence where she must have given him her famous 'boss' look as he sighs and turns to me "I am sorry for being rude." I dry my hands and snort, putting the paper-towels in the trash "wow Harrington, that almost sounded sincere." I say sarcastically, brushing past him on my way out.


Jonathan doesn't come to school for the whole day and I am worried. When I get to the cafeteria for lunch I hear Nancy calling my name, I turn and see she is waving me over to her table. Sitting at her table is Barbara.... and Steve and Carol and Tommy. I'm about to reject her offer when she gives me puppy dog eyes and I cave in, making my way towards them. Tommy and Carol smirk at each other like they have had an idea and I slide in a seat next to Steve and opposite Nancy. "How is your second day back Lorri?" Nancy asks, Steve's eyes light up in interest and I look down at my food "Lorri?" He asks.

I look up again shooting him a look before turning the the Wheeler girl "it's ok, different from Heaven. A lot different." Both Nancy and I completely ignore Steve questioning my name. I guess thats because he has always known me as Henderson or Lorelei, the possibility of a nice nickname out of the realm of his understanding. Nancy cocks her head in interest and moves a couple of her fries around on her plate "that's where you went to school?" She inquires genuinely interested.

I nod "Heaven Academy." I try to keep bitterness out of my tone when I say it, even if they have created me into what I am. Steve leans on the table so that I can see him in my eye sight "so where was this school then?" I take a bite of my cheeseburger, keeping my eyes straight ahead so I can try to have a decent conversation with one of people who made my life hell before I left "Florida." Everyone on the table seems to perk up at the mention of some place different, they must have assumed it was still in state.

I wipe my mouth and swallow my bite before saying "I really don't want to talk about this." Tommy leans down and whispers something in Carol's ear that makes her laugh. I choose to ignore it, I can't afford to get into multiple fights. It might create some unwanted attention. Instead we move on to a different subject and lunch isn't as horrible as I thought it was going to be.


After school I find Jonathan on my front door step, knee bouncing up and down anxiously. When he hears me pull up he shoots up from his spot and comes over to me "where were you today?" I ask taking off my helmet. He shakes his head crazily "Will is missing." my eyes widen and I place my helmet on the handle bars of my bike "are you serious?" I ask "for how long?" he shrugs and looks around as though Will might just be standing in plain view "I don't know, at least from last night I think." I bite my lip and place a reassuring hand on my friends arm.

"Have you called the police?" I ask, he nods his head again looking at me with both panic and heartbreak in his eyes "yeah we are organising a search party for tonight." I start towards my house, unsure of whether Jonathan is following. "I'll help. Let me change and I'll come over now." I stop and turn back to see him pacing my drive way. "No, uh, Will isn't here so I'm just going to-uh- I'm just going to go home." I bend down and grab a set of house keys from under the mat "Jonathan, we will find him." I say trying to be reassuring. He just gives me a silent stare for a few seconds before heading for his car.


It starts getting dark when the search party heads out, we start in the woods. "hey." I say quietly as I walk over to Jonathan, sliding my hand into his. I give it a gentle squeeze and we follow to party into the woods.



"Will Byers!"

Everyone is shouting the little boys name hoping to hear anything, any proof this boy is still alive. Of course I hope he is still alive, that boy is innocent. Uncorrupted, unlike me. If anyone in this town deserved to go missing it would be me. Maybe Will going missing has something do to with what I am, what I know, what I've escaped. I look up at Jonathan, still holding my hand and searching around with the flash light. If it is my fault, how the hell am I supposed to explain that to him? the boy who has been by my side through everything? He'd hate me, worse I think he would try to kill me.

Instead of focusing on the what ifs about this situation I focus back on the fact that Will Byers is out there scared and alone right now. And we have to find him.

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