Chapter Three: Anger

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"No!" James cried out, George swam out leaving the three.

"Bucky I'm so-" Sam was cut off.

"Just go." James dismissed both of his friends.

Both the crab and the fish left their friend. "Poor child." two eels appeared. "I'm Sparky and this is my brother Señor Scratchy but just call him Scratchy."

"If only there were something we could do." Scratchy said.

"But there is." Sparky said.

"What?" James asked.

Scratchy smirked. "We represent someone who can help you, someone who could make all your dreams come true."

"Just imagine you and your princess together forever." Sparky smirked.

James looked at them with furrowed brows. "I don't understand."

"Agatha has great powers." Scratchy said.

"The sea witch? No!" James looked down at what was left of the statue; it was only her face. "Wait, I'll do it."
"Yessss." Scratchy hissed.

They led James to their home, little did they know Sam and Steve followed. "Come in. Come in, my child. We mustn't lurk in doorways - it's rude. One MIGHT question your upbringing...Now, then. You're here because you have a thing for this human. This, er, princess girl. Not that I blame you - she is quite a catch, isn't she? Well, angel fish, the solution to your problem is simple. The only way to get what you want - is to become a human yourself."

"Can you do that?" James asked.

Agatha smirked. "My dear, sweet child. That's what I do - it's what I live for. To help unfortunate merfolk - like yourself. Poor souls with no one else to turn to, come here, I'll tell you people weren't wrong when they called me a witch but I have repented and seen a light and made a switch, I use my powers to help the poor miserable lonely and depressed they come flocking to my cauldron crying, "Spells, Agatha please!" And I help them? Yes, I do, so I assure you I can help but I will say it has happened one two many times. People couldn't pay the prince so I had to rake 'em 'cross the coals. Yes, I've had the odd complaint but on the whole I've been a saint." She put things in a cauldron. "Now, here's the deal. I will make you a spell that will turn you into a human for three days. Got that? Three days. Now listen, this is important. Before the sun sets on the third day, you've got to get dear ol' Princess to fall in love with you. That is, she's got to kiss you. Not just any kiss - the kiss of true love. If she does kiss you before the sun sets on the third day, you'll remain human, permanently, but - if she doesn't, you turn back into a merman, and - you belong to me."

"But if I become human I won't be able to see my father or siblings again." James said his thoughts out loud.

"That's right.But - you'll have your girl. Life's full of tough choices, innit? Oh - and there is one more thing. We haven't discussed the subject of payment. You can't get something for nothing, you know." Agatha told him.

"But I-I don't have anything." James said.

"You have a voice, or your memories." Agatha's smile grew. As she continued to work on the spell. "Go ahead make your choice, it won't cost much." James reluctantly signed. "Aluga, sarruga, come the winds of the Caspian Sea. Now we have glossitis and max laryngitis, La voice to me!"

Sam, Steve and James got caught in the spell, all of them hurried to swim to the surface. All now having legs, and looking less sea animal esk. "What did Agatha take from him?" Sam asked, Steve shrugged.

Tony flew down. "Wow something seems different about you kid, I just can't put my feather on it."

"We Have Legs!" Sam yelled. "Now James tell us what you remember." James went to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth. "No." Sam said. "Okay we can work with this, make it so you kiss the princess then w-we can go back home."

You were sitting by the water letting the waves hit your toes. Tulip came running up and licked your cheek. "Hey baby girl." you pet her head. She barked and then started walking away. "Hey!" You followed after her. You walked upon a-three men and a seagull? "Are you-Oh!" You turned away all three men completely nude. "Um? Well, can I help you?" You said keeping eye contact trying to look anywhere else. One of the three men looked like the man you'd been day dreaming about for weeks on end now.

"Oh uh sorry miss." The blond out of the three turned bright red. "I'm Steve and this is Sam and My best friend James."

James waived at you with a kind smile. "You look familiar?" When he tried to speak, he couldn't you frowned. "Oh uh sorry you might not be who I thought, are three okay, hurt or anything." James nodded stepping forward, but quickly fell forward. "You guys must really have been through something bad let's uh get you some clothes and cleaned." You led them up to the castle making sure they don't fall while walking.

James was in a bath, looking at the soapy bubbles in the water. "Hey now this is what i'm talkin' about." Steve said as he sat in a different tub and took a sip of the weird drink he was served. "What is this?" Steve asked.

"Champagne." A young servant named Peter about age nineteen or twenty replied. "So was it a shipwreck?"

"Yes horrible." Sam replied.

"Hmm, I'm sorry so where are you from?" The boy asked.

Sam, Steve, and James all looked at each other. "Sealantia James is the prince." Sam replied.

"The king will be delighted to hear this." Peter said.

All the mens brows furrowed. "Why?" Steve asked.

"The king wants the princess to marry a prince as soon as possible." Peter explained.

You sat in the dining hall with your father and Natasha. "Dad don't worry, they seem nice."

"You shouldn't be inviting strange men into the castle when you're supposed to be married." He reminded you.

The doors at the end opened, you looked up to see James, you stood and walked up. "Wow, um James your uh Handsome."

You sat at the table he sat next to you. "So James tell us about yourself."

"Father James lost his voice." You tell him.

"Um we're from a kingdom called, Sealantia, James is the prince, his father sent us out to sea for real world experience." Sam answered. "And I'm the royal advisor." James and Sam noticed how Steve was staring at the red haired girl sat on the left side of the king.

"Prince?" Your father looked at you across the table. Your jaw clenched of course. "You know, Y/n, perhaps our guest might enjoy seeing some of the sights of the kingdom. Something in the way of a tour?"

"I'm full, um I'll see you gentlemen later." You stood and left in a hurry, James eyes followed you out the door with a sad look on his face.

"Every goddamn time there is anything involved with a prince, He has to make it about marriage." You said with anger in your tone Wanda looking at you, the sound of the ocean crashing against rocks from your window.

"I know, but I saw how you looked at James when you brought him to the castle. Something was there." Wanda spoke.

"I mean can you blame me have you seen his eyes god their literally the color of the sea! And his long brown hair flows almost like waves." You exaggerate.

"So what you're telling me is it wouldn't be the worst thing if you were to marry James." Wanda assumed.

You looked at her. "No it wouldn't but you know." "Yes, I know about the mysterious man with the lovely voice." She nodded. 

A Siren's Love (The Little Mermaid AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن