Chapter One: Human Stuff

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You stood aboard your ship that's sailing across the ocean. Listening to the crew-mates talk about what could be in the ocean. "Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face a perfect day to be at sea!" You said with joy. As your dog barked beside you.

You turned to your royal advisor. She sat up looking sick as ever. "Oh yes...delightful." Then Natasha threw up again.

You helped one of the sails be pulled and tied. "King Triton must be in a good mood today with strong winds and the following sea." A sailor said to you.

"King Triton?" You asked.

"The ruler of the merpeople." The sailor told you.

You looked at him in confusion. "That's not who my father told me who ruled the waters."

"Who rules the waters then?" The man asked.

"His name actually is King George." You corrected.
The man scoffed. "Bull shit princess, that's what that is I've been at sea far longer than you."

Natasha scoffed at the both of you. "Merpeople, Princess Y/n don't pay attention to this nonsense."

"It's true I've seen Merpeople with my own eyes." One of the sailers argued, pointing a fish at Natasha. "I'm telling you down in the fathoms there is a kingdom of Merpeople."

All of the Merpeople swam to the castle where their ruler King George and his children lived. A little seahorse swam out. "His royal highness, King George!" He announced. Then King George came swimming out with his fin, everyone uploaded as he made fireworks with his triton. "And presenting the distinguished court composer, Horatio Thelonious Ignatius Crustaceous Sam!" The crab came out on a little chariot of a shell and goldfish.

"I'm looking forward to this, Sam." King George whispered to the crab.

Sam laughed. "Oh, Your Majesty, this will be the finest concert I have ever conducted. Your children they will be spectacular!"

"Yes, and especially James." George said.

The crab nod's to the king. "Yes, yes, he has the best voice." Sam rolled his eyes. "If only he'd show up for rehearsals once in a while." Sam mumbled to himself as he swam up to the podium.

George's children introduced themselves The fourth oldest after games introducing herself first in the song. "Sofia." Then the sixth one. "Melian." The fifth came next. "Winter." Then the youngest. "Rebecca." Then the third oldest. "Thomas." Then the second oldest. "Ruth."

"And then there's the oldest." They sang together. "We're here to present him to you, our brother Jam..." They got cut off when the oldest wasn't there.

"James!" King George yelled.

Bucky swam up to a wooden plank and looked at a ship he looked at in wonder. "Bucky wait for me." Steve a guppy fish called out.

"Steve hurry up." Bucky told his friend.

"You know I can't swim that fast." The fish complained.

"Right there." Bucky pointed at the wrecked ship. "Isn't it fantastic?"

"Uh...S-sure...I-it's great now can we leave and get out of here!" Steve yelled in a hushed tone.

"Ugh. You're not getting cold fins now?" Bucky asked his friend.

"M-me? No way!" Steve argued. "I-I just think that it would be better if we got back to Atlantica." The fish swam up to the prince.

Bucky looked through one of the windows and then up at his friend. "We're not going back especially when there's so much stuff we can find." The brown-haired prince shrugged. "Hey if you're too scared to come in...then you can keep a lookout for sharks while I go inside."

"Okay, yeah you go and I will stay and...Sharks!" Steve yelled following the prince threw

the window.

Bucky smiled. "See I knew you'd follow."

Steve rolled his eyes. "You're an ass hole you know."

"Thanks for that and language." The two of them went and looked around.

"Do you really think there are sharks around here?" Steve asked.

Bucky laughed. "No, I was just saying that so you'd come in here with me."

It went by peacefully until the fish screamed. "Ahhh Bucky!"

"Are you okay?" Bucky asked the fish. Then his friend pointed with one of his fins to a

skeleton. Bucky rolled his eye. "Things like that happen in these types of things."

"I wanna go back now." Steve demanded.

"Give me a few minutes." Bucky said with an irritated sigh. Bucky swam up through some of the broken wood and found a word glimmering thing it looked like a smaller version of his father's triton. "Have you seen anything like this in your entire life?" Bucky asked the fish.

"Yeah, your father's let's uh go." Steve rolled his eyes.

"Let's go talk to Tony about this." Bucky said. Then he swam and picked up another

thing. Bucky looked to his friend who continued to complain when the prince saw a huge shark behind his friend. "Steve slowly swim to me."

"What?" The fish asked.

"Swim slowly to me now." His friend told him

"Why?" Steve asked.

Bucky rolled his eyes. "Don't look behind you and swim to me slowly now."

Of course, the fish looked behind him and started screaming to doing the opposite of what the Merman told him to do. The two of them swam from the wreckage as the shark chased them, chewing everything in the process and destroying the ship even more. They swam through a window and the shark followed and it didn't help with all of Steve's screaming. Steve hit his head on a plank of wood making him sink Bucky swam through an anchor and caught the fish and the shark got stuck in the anchor as he tried to follow the two of them.

The fish and Merman swam to the surface of the water. "Tony." Bucky said.

"James, what do you need today?" The bird asked.

"Look what we found." Bucky said as he pulled out the shiny object.

The bird took it from his hand. "Human stuff again humm? It's a dinglehopper! Humans use these little straighten their hair out." Tony said with his feathers.

"A dinglehopper!" Bucky said happily, taking it back. Bucky then pulled out another thing.

"Now...that is...uh...a Snarfblat." Tony took it and blew on it a bunch of seaweed spurting out. "Now, the snarfblat dates back to prehistoric times, when humans used to sit around and stare at each other all day. Got very boring. So, they invented the snarfblat to make fine music."

Bucky's eyes widened. "Music...shit the concert dad's gonna murder me thanks, Tony."

Bucky ripped the snarfblat out of the bird's wings and swam down back into the ocean. Back to Atlantica but the two did notice they were being watched.

"Yeeeeeees, hurry home, hun. We wouldn't want to miss old daddy's celebration, now, would we? Huh! Celebration indeed." Agatha rolled her eyes. "Back in my day, we had feasted." Her tentacles rolled out from where she was sitting and she swam to her vanity. "Now look at me banished and exiled and to think I could be ruling all of the oceans. Boy's!" she called out to her eels. "Keep an eye on my little fish prince of a nephew." 

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