Operation I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W

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Naomi's pov...

" Welcome Mrs Uno, we hope you find this place quite comfortable,". Today is the day i'm being interviewed for something they want to know about me...or something. I got a call this morning and the producers asked me my first name and last name and well..since i told them..here i am. I hope whatever this is doesn't waste my time, i have really important business to do later on today, but in other words i have a 9pm schedule that's due today so they'll kind of have to make this quick.  As i walked inside of the almost half empty room i was met with a green couch, sitting in the middle of the floor. Holding my posture i deeply sighed and headed closer to the couch. " Am i supposed to sit here?," i asked, slightly pointing towards the couch,  " Yes ma'am,"  the producer calmly said. As i sat down on the couch i crossed my left leg over my right leg and decided to at least get comfortable. I stared at my fingers play with each other as the producer behind the camera started to ask some questions. " Mrs Uno it's a pleasure for you to be here, thank you for coming," he said. " You're welcome," i finished. " Anyway's, it must be obvious why we called you to be here  on such short notice," he said. My eyebrows furrowed in response. I had no idea why i was here, let alone why they called me in the first place. For all we should know is that i'm here to figure out what any of this is about in particular. I slowly fixed my posture and blinked a little. " N-No, i have no idea why im here or why you called me in general," i said, earning a small nod from the man who was sitting in front of me.

" Right, i am so sorry ma'am," he said, causing me to slowly shake my head in response. " We didn't have a chance to tell you so...," he looked through his papers and cleared his throat. " Let's start over shall we?," he asked. " Ok," i said, slightly looking to the other side. " So," he started, sitting up in a more firmer posture. " First tell me your name and how old you are" he said. " I-," i furrowed my eyebrows and looked back down at my intertwining fingers . " My name is Naomi Uno....and i'm 27 years old and i've been traveling from place to place, mainly because i own my own business across Atlanta and it takes a few days to go from one place to another sometimes.... ya know?," i asked, slowly smiling in nervousness.  " Right," he said, softly smiling back. " Here it says you and your brother were agents for a secret organization called the Codename: Kids next door," he explained. I raised my eyebrow in response. " Codename: kids next what again?," i asked, slightly leaning forward to hear him a little  better. " Um Codename: Kids next door, Ms Uno," he said. I slightly leaned back, trying to wonder what this " Codename: Kids next door"  is supposed to be. " Codename: kids next door," i said, slightly thinking.  I thought for a moment until i slightly shrugged. " Uh...maybe me and Nigel just had a big imagination because i don't remember any of that," i said, slightly shrugging my shoulders. " Well that's because you were decommissioned, ma'am," he said. " I was what now?," i asked, becoming more confused as ever. " You were decommissioned ma'am," he repeated again.

In response i slowly looked to the side.  Since when have i ever been a agent or...what was it called again? Decommissioned? Those days must've been a child's imagination because i don't remember any of that ever happening throughout my childhood. At that moment i had a feeling that this man must have the wrong person. So to get rid of the awkwardness i decided that it was time for me to leave." You must have the wrong person because i was never an\ agent when i was a kid," i said, slightly standing up so i could leave. " No.... ma'am, please hear me out," he said, slightly begging for me to stay. In response i slowly sat back down to hear whatever nonsense lies he had in stock for me.

'" We have a thing called recommissioning, even though we don't have the machine at the moment we can temporarily bring back your memories," he explained. " Mmmhmm," i said, raising my eyebrow in disbelief. " No, ma'am it's true," he said. " Really?," i slightly asked. " Yes ma'am, if only you'd give us a chance we can make this work," he said. In response i started to think. If this man is telling the truth and he could bring back those...memories  than it wouldn't hurt to at least stay and see where this goes. " Ok," i said, crossing my arms. " Then prove it," i said, becoming curious. " Alright," he said, putting his reading glasses on. He looked at the papers he was holding in his hand and back at me with a firm look." Now here it says  you had some type  of disease called Alopecia...is that correct?," he asked. Once again i furrowed my eyebrows and cleared my throat. " You mean...when i was a child...right?," i asked, becoming curious. " Yes ma'am," he stated. " Oh," i said, slowly becoming silent.  " Can you tell us your experience during those times?," he asked.

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