(You've been studying in a co-ed system because I trusted you. Even after knowing that you're lying about your tuition and working in a radio, I didn't stop you. You never let me know whatever happened in the college farewell party, Daniyal dropped an unconscious you to Maham's place, later on he introduced himself to the principal as your fiance but I didn't stop you to go college.)
(Above all, even after knowing what you and Faraz are holding in your hearts I hadn't been restless because I had believed that you won't take any wrong step, what more could I do to trust you?)

"Wh... What? Fa... Faraz? Pa..." She was gathering some courage to deny but Anwar gave a cold look. "I don't want to bring up that topic, but the thing is, I trusted you every time." cat got her tongue, she didn't lift her eyes for the next few minutes, there was no ounce of courage left with her to say something yet her meal voice manager to come out.

"In the farewell party I was feeling dizzy and unwell so I was supposed to call you but since I wasn't able to see any clearly I dialled Deni's number by mistake, and I'm glad that he came on right time. He introduced himself as my fiance to put those fingers down who could point me out characterless for having a boyfriend. And..." Shifa took a pause, she was still unable to lift her gaze in front of her father. "And if it comes to Faraz, there was nothing in between us, I never talked to him, I never did anything which could disrespect you." Shifa's voice was low but full of confidence because she was not guilty, she wasn't even lying.

"I know, that's why I'm saying that I have been trusting you!" Shifa took a deep breath, Anwar for sure didn't know whole story about Faraz's DP and all, yet it's more than enough for Shifa to know that her father trusted her.

"If you trust me so much then why were you so strict towards me? You hold a different rulebook for me, would you do the same if I were your own blood and flesh?"

"Perhaps!" Anwar shrugged. "I trust you Shifa, but I don't trust others! And you're such an emotional fool girl. Since childhood you're so dumb, you believe on whatever you listen to. You trust everyone, you don't have your own opinion, you don't know how to take a stand for yourself... I was afraid and I still am afraid for you. You can make any dumb decision at any time without thinking twice. I was strict towards you because you could become anyone's prey after trusting him blindly." Anwar's eyes showed a moderate amount of anger but Shifa shook her head.

"You're wrong papa, I am not a fool. I don't trust people easily, that's why I don't even have friends."

"You don't have friends because you don't have confidence to put your opinion, you don't have friends because you don't like to talk to new people and you live in your own circle but if you start to trust a person you become blind, I was afraid that you could start to trust a wrong person," Anwar was clearing his intentions for the first time and Shifa was seeing the other side of the coin. Till now, there was a dark side of Anwar but today she got to know that it could be the brighter side of him if he was not so secretive towards his thoughts and opinions.

"You could talk to me regarding all these things, you could politely correct my ways but you made me feel homesick in this home." Shifa's eyes filled with tears and Anwar again kept watching her for next few minutes then only lifted his hand and caressed Shifa's head.

"I just wanted to save you from problems. I never thought of doing anything wrong with you. Maybe I don't know how to be a good father, Hamdan also has a complaint that I never give him space to share his personal matters... Maybe I was outdated in the world of modern-day parenting but I have given my best to three of you."

"You could be the best father and you still can, of you start smiling instead of showing your anger." Shifa muttered with a fearful heart, she was prepared to get another scolding from Anwar but he gave a small smile in reply. "Why you need me to trust you? Should we back to the topic?" He asked and Shifa nodded

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