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I can't help but worry about the consequences of moving in with Kristen. Reid's out there and after me. He won't hesitate to hurt her if she gets in the way.

When we get to her place, we move the boxes into the cafe as fast as possible. Of course the one day where I have to carry a dozen boxes inside it has to be -20°C. Just my luck.

When everything is inside, she heads towards the staircase. I'm  nervous about accending them. I knew deep down that once I head up there, there will be no going back.

My problems, the threats and the dangers that are associated with me will be on her back too if I do this.

I wish I was a better person. Someone that put others before himself but I'm not. I'm selfish. I go upstairs.

Her apartment is really different from mine. Hers had more or an old fashion kind of look. It grasped the character of Montreal.

The exterior walls were red brick. And the floor was a light stained wood. On the ceiling you could see the huge beams that supported the roof.

When you walk through the door, you're in the kitchen. Its really tiny. A counter lines the wall as well as the appliances and cabinets which are both white. A little round glass table sits in the middle of the room.

The kitchen opens up into the living room. A fuzzy carpet lays on the floor and a couch, coffee table and TV furnish the room.

Small lamps rest on tables and shelves around the two rooms. For now, as I enter her living space, these two rooms are all that I see. Its different from what I'm used to, but I like it.

"I'll have a key made tomorrow or something so you can get in. For now I guess we should bring the boxes up" she suggest.

I'm at a loss for words so I simply nod.

Back and fourth we bring the boxes upstairs and set them down wherever there's room. We work quite efficiently and finish fast.

"Here, let me show you your room." She guides me down a hall and into a room off to the left.

Like the rest of the apartment, my new room is quite small. The two walls that aren't brick are plain white and the only furniture is a small bed stand and the bed of course.

"I've somewhat neglected this room. I've never had a use for it. Luckily for you, you have a clean slate to make your own" she says.

I turn to look at her and this time, it my eyes that are gonna be hard to look at.

"Kristen... This is.... Genuinly the nicest thing anyone has done for me." My words stutter as a speak them

"Don't mention it" she says. She walks towards the window.

"I never noticed how nice the view is from this windows" she says as she approaches it.

I join her by the window and we stand in silence. The view is truely amazing. But its not like one of those professional photos that you'll see in magazines. Those pictures only show you the rich parts of the city. But this view, it reminds me of a tumblr photo. It shows the dark alleys and the trashier parts to Montreal as well as the architectural monuments.

I break the silence. "I should probably move my things in here so you can have your living room back ha." I run my fingers though my hair.

"Yea probably a good idea. I'm gonna be in the cafe. Feel free to the fridge if you get hungry." She smiles before leaving me alone.

* * *

I empty as many of my clothes into the closet but not all of it will fit. Shit this room is small. There's no place for my books either so I shove everything thing else under the bed.

I can't help my curiosity so I look around my new home. The bathroom is across the hall from my room. It only has a tube, no shower. Well that's gonna be awful.

I know Kristen doesn't sleep on the roof but I cant find another bedroom. There's no other doors that would lead to her room.

Its not until I'm walking back to my room that I notice a string hanging from the ceiling at the end of the hall. An attic?

Maybe I'm being nosey but I don't really care. I pull on the string and a ladder immerges from the ceiling. I climb it.

My guess is proven to be correct. Kris' room is an attic, a beautiful one too. Her furnishings are white and her linens are pastels. The room is gigantic.

It seems that as well as it being her bedroom, it's a lounge type area too. She has book shelfs pushed up against the walls and a sofa and a desk area in front of the normal sized window.

I want to look around more but I know its wrong of me. I decide to make dinner to thank Kristen.

I spend the next hour making a thick crust pizza from scratch. I set everything up real nice in the living room. I hope she likes it.

As I wash the dishes I can faintly hear her soft voice speaking and laughing from downstairs. She really is a treasure.

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I dry my dry my hands and answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey Styles, just wanted to let you know that Louis' doing great, he's not dead or anything...yet. Maybe I'll let him be for awhile since the cops are on my case about that whole trying to kill him thing. But that girl you were with, she looks like a perfect new target." The line goes dead and my heart stops beating.


Author's note

So sorry for not updating! Been busy and my account wasn't working for awhile. Also I'm going away today so I won't update for the next few days. All the love

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