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I spent the rest of the night searching for jobs online. I had no luck. Frankly, I am unqualified for any job that would pay enough to live off of. Having a criminal record doesn't help either.

Before I know it, its morning and I'm more exhausted then ever. I decide to have a quick shower to try and wake myself up. I turn the water on and step in. "What the fuck!!" I practically run out from under the stream of water. It was ice cold!!

Plank must have shut my hot water off. Awesome. Now I really need to get out of this place. If I wasn't wake before that ice bath, I am now.

I grab my coat and head out again. That skinny brunette girl from that cafe crosses my mind. I head there.

When I push the door open, I spot her descending the staircase that I suppose leads to an upstairs apartment. She walks to behind the counter and puts an apron on.

"Morning what can I get yah?" She asks me.

"Coffee, black please".

"You were here yesterday right? Found a liking for this place aye?" she asks as she turns the coffee machines on. "It'll take a minute, why don't you sit".

I smiled and sat myself at a table. Even her voice sounds beautiful.

I pattered my fingers on the table. We were the only ones here. I could talk to her. "So do you run this place?"

She was placing little napkins on every table when turned to look at me. "Yea, I started it a few years ago."

"...Are you looking for any help?" I had to ask her, I needed a job and I liked it here and her.

"Not particularly but I would consider." She walked towards me and sat on the edge of the table. It was then that I noticed how long her hair was. It was touching the table top.

"Is that a yes?" I glanced up at her from my chair. I felt small with her sitting above me. She had such an authority in the room. She has such authority over me.

"Well?" I push.

"Hmmm" she leans in closer to my ear. I can feel her breath on my cheek. "I don't know. Why would someone like you want to work in a cafe?" She pulls away and smiles.

"Sounds to me like you want to know all my secrets."

"Maybe I do" she chuckles. Her laugh is sweet. Its compelling.

"Well hire me and maybe you'll find them out" I stammer.

She looks me dead in the eye before slipping off the table and walking to the counter. I can't help but notice a little more hop in her step. She bends down and grabs a green apron and throws it across the room to me.

* * *

Her name was Kristen. I read it off the name tag on her shirt.

Because she hired me, she decided to keep the store open at night and have me work the night shift.

I was to start the next day. My financial problem was slowly coming to a halt but my residential problem was only getting bigger. I still had no idea where I'd live after my time was up.

On my way home to my beautiful apartment, I stopped at the dollar store to buy a couple card board boxes.

When I arrived home, I saw that the door to my apartment was open. Shit!

I quietly approached the door. I started to open the door wider. Of course the hinges had to screech. A man sat poised on my one of my bar stoles.

His back was to me. He has several bottles of beer spread out on the island.

The man was slim yet fit. Tattoos cover his arms and his hair is slightly disheveled. I knew who he was before he turned to face me.

"Why are you drinking my beer without me Louis?" I called at the drunk boy.

Disarray. Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now