Why Did It Have To Be Me?

Start from the beginning

Tony turned to Donna with his eyebrows raised. "And which one of those am I, Young lady?" Donna stared at her father wide-eyed, "Um, you see. I-I wasn't, um, thinking, uh, about you at t-the time-" Donna stopped seeing her father staring at her with nothing but amusement in his eyes. "YOU!" She pointed her finger at her father, and he laughed before noticing her standing up. He quickly stood up too. "You have a five-second headstart. One! Two!" Tony started running. "Three! Four! Five!" With that, Donna bolted after Tony. They raced around the room as everyone cheered for Donna. "BETRAYAL!" Tony yelled, running past the other avengers, Donna hot on his heels. "WHOO! TACKLE HIM, DONNA!" Tanya and Rose cheered for her. Donna smirked at them. She then built up her speed and did exactly what they suggested. Donna tackled Tony to the floor, holding him down until he surrendered. "OKAY! OKAY! YOU WIN!" Donna moved off of Tony at those words. Tony started to get up, mumbling. "You always win." Donna swiftly turned back to him, making him slump back on the floor out of pure fear. Donna barked a laugh and walked back to her seat next to Bill, who stared at her in fear and admiration. She looked at everyone. "Shows over! Let's get back to watching." Tony slumped back down in his seat, Glaring at Clint when he laughed at him.

She finished as Bill grins, music starting in the background. "Like this?" He pushes her to sit on the boat, and Donna grunts in response.

"When you were lonely, you needed a man." He dropped to his knees, flexing his arm. Donna scoffs at the lyrics. "Someone to lean on-" He 'leans' on his boat only to fall, making Donna burst out laughing. "-Now I understand." He put his hat on and did a push-up. "That's only natural, but why did it have to be me?" He runs around Donna, who throws her hands up in exasperation. "Just like that, yes!"

Bill sits down next to Donna. "Night can be empty, and night can be cold" He put his arm around her shoulders. "So you were looking for someone to hold." Donna looks at his hand before shrugging it off and moving further down the boat. "That's only natural," He scooted over to Donna, making her laugh. "But why did it have to be me?" Bill tries to kiss Donna, who pushes his hand away and stands, putting her sunglasses on, holding her hand to her head in faked agony. "I was so lonesome. I was blue." She turns her back to Bill, making him stare at her ass (as a bisexual, I would do the same, respectfully, of course,)

"Hey! Watch those eyes!" Tony pointed at Bill, who would have been more intimidated if he hadn't just seen him get tackled by Donna. "Yes, sir." He nodded to Tony.

"I couldn't help it. it had to be you." She pretended to shoot him with a cupid's arrow. "And I-" She took her sunglasses off and slowly slid down to bill, who leaned in. "Always thought you knew the reason why." While Bill was trying to kiss her, she grabbed his captain's hat, laughing. A confused look passed over Bill's features before Donna pulled him to stand. "I only wanted a little love affair." They did a backwards high step (I don't know how to describe that dance move.) Donna turned so Bill's chest was to back, "But now I can see you are beginning to care." Bill dropped his hand to her ass, making her gasp and hit his hand off, climbing higher on the boat.

"What did I just say?" Tony looked at him. "Hey! Watch those eyes!" Bill repeated, using Ton's 'dad' voice. Tony rolled his eye.

"But baby! Believe me! It's better! To forget me!" She pulls Bill up and places the hat back on his head, she goes to move away, but Bill pulls her back into him, dipping her, making her yelp in surprise.

It then shows a passport with Harry's picture on it, the music still playing lightly in the background. "Your hair...It's shorter now." The same man as before pointed out. Harry looks at him, confused. "Well, yes. I had to cut it for work... I wonder, could you please hurry up a bit." The man just stared at him. "Uh, you see, I've followed a girl, all the way from Paris... She wrote me a note." He paused, smiling. "A very kind note... Saying good-bye. But when you've found the only girl you think you're ever gonna love, it's gotta be worth one more try. Don't you think?" The man stared at him before stamping his passport, muttering. "It's better short." The scene changed to Harry staring sadly at the water, "Men are the toys in the game that you play. When you get tired, you throw 'em away. That's only natural, but why did it have to be me?" He walked away disappointed.

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