chapter twelve

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Bats. Steve was being attacked by bats. He was struggling on the ground. You and Nancy hurried to his rescue but the creature did not want to let go of its chokehold around his neck. 

"(Y/N), behind you, watch out!" Eddie shouted.

You yelped as something struck your back.

"Oh my god, (Y/N)!" Robin finally managed to pull it off of you and pounded it to the ground for Nancy to put a stake in it. Steve had gotten free from his wrestle and was up on his feet again, slamming the bat to the ground before finally ripping its body in half. That seemed to be all of them. Nancy went to check on Steve. 

"How's your back?" Robin asked you. "Can I look?" She lifted your shirt up on your back enough to see the bite wounds.

"Oof." Eddie commented. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" 

"It's alright." You said under your breath. "Steve, how are you doing?" 

"I'm alright." He replied. You heard something chipper in the distance. More bats. They came to guard the gate. An entire swarm appeared out of the fog to join them. You felt a protective hand on your shoulder and figured it was Eddie.

"The woods, come on."

"Great, more running." Robin sighed before hurrying toward the trees. Your shirt was shifting over the wounds on your back, causing a throbbing pain. You clenched your jaw. You could only imagine the pain Steve was in right now. You hadn't processed anything about anything yet, there was no time for it, and you still wasn't sure if it was all just a dream or psychosis.

You were all hiding under this Upside Down world's Skull Rock. The echoing sound of the bats faded away and you finally dared to crouch out to the open. 

"That was close." Eddie's was slightly trembling when he came close to check on you again, "Too close." He said as he gave you a blameful but concerned glare. 

Nancy was helping Steve with his wounds and Robin was watching, leaving you two alone a few meters away.

"Did you get hurt?"

"No, I'm good. You, on the other hand," He grabbed your shoulders lightly to turn you around.

"It's fine, really." You insisted, but his cold hands still raised your shirt just barely up to your bra, careful not to make you feel uncomfortable but enough to expose the bitemarks. You flinched as he touched your back with one hand and held the fabric with the other. 

"Looks pretty nasty, (Y/N)."

You shook your head and reassured him, "It's fine, don't worry. It's barely bleeding." You spun around to face him again. You hoped he wouldn't notice you blushing but quickly saw that he was the one with vaguely flushed cheeks. 

"Barely bleeding? It-"

"You should be worrying about Steve, really." You reminded him. His eyes were still full of concern when you went on to say, "Damn, look where we are again."

"Heh. Skull Rock, huh." He said as he forced a weak smile. 

Steve groaned loudly in the background, catching your attention. You walked over to him to make sure he was doing okay. Nancy had dressed(?) the wound to stop the bleeding. 

"So, uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?" Eddie asked.

"Pretty much." Nancy replied and went on to explain how this entire world was built like a hivemind. Everything was connected. It was an exact copy of the real Hawkins but, like, very scary and without the people. Nancy apparently had guns in her house, so you decided that it was a good idea to go there and get them. 

"For your modesty, dude." Eddie had also noticed what was going on between Nancy and Steve, so he threw his denim vest to him to cover his bare upper body.

Without a warning the ground started shaking dramatically. The bunch of you instantly lost your balance and fell to the ground, you almost on top of Eddie. He grabbed you in his arms and you pressed against him, panting heavily by the sudden surprise. Some creature was snarling in the far distance. You and Eddie sat up, you still pressing against him. Again, not the right time to blush, (Y/N)!!

"So guns seem like a pretty good idea to me." He said. 

"Yeah, me too." Robin responded who had fallen just a few feet away from you. 

You rose to your feet and grabbed Eddie's hand to pull him up. "So what are we waiting for?" You helped Robin up as well and the two of you hurried to catch up to Nancy who was leading the way to her home.

Eddie and Steve kept a distance from you girls, walking together to talk privately. 

"So, you have been here before?"

"Yeah", Nancy and Robin tried to fill you in on what else you had missed. It was a lot

Another earthquake made you stagger and lean against a tree.

"Second on my list of least favorite things, earthquakes." Robin announced. "Seriously, I'm unsteady enough as it is."

You finally reached the Wheeler's house. Nancy, Robin and Eddie went upstairs whilst you and Steve stopped downstairs. 

"How are you holding up?" Steve asked.

"It's a lot."

"I think you're doing pretty amazing. You've adapted quickly to this madness, haha. I'm sorry we never said anything about Hawkins before."

"God, don't apologize. I'm glad you didn't, and I probably would've thought you and Robin were crazy, dude." 

Steve chuckled. "I'm glad we have you with us though, you're sharp and reliable, (Y/N)."

"I, uhm, understand your relationship with Nancy better. Everything you been through." 

He shrugged. "It is what it is. So you and Eddie, or? Totally thought he weren't your type." 

You snorted and looked at him, "Shut up, he's not."

"We had a deep talk on the way here. It's obvious he's- Wait. You hear that?" You both stood in silence for a moment before gasping. Was that Dustin's voice?! "DUSTIN!" Steve shouted. "Dustin!! Dustin!"

The others came running down the stairs to see Steve screaming with you standing next to him. 

"Dustin! Hello, can, can you hear me? Dustin!"

"Maybe he really does have rabies." Robin suggested.

 "He's here. Henderson. That little shit, he's here. He's like, in the walls or something-"

"We definitely heard his voice." You concurred. "Just, listen." 

You indeed heard his voice echo in the house. Nancy explained the way that Will had communicated through lights. Your eyes were automatically set on the lamp in the living room which had a vague glimmering ambience over it. You all walked over to it to touch.

"It... tickles." Steve said.

"It kinda feels good." Robin agreed. She was right, the tingly sensation did feel soothing. 

"Does anyone know morse code?" 

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