𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗺 || Chrollo x reader (P.1)

Start from the beginning

"What're you reading nowadays Y/N? Anything of interest?" From below the desk, Y/N responds. "I'm still reading about those ruins that were found on the Balsa Islands... the writing system they used is amazing, truly one of a kind."

Standing back up, Y/N catches a gentle smiling playing on Chrollo's lips. "What's that look for?" Y/N asks, a blush creeping up on their face.

"Oh nothing... it's just nice having someone to talk to about this stuff. None of my colleagues are interested in ancient literature, it's refreshing to be with you."

Y/N laughs, stepping around the desk to face Chrollo. "I could say the same. There aren't many people in York New City who even bother to visit that section of the library anymore. You're my one and only regular." Y/N proclaims, hand on their hip.

"Ah, before I forget, I came to return this..." Chrollo hands Y/N a book, their fingers brushing as he passes the book over. Both retract their hand quickly, Y/N playing it off.

"Thanks. Feel free to meander around the library, it's always nice to see you here." Y/N says as they walk back around the desk. "As much as I long to stay here forever with my dear bookworm, I'm afraid I must be going back to work. Until next time."

In his typical mysterious fashion, Y/N watches as Chrollo leaves the library, sure to appear again in a couple days. As Y/N goes to scan the book Chrollo gave them back into the system, a small piece of paper falls out of the pages.

Moving to pick it up off the floor, Y/N stares at the parchment with wide eyes.

Meet me at the York New harbor at eight sharp. I'll be waiting.

Yours truly
- Araneae

Staring at the familiar piece of parchment in their hand, Y/N connects the dots.

'Chrollo is Araneae!? Then there's no code... does araneae really mean spider... as in the Phantom Troupe!?'

A million questions running through their mind, Y/N sits in their desk chair, slowly spinning around as they think.

'If I go... what would happen? Would he rob me... murder me!?'

'No... it's Chrollo! He even donated all these texts... he can't be planning anything with malintent... right?'

Y/N deliberates the best course of action until they have to close the library at seven. The sunset reflecting on the tall glass buildings, Y/N makes their way home, walking with a sense of purpose.

'I need answers... I have no choice but to go! The harbor is pretty formal nowadays though... I should really change first.'

Taking half an hour to ready themself at home, Y/N internally prepares to face Chrollo, who they suspect to be a member of the notorious Phantom Troupe. Taking a taxi to the harbor,
Y/N nervously fiddles with the hem of their clothes as they wait until the clock strikes eight.

Y/N stands at the end of the harbor, looking out at the passing ships bathed in soft moonlight. Lost in thought, Y/N doesn't notice the presence behind them.

"I wasn't sure you'd actually come... you were always the cautious type of bookworm."

Y/N spins around to see Chrollo, his sharp features making their heart skip a beat despite the situation.

"Chrollo... or should I say Araneae... who are you?"

Chrollo steps closer to Y/N, placing his thumb under their chin, tilting their head up so he could look into their eyes. "Would you hate me... despise me... like the media tells you to?"

"What I hate is not having answers. Why do you think I turn to ancient history... it's to answer questions that recent events cannot!"

Chrollo chuckles, twirling a piece of Y/N's hair. "That's my bookworm for you... your curiosity knows no bounds. I yearn to quench your insatiable thirst for knowledge."

Y/N watches as Chrollo removes his blazer, revealing the mark of the Phantom Troupe.

"I'll ask again... Y/N, do you hate me? For bearing this mark?"

"I— I don't know..."

Y/N takes a step back, now dangerously close to the end of the harbor. Tripping over their own feet, Y/N tries to catch themself as they fall backwards. Before they realize, Chrollo has caught them, his hand gently caressing their back.

"Chrollo... I'm sorry. I—"

"No, don't worry. It was foolish of me to think some innocent librarian would want to be affiliated with the likes of me. Goodnight, Y/N."

Chrollo helps Y/N back on their feet and turns to leave. Y/N watches Chrollo's receding figure with tears in their eyes, knowing deep down what their heart wants, despite their brain telling them otherwise.

'I can't... I can't let him go! I'll be damned if he's a spider... I can't lose him, I have to listen to my heart for once!!'

Y/N starts to run down the harbor in Chrollo's direction, tears flowing down their face. "Chrollo! Chrollo please wait!"

Y/N yells desperately out to Chrollo, who does not turn around when he hears their desperate calls. Chrollo continues his nonchalant walk, subconsciously yearning for Y/N to catch him.

His heart drops as he feels Y/N grab his wrist, hearing their uneven breathing behind him. He spins around, taken aback to see Y/N profusely crying.

"Y/N... I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to upset you..." Chrollo is quick to wipe Y/N's tears away, his cool demeanor instantaneously melting away in their presence.

"Chrollo... I didn't mean to turn away. You're the only person I can speak to freely, the only person who understands me. You are a mystery to me, but that is just one more piece of knowledge I desire. Let me get to know you. I have presented myself to you as an open book for you to read, I can only hope with time that you can do the same for m—"

Unwilling to hear Y/N ramble on any longer, Chrollo leans into Y/N, connecting their lips to his own. Neither break the embrace, instead falling deeper into the kiss.

The two stand alone on the harbor, the ambience only adding to the feeling building up in both of their hearts.

"Y/N... I promise you I'll quench your thirst for knowledge... I'll strive to do so until the day I die. Now... would you like to go and meet my colleagues?"

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