Chapter 28

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Hannah's POV

I finished my song and hurried backstage. I rested my head on the wall, shut my eyes and took deep breaths. I had done well. I had not been all that nervous. The audience had cheered and applauded more than I had anticipated. A small smile of satisfaction made its way onto my lips.

I opened my eyes and noticed a figure looming over me with a huge grin spread across his face. I almost let out a scream but Glen smacked his hand over my mouth. After he was sure I wouldn't scream he removed it, not taking off his that stupid smirk from his face.

"Glen, I have asked you not to scare me like that a thousand times," I scolded, hitting him on his chest playfully. Glen caught my hand and pulled me to him. Our faces were inches apart and I could smell his intoxicating almond scent that made my legs go wobbly.

"Glen..." I whispered.

"Shh Hannah," he whispered back, pushing a strand of hair from my face. His fingers grazed my cheeks caringly. My heart thudded at his touch and I felt like an entire power plant was inside me. If my throat was not dry from all the singing, it definitely was now.

"Your voice... it's so beautiful," he muttered, playing with my hands absentmindedly. My breath hitched as the words rolled off his tongue. He found my voice, I repeat, my voice, I repeat again, my freaking voice beautiful.

"Yeah?" I asked, foolishly.

"Yes, Hannah," he responded, looking into my eyes.

"Th... thanks," I said. The closeness between us was making it difficult for me to speak. It wasn't uncomfortable, it was just making my mind work differently and I was scared as hell. But I still didn't push him away. A part of me, much to my disappointment, was enjoying it. I could hear a girl singing from a distance but other than that it was just our breaths.

"When is your turn?" I asked to break the silence.

"I am next,"

"Are you nervous?"

"Right now? Yes,"

"It will be okay. I thought I would screw up too but I guess I didn't,"

"Who said you didn't?" Glen asked, the smirk back on his face.

"Glen!" I exclaimed, pushing him away. He laughed until I joined him too. We were interrupted by the host calling out his name.

"All the best," I encouraged him.

"You will be watching me right?" I nodded and gave him a slight push. He walked onto the stage as I hurried my way down into the audience. He looked at me and I gave him a thumbs up. He smiled and steadied his guitar on his lap, taking in a deep breath before he started singing.

When your looks don't work like they used to before

And I can't sweep you off of your feet

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks

And darling I will be loving you 'til we're 70

And baby my heart could still fall as hard at 23

And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways

Maybe just the touch of a hand

Oh me I fall in love with you every single day

And I just wanna tell you I am

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