Chapter 23

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Hannah’s POV

My jaw hit the floor as the scene unfolded in front of my eyes. In front of me was, my Dad running behind my Mom. She was screaming like a kid when he is chased by a dog. I noticed my Dad had his hands full of white powder. Flour! If it wasn’t for their familiar faces, I would have definitely though I had entered the wrong house.

Dad had caught Mom and was rubbing flour on her face. Mom was giggling hard asking him to stop. Did I ever say that I was immature? Guess I was wrong.

 “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?” I yelled. Both my parents jumped at my voice and straightened themselves.

“Sweetheart! We didn’t see you there,” Dad said awkwardly.

“Of course you did not, Dad. What is all this?” I demanded.

“Hannah dear, we were planning on baking something and….”

“And… both of you ended up smudging the ingredients on each other’s face,” I cut off Mom’s excuse.  Trust me, it was all too cute but I could in no way show it to them. They both were looking at their feet in shame. I almost felt like giving up my act.

“How did the two of you end up falling in love again?” I asked, slipping onto the couch.

“Hannah, you have heard it so many times,” Mom said. She was right. I had listened to it more than twenty times but never got tired. It was my favourite story.

“Who do you want to narrate it to you?” Mom asked, like always.

“Both of you,” I replied, as always.

“Martha and I were both in the first year of college. Your Mother was a hotel management student and a hot, beautiful, popular prankster and I, a medical student which basically meant a geek, studious, boring, not so famous student. It was next to impossible for the two of us to cross each other’s paths,” Dad narrated.

“But we did. It was during a college expedition. We were going mountain climbing. My friends and I as usual had come up with a mind blowing prank to be played on the geeks. When the professors were too busy dictating the rules, we sprayed oil all over the lower area of the mountain since the medical students were supposed to initiate the climbing,” Mom continued.

“Unfortunately for them, their entire prank backfired and they became the victims of their own joke. The professors decided to send your Mom’s group first since one of them had seen what had been done. All their protests went in vain. As they began climbing, many of them slipped and fell. It was a sight to watch. Everyone was laughing loudly at them. Martha was still climbing, not giving up even though she kept slipping off. That was the day I got attracted to her. Her courage and never-give-up attitude made me think of her differently. Her legs gave away and she fell down,”

“But Michael saved me. Not from the fall, but from major injuries. He was a student but knew his work like a professional does. Apart from a few broken bones, I was completely fine in a few weeks. I started spending more time with your Dad. I realised he had the same interior as his exterior. He spoke logically but he made me laugh too. He changed my perspective, my attitude. He changed me for the better. Your father, Hannah,” Mom said, looking at Dad fondly. Tears were pooling in my eyes and it was hard to stop. It always felt like I was listening to it for the first time. Their love was perfect, they were perfect.

“Gradually, we realised we were in love. She was the first to confess. I had never been this happy before. I had got the love of my life and the feeling is something indescribable. Two years after this, I mustered up the courage to propose her. She said yes. We were crying, laughing, kissing, and hugging. We were complete. We married and had the most wonderful child we could have ever asked for,” Dad concluded. I ran towards them, hugging them tight. The three of us stayed like that for a long time, not saying a word.

Their love was more than enough for me. I realised I didn’t need to regret over my past when I had got the most amazing parents in the whole wide world. My family. There were people who loved me for who I was, who cared for me. Dad, Mom, Danny, Kathy, Amy and Glen were there for me. I did not need to cry over useless pricks like Aaron. They were my strength and happiness. I needed them.

I had them.

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